It’s quite pathetic that MSNBC even exists as a network, having no other purpose than to promote a far left agenda. Luckily, their ratings stink, but it doesn’t change the fact that their hosts and guests have a far different view of America than most Americans. Chris Hayes is a perfect example. On this Memorial Day weekend, he couldn’t even bring himself to use the word “heroes” to describe fallen soliders.
Chris Hayes is someone you may not know. He is an MSNBC host and also the editor-at-large of the Nation, a far left publication. He also symbolizes the liberal elite and those who are out of touch with the lives, concerns, traditions, and values of ordinary Americans.
As reported by, during a weekend telecast, Hayes paused… he stumbled… why? Because it was just so hard to use the word hero. According to Hayes, doing so is “rhetorically proximate” to condoning more war.
Here’s what he had to say:
He doesn’t want to disrespect the memory of anyone who has fallen? He could have fooled me! He sure does a good job in the disrespect column. It’s amazing that it is so hard for him to get his words out. Why did MSNBC even bother doing a “Meaning of Memorial Day” segment anyway? Just look at their top banner during the segment. They have a series called “Lean Forward.” Barack Obama’s new campaign slogan is “Forward.” Come on.
As noted in the Huffington Post, Hayes’ other panelists had similar reservations about using the “H” word to describe fallen soldiers.
Hayes’ fellow panelists expressed similar discomfort. Linguist and columnist John McWhorter said that he would “almost rather not say ‘hero” and called the term “manipulative,” even if it was unintentionally so.
Hayes then said that, on the flip side, it could be seen as “noble” to join the military. “This is voluntary,” he said, adding that, though a “liberal caricature” like himself would not understand “submitting so totally to what the electorate or people in power are going to decide about using your body,” he saw valor in it.
The Nation’s Liliana Segura then chimed in, saying that “hero” is often used to paint wars in a “righteous” way.
“These wars in Iraq and Afghanistan … aren’t righteous wars,” she said. “We can’t be so afraid of criticizing a policy.”
Hayes has since issued an apology, saying, “I don’t think I lived up to the standards of rigor, respect and empathy for those affected by the issues we discuss that I’ve set for myself.”
These people just don’t get it. Sure, one can disagree with an administration’s policy. One can believe that we shouldn’t be going to war in a particular place. Memorial Day is NOT about that. It’s not about policy or location or timing or agenda. It is about the men and women who serve… who put it all on the line… and who give the ultimate sacrifice.
If someone has to stutter or stammer or has a problem understanding that concept, then he or she is the one with the problem. The person fighting to protect your rights to be an absolute idiot is the hero.
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