Liz Cheney, a Republican who voted to impeach former President Trump, is back in the news. Given an opportunity to move on from Trump, Cheney continued to blast the former president which resulted in Cheney losing her GOP leadership position. Now, Cheney has accepted an invitation from Nancy Pelosi to sit on Pelosi’s January 6 select committee for more Trump bashing.
This move by Liz Cheney has drawn outrage from GOP House members. Republicans are supposed to receive their committee assignments from Republicans not Nancy Pelosi. What will Cheney do next?
The Supreme Court issues a big ruling for election integrity. Plus, a new study looks at the effectiveness of lockdowns.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Liz Cheney, when the people in Wyoming vote you out of office, you can get a job at the Clinton News Network aka The Communist News Network and you can bash Trump for the rest of your life! Liz, how do you spell the words “venomous snake”.
YOU are getting ahead of yourself there. YOU ASSUME the voters in Wyoming will vote her out.
NOTHING IS certain on that front.
Hate is a cancer of the soul—once it takes hold, it metastasizes at a phenomenal rate. It impairs clear thinking and good judgment and it is resistant to any speck of truth. These two bring that point home quite well.
Which makes one wonder. DO all Democrats become Soul-less.
OR IS IT because they are soul-less, that they are dems?
What is it going to take to convince the Congressional Republicans and the State of Wyoming voters to understand that Liz Cheney, is a RINO, really a Democrat traitor pretending to be a Republican. This RINO Liz Cheney should be stripped of all her Congressional authority until she can be voted OUT of office.
The dishonorable socialist Democrat Party revolves around and its philosophy is based on Control, Hate, Lies, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor and Liz Cheney fits right in with this disgraceful Democrat Party.
I’d love to know, HOW THAT Supposedly massively red state, EVER ELECTED A RINO In the first place?
OR did she start out as a republican, but BECAME A RINO later??
I believe that she, like most RINO’s, only declared them selves to be Republican to get into office. If they needed to be a socialist, they would just declare them selves democrat. Party means nothing to people like that. When they first show their true color to be blue, they should be stripped of party membership.
What would they do if they didn’t have TRUMP to lie about???
Flush Liz Cheney!
Cheney needs to be kicked out of the Republican party. She is a hateful, conniving , POS. As long as The Republican Party puts up with her and the other RINOs and DIRTs (Democraps in Republican Trousers) they can collectively Kiss My Donkey!!!
NOT just out of the GOP, but if i had my way, OUT OF THE NATION as a whole. ALONG WITH ALL her rino comrades.. Right after they publicly got STRIPPED OF their US citizenship.
What can you say about this pile of human excrement, that hasn’t already been said. Of course she’s honored to ‘join’ Pelosi in falsely attacking our president. What America hating communist wouldn’t ?!?
Another remnant from the worthless Jorge ‘Open Borders’ Boosh administration.
When I hear the name, Liz, I can’t help thinking, “… took an ax …” Now, I get a mental image of Lizzy holding an ax with red TRUMP written on the blade and an evil grin on her face. TDS hatred destroys the afflicted’s moral compass.
Great comfort knowing that the wolves are guarding the henhouse.
It is just possible that this is the first honest thing she has ever done, so give her some credit (along with a ticket out of the country).