Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to fall, but that’s not the only thing taking a dive. While on a beach vacation, Biden rode over to a group of reporters and onlookers and promptly fell off his bike.
Gas prices, inflations, and supply chain issues continue to plague Biden and his team, so the Biden Bike Fall couldn’t come at a worse time. The entire accident just reinforces Americans’ opinion that Biden isn’t up to the job.
New data put the crisis at America’s southern border in a new light. Plus, the governing body for international swimming has taken a big move for women’s sports.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Don’t put him on a motorcycle.
He could not even handle a tricycle,,,,,maybe more like a” Sit & Spin” for the over-aged. They made him a walkin bath tub for the whitehouse but he kept tripping over the first step and as usual, came out dirtier than when he got in.
The democrat padty and Their president, Joe Biden, if they don’t Comprehend that the whole country under their leadership is suffering is a sign that the democrat party really doesn’t really care about the American peoples suffering, ” Let them Eat Cake, ” as royality once said to the peasants.
Or in a 18 wheeler.
OR piloting a plane!