Joe Biden, climate czar John Kerry, and others in the Biden administration are looking at artificially cooling the planet by blocking the sun’s rays. If this sounds incredibly dangerous and stupid to you, then you are not alone. This has to be one of the worst ideas in the history of ideas.
Known as solar radiation modification or solar geoengineering, the idea is to disperse particles into the atmosphere similar to how a volcanic eruption blocks out the sun. These climate radicals think they can control this process, and everything will work perfectly. What do you think?
AOC and other leftists have a meltdown over affirmative action. Plus, Pete Buttigieg takes heat for more travel delays.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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So Slo Joe gets his ideas from the Simpsons ?
God will not put up with this stupidity.
“God will not put up with this stupidity.”
Not forever he won’t.
Mark 13:29-33 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
The Day and Hour Unknown
32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
For democrat,Socialist,/ communist, President Joe Biden and family the sun may have already set upon them. And the finishing touch was when COCAIN was found in the WHITE HOUSE.
As for Climite czar, John Kerry, A Book ,” Unfit For Command,” tells his Sorry, STory.
This blocking the sun thing may be a fulfillment of Biblical prophesy if they pull it off. And Buttigieg said the truth for the first time in his life, “We can’t control the weather”. Blocking the sun won’t control the weather, but it will screw up the ecology if successful. Once done, how does the sun get unblocked when everything starts dying, which is what would happen?
”…Under the Biden plan, we would move technologically in reverse in our energy sources. America got rich by replacing windmills with coal plants, and now,”… 150 years later, Biden wants to replace coal with windmills.”
This idea counters the already limited benefit of solar panels, and also reduces the amount of CO2 that vegetation consumes due to decreased photosynthesis.
The stupid smart people are in charge, we need to change that, quickly.
150 Years ago wIndmills were deplaced with Fossel Fuel electeic Power plants Now democrat President Joe Biden wants to replace Fossel Fueldd piwer plants with Winsmills.” Author unknown.
So if they are pushing everyone to ‘go solar’, HOW will then, they charge anything if there’s NO SUN LIGHT?!
“If this sounds incredibly dangerous and stupid to you, then you are not alone.”
Keep in mind that we are dealing with two people who cannot see the light—pun intended. But they think they can play God. Why such people have to be on this Earth—they are nothing but a threat to the entire human race on every level. Their thinking is beyond left-field and their minds are totally corrupt. They border on insanity.
Ever since Kerry addressed that group of students several years ago and encouraged them to be stupid—the writing was on the wall.
Blocking the sun could cause something Similar to a nuclear winter. Are they that stupid ??? Plants needs the sun to survive cows eats.plants and we eat cows see how that works. It’s been said during a nuclear winter mankind doesn’t Survive.
Well, they are the party who supports “population control”.
Let’s see God save the queen , block the sun and he sold states secrets!! I think he has proven he is.unfit to be president.
” The writing is on the wall..” For all that wish to see it Demiocrats and Biden have placed America in last place.