Republican in name only (RINO) Joe Biden supporter John Kasich denounced the Texas lawsuit brought before the Supreme Court against Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Kasich said the attorneys general who support this effort to examine election fraud are “morally and ethically bankrupt.” Kasich agreed with CNN host Don Lemon that the legal challenges represent a “threat” to America. Do you agree? Tune in to hear Kasich’s comments!
Kasich appeared on CNN with host Don Lemon who said these legal challenges remind him of the “Red Scare” during the Soviet era. Seriously?
President Trump and 18 other states have stepped forward to join the Texas case. Plus, now the media have decided to cover the Hunter Biden story.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Well… if that’s not the excrement calling the toilet filthy. Just shut up, go away and count your money you got by selling out the country to the rest of the world, you useless government leech.
More and more, Thanos’s solution, of using the infinity gauntlet, to SNAP OUT 50% of society, is looking like we need to do. SNAP EVERY ******* leftists, communist, marxist, anarchist, and COWARDLY JUDGE out of existence.. INCLUDING THE COWARDS in the scotus!
“Don Lemon that the legal challenges represent a “threat” to America.”
The Left ALWAYS feels threatened by the law, that is why they are constantly working to subvert it.
They are only hoping all the people are stupid enough, all the time, to let them
Think again!
Thing is, they KEEP GETTING proved, that a majority of voters, ARE Stupid…
Only if you believe the votes are real?
There’s n o way, 79+ mil (which is what biden has)< WERE all faked..
I’ve been saying that for years now… and… you just can’t fix that….all you can do community organize it.
The question Texas places before the Supreme Court is really a simple series of questions
ARTICLE II, Section 1 “Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors ….”
Was the directive of the Legislature followed?
Definitely no
Did the change have an affect upon the election?
No value judgment needs to be made as to whether it was a good change or a bad change, at this point,
It answers the first question a court ask, is there a question of law for the court to hear
The second question is there a remedy in the law?
Now, one needs to weigh the value of the change
Will have to answer that question in another post, no time, now
The only CONSTITUTIONAL answer the court can rule, is that EVERY STATE that had either the GOVERNOR himself, or courts rule “Changes to the election, in some cases WHILE THE VOTING WAS ALREADY GOING ON, need to have EVERY VOTE CAST, rendered moot. AND order a Full on re-vote, USING THE EXISTING LAWS THAT the legislature’s have passed…
“need to have EVERY VOTE CAST, rendered moot”
The Constitution:
ARTICLE IV, Section 4 “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government”
One state cannot change the rules to suit itself without denying all the others a Republican form of government
So contrary to the AG of Pennsylvania there is harm to the other states
What is the extent of harm?
How much did NOT following the legislature’s directive CHANGE the outcome of the state’s election?
How to remedy that without causing greater harm?
To not cause more harm, need to Isolate the change directly caused by not following the legislature’s directive, from any other cause.
Three options
1: Set aside the whole election results as being so tainted as to be beyond time and resources to tell all votes which meet the legislature’s directive from all those which don’t (maybe, the only option)
2: Both parties agree SOME votes need to be determined whether they meet the legislature’s directive or not
3: Agree to throw out the votes counted in the spikes, regardless of meeting the legislature’s directive or not, or for who they were cast
In any case, there is not going to be a revote, the Constitution has a procedure to address if neither candidate gets 270 Electoral votes
Those three options allow for a possible Biden win, a Trump win, or neither
And exactly, pray tell, WHO THE HELL IS Going to give us ‘those options, to not cause more harm’?
THE SCOTUS -already punted
Lower courts – Same
the EC – i have about as much faith in them doing the right thing, as a rubber chicken, giving me nourishment.
I find it interesting how these traitor governor’s, AG’s and liberal judge’s all say the rules had to changed due to the CHINA virus by subverting the state and federal laws… but we can’t change the rules on the time of EC voting and scrutinize every vote for being valid. Arm up… mask down… power dry
ANd it’s even STRANGER< how during the WORST pandemic we suffered, the Spanish flu, which killed a HELL OF A LOT MORE FOLK< never forced us to 'mandatory wear masks, get locked in our homes, or forced us to alter our elections…
Methinks john suffers from the same dementia as biden the turnip. John, you’re a parsnip.
They are all idiots! They must not have studied much world history to allow this kind of **** to happen here, without so much as a whimper from them!
The left has been on a path to destruction at an accelerated rate the past few years.
POTUS Donald “Sun Tzu” Trump made them reveal themselves for what they are, and too many folks are asleep at the wheel.
If we cannot overturn this corrupt election, then the red states need to secede from the United States, leaving the liberals to themselves to go bankrupt in record time!
“….Joe Biden supporter John Kasich….” That tells anyone all they need know about RINO John! Take a hike, John, your 15 ‘seconds’ in the sunlight are over. You were always part of the problem and never part of the solution. Supporting ‘Shotgun’ demented Joe simply proves you should have your voting rights removed and considered for institutionalization to prevent your harming yourself or others! BYE
IT still sickens me, that THIS total and utter traitor, is a fellow Ohioan!
Says the corrupt RINO.
The legal challenges are a threat to America??? I cry BULL****!! The challenges are a threat to the Democrat Party and to the many politicians and bureaucrats who have committed crimes against the state and are subject to criminal action if Trump properly regains the Presidency.
Only a Commucrat victory will help these criminals hide their acts—these legal challenges are a definite threat to that victory.
Which makes you wonder.. NOW the sucky court, has tossed it.. WHERE can we go from here, IF ANYWHERE, other than to a civil war/revolution???
What is morally bankrupt is having evidence that an election included significant fraud and pretending it didn’t so that the political elites can get rid of the first President in a long time who wasn’t one of them and therefore a threat to them.
It is morally bankrupt to believe that the American people are too stupid to recognize the fraud or are too lazy to want to end it. This country belongs to the people not the power elites and it is getting to be time for us to take it back.
Kasich agreed with CNN host Don Lemon
I stopped reading after I read this…
No John : trash like you and the Democrats are a danger to our country.
It says a lot about the character, integrity and honesty of a person who is willing to overlook a growing mountain of evidence of massive fraud in the 2020 election, all because he despises the man and his supporters proclaiming fraud. Makes you wonder what other fraud he is willing to ignore, if it somehow benefits him.
What integrity? What honor??
Congrats, you figured it out, that is exactly what I meant.
Someone forgot to take the garbage out. It just goes to show you…….. He had everyone fooled. For years he pretended and everyone believed he had conservative principals and values. yeah and Comey is a straight shooter? How many times did the media repeat that talking point during the Clinton email scandal. Now they’re unmasked and out of the closet for the corrupt liars they are.
If anyone with the RNC reads this, indeed if anyone with the RNC can read at all, it is RINO’s like Kasich who harden my resolve to NEVER donate even one cent to them for fear that some of the money could be diverted from real Republicans and wasted on trashy RINO’s.
The national organization’s of both major political parties are virtually one and the same. Both are corrupt to the bone. Both sell out America. Both need to be abolished for the betterment of our nation.
I am much more a Conservative than a Republican; always have been and likely always will be.
If you want to make a political contribution, make it DIRECTLY to the candidate’s campaign. Avoid the greedy middlemen in the party.