Al Sharpton gets taken to the woodshed at a House Judiciary Committee hearing for a host of disparaging comments from his past. The New York Times says their Kavanaugh story wasn’t “proven to be inaccurate,” and Elizabeth Warren wants to fight lobbying… by hiring a lobbyist. All that and more on today’s show!
The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Thursday on the subject of policing. Al Sharpton was one of the witnesses, and Rep. Matt Gaetz wasted no time in pointing out the hypocrisy of having bigoted and racist Sharpton give testimony. The exchange between the two was electric, and it showed that Al Sharpton will never change.
The New York Times continued its “damage control” tour as more employees and former employees appeared on talk shows to make the case that the Times is still a reputable publication. Ha… what a joke.
Elizabeth Warren told an audience this week that she was going to end lobbying as we know it. The very next day she went out and hired a lobbyist! Check out today’s show for all the details.
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