Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the media are in disarray as Americans reject the leftwing policies of CRT, open borders, school indoctrination, and more. From school board to city council elections, concerned citizen and parents are stepping forward to take America back.
Bobby Eberle was a recent guest on The Texas Backyard and discussed his experiences in politics and why the 2022 elections are so important. Find out how YOU can make a difference!
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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The phrase: “government of, by, and for the people” isn’t just a phrase—it is a reminder to the government as to how it is to conduct itself.
Babbling Biden, the Village Idiot, and the rest of the moronic dem-rat party have been in “disarray” since the day they took office. Anybody who thinks any dem-rat puts the country’s interests ahead of “the party” is either blind, stupid, or a combination of the two. Dem-rats care about the far left, lib-tard agenda, and gaining & retaining “power”, and NOTHING else. The interests and needs of “We, the People”, is secondary, if at all.
Democrat President, Joe Biden, ” Somewhere A Village Is Missing Their Idiot , ” Author Unknown
LETS hope this is not just a fly by night taking back of our nation…