Americans are outraged that Joe Biden allowed a Chinese spy balloon to survey and monitor the entire country before it was shot down. Now, over the weekend, three unidentified flying objects were detected in controlled air and shot down. What is going on?
Joe Biden not only has a spy balloon issue, but he appears to have a UFO issue as well. No one on the Biden team is saying what was shot down or the countries of origin. Has Biden completely lost control of America’s airspace?
Baltimore schools are producing no students who can do math. Plus, New York City teachers who refused covid shots were flagged to the FBI.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Biden did not lose anything; he gave it away! We no longer have control on the ground, in the air or elsewhere. THIS is what Biden voters said they wanted.
Rome did not die a peaceful death, it was assassinated. The same is happening to us as we sit by and watch it happening. We may have time to save ourselves and our nation, as to if we do it is anyone’s guess. We do know government is NOT going to help. Far too many of our elected officials in BOTH political parties were more than willing to sell their soul and their country for money, power and votes.
Just what has Joe done to delay the deployment of our Trump created Space Force. If we do not have enough secret shuttle capacity to launch to take out the Chinese Satillites and they do have that capacity, then the Biden bought and paid for game of TREASON will have been completed, and the best investment in laundered money that any enemy of the USA could have invested in. Name one military thing Joe has touched since coming to office that has not depelted our capability to win the next wars? ,,,,Crickets
In four short years of bought, bribed and paid for Joe, the Chinese will gain 20 years of technology to use against the USA. All economic ties should have been cut with China, the minute the first COVID germ hit our shores.
inluminatuo on February 14, 2023
”…Just what has Joe done to delay the deployment of our Trump created Space Force. If we do not have enough secret shuttle capacity to launch to take out the Chinese Satillites…”
Sun Tzu
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War tags:
HE has no control over the space between his ears.. SO HOW WOULD he have control over our AIR SPACE?
Has Biden completely lost control of America’s airspace?
You can’t lose something you never had.
There is lots of evidence that Joe Biden has committed treason against the United States. Congress needs to impeach this guy now, and he should be convicted by the U.S. Senate, and then suffer the appropriate penalty for treason. Unfortunately, the communist (aka democrat) party will protect him.
What they should do, and what they can do, are totally different, unfortunately!
How this for a plan: Let the first one just go through and once across shoot it down cause it don’t matter anymore. What if we send others with nothing there just as a ruse for a more solid reason that the first was nothing but just as the latest ones – weather ballons. Yes, big guy you will be taken care of.
He’s lost control of the space between his ears.
democrat, socialist/communist, President, Joe Biden is only doing what his puppet masters tell him to do and say.
“Has Biden Lost Control Of US Airspace?” (copied from the article). The answer of course is YES. And he has lost control of EVERYTHING else. He is after all Slo Joe.
Does it bother anyone else that they are shooting objects out of the sky without having any idea what they’re shooting down? Not saying they shouldn’t be shot down, but my training is identify the target before you shot.
AND not worrying about where any MISSED MISSILES wind up landing!