Republican Glenn Youngkin stunned Democrats and the leftwing media by beating Terry McAuliffe in the race to be the next governor of Virginia. Youngkin ran a strong campaign focused on education, taxes, funding the police, and the economy. The leftwing media had a meltdown on election night while trying to figure out how McAuliffe could possibly lose.
CNN, MSNBC, and other media outlets were in shock as Youngkin pulled out the win. CNN commentator Van Jones said Youngkin was the “delta variant of Trumpism,” while MSNBC hosts claimed that Youngkin was stoking a culture war with untrue claims about critical race theory. Trumpism and racism were the only reasons the left could find to explain what happened.
Issues and turnout played key roles in Youngkin’s victory. Plus, the leftwing media had an absolute meltdown as the results poured in.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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They’re shocked that the election fraud machine and mechanisms could …NOT… keep up with the out rage of the voters.
Exactly. JUST like we saw them steal things in CA for newsom’s recall election, i feared they’d STEAL THESE elections.. SOME they still seemed to pull through on, but only just.
LETS HOPE this means that their fraud machine WON’T be able to steal things in 2022.
one plain as day bigot and one plain as day woMAN who should listen to what comes out of there mouths then
maybe they would see how hypacritical and ludicris they sound.
they hate america they hate white people and they hate god.
2 Days after Halloween the Democrats were still running their scary carved up pumpkins,,,we ran our intact Youngkin, a whole man of integrity whose smiles were not manufactured or frozen upon his face. Like a lit-up Jacko lantern whose lit candle eventually just melts down and goes out. I never once heard Youngkin say “ I better check back with my handlers (the media) or I might get into trouble” before answering cogent questions that got cogent answers. He faced the trouble head on walking directly into the media maelstrom that itself got blown up in their own manufactured media whirlwinds of deception.
She may be biologically female, but in NO WAY IS that, thing, a woman.
“The leftwing media had a meltdown on election night while trying to figure out how McAuliffe could possibly lose.”
#1. This traitorous, socialist Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
#2. The people are waking up to this deadly traitorous, socialist Democrat Party and their LIES!
#3. Everything this treasonous Democrat Party has done in the last year
has been AGAINST our country.
The dishonorable socialist Democrat Party revolves around and its philosophy is based on Total Control, Hate, Lies, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor.
Socialist democrats are willing to destroy themselves and everyone around them before they will agree to compromise their failed policies and their destructive self-fabricated beliefs.
When we elect representatives like Obama, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, AOC and Nancy Pelosi who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you got to ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity or to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens?
Pity their “Melt down”, is only FIGURATIVELY.. And they were NOT REALLY melting into puddles of puss.
Here is critical race reality in a nutshell: The liberals are racists, they are communists and they are morally depraved.
I’m loving it all!!!!! 2022 is going to be a DOOZY!!!!!!
I’m STILL waiting for Rachel Maddow’s PROOF of Trump/Russia collusion (remember how many times we were told that they HAD THE PROOF?)!
These people (Liberal/Socialist/Communist/Marxist) radical Democrats just can’t understand how (or WHY) WE, THE PEOPLE, could possibly NOT agree with our rights being taken away from us (to be replaced by THEIR dictates)!
So as we can see the hate for America and every American comes in all colors but from only one party.
AND gee wiss, its the SAME party that hated on the US Troops in the 70s, that created the KKK, to keep blacks down, and voted AGAINST the civil rights act in the 60s…
“The leftwing media had a meltdown on election night while trying to figure out how McAuliffe could possibly lose.”
Yeah, Media—the Left is so beloved and cherished by us citizens—how could such a thing possibly happen? With closed minds and hardened hearts—you’ll never get it.
What SHOULD be shocking, on the one hand, is that an a** like McAuliffe got 1-1/2 million votes—more than any other Democrat candidate in previous Virginia voting history. On the other hand—it shows just how many stupid voters there are who are simply mesmerized and shackled by the letter “D”. They do not think for themselves—they do not comprehend the issues—they lap up whatever propaganda the Left throws at them and accept it as gospel. Mindless voting robots.
One of my navy sisters, still living out there (Dam neck/little creak), said her ENTIRE family (three brothers, one sister, and mother) ALL Vote straight D ticket “because that’s how we have always done things”.. NOT A SINGLE ONE seems to ever think for themselves, and i am not so sure, they ever WILL…
SHe is royally irked, because of it, since two of her bothers found out she voted for younkin and are already talking about NOT INVITING HER OVER FOR any more family gatherings…..
Isn’t it a shame, Ituser, that even one’s own family is willing to alienate because another family member is doing what they think is right? Liberals poison people’s minds to such an extent that even family members will turn on one another.
And unlike co=workers/so-called friends etc, you can’t just ‘cut off family’, so easily.
Awww, the left had a meltdown. Too bad that isn’t something we could watch, all of them, actually melting down. What a world!!
Thats why every time i hear someone make the claim “This will cause their heads to explode”, i’ve kept hoping it REALLY WOULD explode… AND could do so, live on camera.