Actor Jim Carrey tweeted a hateful message on Saturday suggesting that Alabama’s governor should have been the victim of an abortion. And guess what? His tweet is still up there. DNA testing shows that some 30% of so-called “families” trying to cross the border are not even related, and Gibson’s Bakery fights back against charges of racism in the Oberlin College law suit.

How is this acceptable? Candace Owens at Turning Point USA had her Facebook account temporarily suspended for simply talking about the problems facing Black Americans. No hate speech. No incitement of violence. Nothing. Yet Jim Carrey tweeted about killing the governor of Alabama, and that is ok?

In a small pilot program in McAllen and El Paso, TX, DNA testing revealed that 30% of the adults arriving at the border with children (so-called “families”) are not even related to those children! Also, the trial continues for Gibson’s Bakery vs. Oberlin College. Will Oberlin pay the price for the leftwing views and actions? Check out today’s show for all the details.

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