Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with Al Sharpton and decided to play the race card. Imagine that! Harris said that she was worried about black voter turnout in the 2024 elections because of new GOP laws that make it “harder” to vote.
Of course, Kamala Harris is referring to voter ID laws which increase security and do NOT make it harder to vote. The Democrats, however, will continue to play the race card as long as people buy into it.
GOP contenders flock to the Iowa State Fair. Plus, Joe Biden is off on another vacation while Hawaii burns.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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These Dishonorable, woke, socialist Democrat Party’s phony anti-racist crusades or ANY crusade have little or nothing to do with protecting the civil rights or sensitivities of people of color or anybody and everything to do with the Democrats setting themselves up as their saviors. Their practice of patronizing groups cannot yield to the facts that the Democrat Party has a long history of racial discrimination. The Democrat Party’s is not defending the oppressed or the offended but about making themselves look wonderful with their latest destructive racial political Con.
IF anything, everything they do, is designed to KEEP BLACKS and other minorities DOWN!
I recall that Hillary Clinton once claimed Byrge who was a former KKK. Recruiter, was her Mentor and was a democrat too.If Berg was Hillary Clinton’s Mentor as claimed ” RULES FoR RADICALS must have been on her reading list as well.
” Vote Early, Vote often..” The only time the dead rise again, To VOTE.” The democrats believe.!
IF you don’t vote dem, you ain’t black!
Kamala Harris is either dumber than a pile of Rocks or she believes that the Colored Race and other minorities are because she thinks that the Welfare Rolls can’t go bankrupt no matter how many are on it. Logic should tell her that there has to be moe working-Class people payig into welfare than there are people drawing Welfare Checks no matter if the Government has the Printing Presses, The minorities are beginning to realize this and know that welfare isn’t going to be able to handle all the immigrants flooding across America’s Open Borders.
IMO ITS both she’s dumb, AND SHE thinks black voters are also dumb.
As A Author of a Book, Titled her new Book,” RACE TRUMPS MERIT.” by Heather Macdonald.
Way to go Camel toe. Now blacks are too stupid to find their way to a polling place. Very racist thing for her to say
If a white person had said this, the MEDIA WOULD be outraged at how “RACIST” it was. but since its HER, they are silent.
As a recenT book author titled her new book, Race TRUMPS MERIT. “
The same voting laws apply to whites as they do to the blacks, to the honest as well as the dishonest. Chuckleheaded Kamala let’s slip her real feeling for blacks, that she feels blacks to be mentally inadequate to fairly compete or complete a voting slip with whites, which probably just reflects her own fears of her own well-known inadequacies when competing with whites in area’s of competition where offerings of sex and skin color for power are prohibited. Guess what Kamala??..most black are not as dumb as our current person in charge of the border and can control their thoughts unlike your Veepless ability to control the entry of illegals and their illegalities what keep political criminals like you in power. Please do not go away angry, just go away period. Republicans are not the reason why it is just too hard for blacks to vote in America. If left up to Southern Democrats of the 1860s were it not for Republicans it would be too hard for blacks to vote period.
The Governor of New York and the Mayor Of New York are Democrats, Any Questions.?
New York Mobs rob Stores.
Anytime Al Sharpton is involved, race will become a central topic and reason for everything. The man is a racist. As for Kamala, she’s just dumb.
Have you ever wondered why Al Sharpton is not in prison??
Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton is in the headlines again, but not for Ferguson or
civil rights issues this time. A New York Times report says that the now svelte Reverend and
his for-profit businesses owe a chubby $4.5 million in state and federal taxes.
BECAUSE HEs a rabid demon-rat.. They don’t GO to prison. Only conservatives seem to now days.
Booker T. Washington had a reason that the Al Sharptons and others keep harping ,discrimination, Reparation, for Wrongs and injustices done to the Racial minorities, becaue it pays.!
It was once said about the dress of Al Sharpton, ” You Dress too much like -A Pimp.!”
The real ID law is a federal law where you must show id to get on a plane or enter into a federal building. States require ID to get welfare and food stamps.
Truth be told, US voting issue will be controversial until one person-one vote installed. This representative style (electoral college, Senate illogical process when small state with 50 people has as much power as state with 50 million people) must remain in place by “upper caste” in order to maintain status quo. This change is way, way down the road. Dominant caste must make it difficult for “anybody else” to get fair vote count. The way it’s been since inception of US. No different from the famous quote ” they know we needed that land, so it’s justified what we’re doing”. In other words, “At all costs some things must remain the same”. This issue not going away anytime soon.
Truth be told, US voting issue will be controversial until one person-one vote installed. This representative style (electoral college, Senate illogical process when small state with 50 people has as much power as state with 50 million people) must remain in place by “upper caste” in order to maintain status quo. This change is way, way down the road. Dominant caste must make it difficult for “anybody else” to get fair vote count. The way it’s been since inception of US. No different from the famous quote ” they know we needed that land, so it’s justified what we’re doing”. In other words, “At all costs some things must remain the same”. This issue not going away anytime soon. What we need is 2 party system with both more attuned to people and their needs. True Democratic governmental rule.