Elizabeth Warren’s main talking points of her life story are crumbling around her. The NBA is showing that its woke cultural takes a back seat to money and power, and the infamous impeachment whistleblower, who Adam Schiff loves so much, appears to have a history… of working with Democrats. All that and more on today’s show!
First, Warren pushed her Cherokee Indian story. We all saw what happened with that one. Her other big story that she has used over and over again on the campaign trail is that she was fired from her first teaching job, because she was pregnant. Now, that story seems to be unraveling too.
The NBA tries to be the “woke” sports league, with all of this outrage against conservative issues and stances on things like not calling team owners “owners,” because it might be offensive. All of that social justice warrior talk sure went out the window quickly when China complained.
Also, the impeachment whistleblower is not only a registered Democrat, but he also has close ties with one of the Democrats currently running for president! Check out today’s show for all the details.
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