Joe Biden snubbed Fox News during his disastrous press conference. Biden managed to call on all the major liberal networks thanks to his cheat sheet, but he left Fox News out of the line up. Fox News’ Peter Doocy fired back at White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki who failed, once again, to answer a direct question.
With everything that is happening regarding the border crisis, the Biden administration is going out of its way to protect Joe Biden from any questioning that isn’t strictly scripted and leftwing. Is this openness and transparency?
GOP senators visited the border, and the revelations are just disgusting. Plus, the Georgia legislature passed new election laws that have the Democrats in a meltdown.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Psaki is as big a joke as Biden the criminal. Biden circles back with his dementia so much, that he gets dizzy and he doesn’t know what he is doing. A selected list that Biden chooses from, to call on the Pravda News media only and Biden is given the questions ahead of time. Communism at its finest.
Makes you wonder, how little of a soul, Psaki has, to be USED like this..
Have you ever really studied this super plain broad’s face? A complete blank, void of any thought or emotion. She’s the perfect useful idiot for the senile idiot in charge.
NO.. i can’t stand looking at her.
There is a reason the White House could be considered the most high dollar ***** house/prostitution ring ever. Just look at the participants?
This Peesaki bimbo has a career in the NFL running interference for the quarterback. Sure hate to be her husband and ask a simple question like “Where are the car keys”. Of course her car can only drive in circles
I pity the fool that is her husband.
He’s probably a cardboard cut out.
She’s really married?
Well, seeing she married a DEM STAFFER, he’s already emasculated..
In 2010, Psaki married Greg Mecher, then chief of staff to Congressman Steve Driehaus. Later, Mecher served as chief of staff to Congressman Joe Kennedy. The couple met at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2006. They have two children.
The Communist Protection Program
DAMN NEAR every bill they’re pushing, is to PROTECT THE Commucrats.
Gotta circle back on that.
Maybe we could resurrect Tokyo Rose to fill this position of lies and propaganda? An Asian with a a hatred for America and its values is very appropriate in today’s communi .. .er . . “Democrat” party. The contempt for the United States, its freedoms, laws, military , way of life . .. mmm . . . .
Has there ever been a “13- minute” news hour?