It is a sad commentary on the state of America, when American patriotism is considered triggering or offensive. Children and students should be taught to love this country, but the left knows that America can only be defeated from within.
Radical leftists are bent on bringing America down and one strategy is to make displays of American patriotism offensive or taboo. People are being shamed for displaying an American flag, but fortunately, more and more Americans are saying enough is enough.
Joe Biden blatantly lies about inflation. Plus, former President Trump draws an incredible crowd in New Jersey.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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#1. How much proof does anyone need to see that the Democrat Party Hates the U.S.A. and will do ANYTHING in the attempt to destroy our great country.
#2. Why do so many U.S. citizens support the Democrat Party when even a complete idiot can see that the Democrat Party is destructive to our country and our citizens.
This Treasonous, dishonest, destructive, woke, immoral, Socialist Democrat Party’s and their Democrat RINOs objective is to deliberately lie, cheat and steal. To disregard the U.S. Constitution and our laws, in order to take total control of the American people by restricting U.S. citizens their constitutional rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech. Stopping oil production, increase Spending, Taxes and the inflation cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees and to promote Socialism, enforced by their political DOJ, their FBI Gestapo and IRS.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
No matter the costs to the people, the government, or the nation.
This treasonous, destructive, immoral, unethical, lying, woke, socialist Democrat Party, their Democrat RINOs and their treasonous, corrupt, obedient sock-puppet president Joe Barack OBiden’s administration has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
Come on now Scruffy and tell us what you really think… 8)
THat’s Scruffy being POLITE.
AND a lot of this hate, is TAUGHT IN OUR Bloody schools…
It’s time for us to have our own government and let them have theirs. All republicans states needs to leave the union and Reinstate Law and order