Republicans aren’t the only ones fed up with Joe Biden’s open borders policy which has led to a border crisis of historic proportions. Now, the Democrat mayor of El Paso, Texas has declared a state of emergency as the city experiences thousand of illegal border crossings per day.
The border surge is driven by Biden’s refusal to secure the border and the upcoming end of Title 42, which allowed for immediate expulsion of migrants due to COVID concerns. How much longer can America go on with no border security at all?
The Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz throws a fit over being suspended from Twitter. Plus, Kevin McCarthy fights for the House speakership.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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With the loss of our American borders and sovereignty, we have all lived long enough to see the destruction of a once Great America in the unearned redistribution of hard-earned American freedoms and wealth by a Democrat party no longer satisfied with dishonest redistribution of American wealth and individual American exceptionalism from successful Americans to the poor of this country, but now seek to do it on a worldwide level unimagined by even the likes of an aspiring Marx or Lenin. Enter the coming technologically empowered age of their disempowering socially indoctrinated American educated and internationally illegally imported useful idiots, who believe any and all imaginary border realities put forth by the creators of the modern day evil empire dark lord Secular Socialist Siths of their maniacal media, who seek, and now promote first our national destruction, then planetary destruction, contaminated from within, that which they could never overcome from without. The only thing they are missing is an actual death star, preferring to kill by the death cuts of a thousand stolen taxes, social benefits, laws and elections.
Biden is the biggest domestic threat to this country and he needs to be removed from office.. I’m on board for whatever means gets the job done.
Strange now its AFFECTING THEM, its NOW all of a sudden a problem. BUT IT WASN’T before!