Former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are emerging as the frontrunners for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. While Joe Biden continues to sleepwalk through his presidency, Republicans are focusing on the future. Who’s your pick? Trump, DeSantis, or someone else?
In a recent straw poll, DeSantis came out on top. However, Trump has topped many similar polls. What’s clear is that the moment is on the side of the GOP. Will Biden even run again?
Joe Biden struggles as gas prices and inflation continue to rise. Plus, some Senate Republicans are joining the Democrats on possible gun control legislation.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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I’m leaning towards Trump, but DeSantis would be great. A Trump/DeSantis ticket would be awesome. I just hope one of them wins.
I lean to destantis more than trump.. BUT IF push came to shove, i’d go for a 2nd trump term.
President Donald J. Trump already won a Second Term and anyone with a functioning brain and common sense know it . He gets 10 million more votes then he got in 2016 and still loses ? If you believe that one , I have a bridge in Brooklyn New York for sale ! Make me an offer !
Trump can only serve four more years. A Trump Desantis presidency would be great. It would be four years Desantis could use to get up to speed on how the Swamp works. Plus, the VPs office is worth a little more than the “bucket of warm spit” that it used to be.
DESANTIS. I want a younger, “Trump Lite” candidate. I don’t want to deal with four more years of Trump ego baggage. I’d rather he stay behind the scenes helping make things better in the media, etc.
Oh you poor thing ,you worry about how Trump Tweets and not about what he did wile in office ? It sounds like you are the one baggage and it is your true liberalism that is your baggage !
DeSantis! The GOP needs to move on, and needs a more youthful leader. DeSantis has executive experience in government, and is a military veteran. Will be a lot harder for the Dems to throw rocks at him.
DeSantis all the way. Trump can Campaign and raise money.
May the powers that be, bring these two together to put an end to fake everything! Trump/DeSantis 2024 and then BE in 2028 🙂
Now you are talking !
BE in 2028?? Who’s BE?
I really did love Trump and would not mind if he won… but I will be voting for DeSantis. President Trump comes with way too much baggage and hate from both sides… we don’t need another four years of investigations and fake impeachments.
DeSantis only because I don’t think I could stomach 4 years of drama drama drama that seems to follow Trump around. Without all of the drama I would choose Trump.
WHAT makes you think the leftists and their willing propaganda wing, won’t DO THE SAME TO DESANTIS as they did with trump?
Sometimes the best meal is a smorgasbord … how about… Trump/Desantis??? Then Desantis can go on from there for another 8 years!!!
I favor DeSantis because he goes to the same place policy wise as Trump, and while he antagonizes our natural lefty opponents nearly as much as Trump does, I do not think he alienates the middle the same way, which translates into better vote gathering. Also, I think DeSantis is a bit sharper and will not repeat the poor choices Trump made in composing his cabinet and bureaucracy. All-in-all, Ron DeSantis is a better choice for us hard-core conservatives.
HE’s also YOUNGER…