Bernie Sanders can’t even tell you how much his own healthcare plan will cost. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke at a Bernie Sanders rally and forgot one little thing, and President Trump’s defense team rips the Democrats’ case to shreds in the Senate impeachment trial. All that and more on today’s show!

Bernie Sanders now leads in the polling in both Iowa and New Hampshire. This must have the Democrat establishment going crazy. His far left plans are so outrageous, he can’t even put a price tag on them.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke at a Bernie Sanders rally while he was stuck in Washington for the Senate impeachment trial. During her speech, she forgot to mention one thing: Bernie Sanders’ name. Oops.

President Trump spoke at the March for Life — a first for a sitting president. Meanwhile, his defense team made their presentation on Saturday and tore up the entire Democrat case for impeachment.

Check out today’s show for all the details.

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