Parents are finding their voices and holding school boards accountable for teaching things like critical race theory and the 1619 Project. School boards are pushing back – but that doesn’t always quell the parental frustration.
The Pennsbury (Pennsylvania) School Board is considering putting restraints on what parents and students can say to them during the comment period at board meetings. The district’s director of equity, diversity and education was trying to censor negative comments questioning those “woke” priorities.
Parent and former school board member Simon Campbell (pictured) was having none of it and reminded the board that they are in America (see video below).
“I’m quoting to you now from the United States Supreme Court,” he emphasized. “This nation is founded on the – quote – ‘profound national commitment to the principle that debates on public issues shall be uninhibited, robust and wide open – and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.'”
The presiding officer tried to stop the passionate comment – causing Campbell to explain what the Supreme Court meant.
“I don’t have to be nice to you; nobody behind me has to be nice to you,” the parent continued. “If you don’t like living in the United States of America, then you go move to Russia, Cuba, or China.”
Take the time to watch this. It’s worth it.
Noting that part of a video recording of a previous comment was deleted, Campbell called for the hammer to fall on the district’s equity director – a call that was met with applause by many in attendance.
“I want you, the school board, to terminate the employment of Dr. Cherrissa Gibson, with immediate effect,” the parent demanded. “And after you’ve terminated her employment, I want all of you to tender your resignations for hating on this country. We have a God-given, constitutional right to critique you, and we can speak in any lawful tone that we see fit.”
At one point during his comments, Campbell addressed the president of the school board as “Benito Mussolini.” His almost five-minute-long remarks appear in the video below.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Correction – should be 1619 not 1916 project. Simon Campbell sounds foreign born but is more American than most of us. He is a leader, fearless, concise, correct in his argument and clearly motivating. God bless him.
Fixed the typo.
Mr. Campbell is probably a Scot. He sounds very well versed in the principles of John Locke, another Scot, whose Second Treatise on Civil Government was probably studied by all the founders.
Pity at the end of his comment, he didn’t say “AND NOW we the parents, call for an immediate NO CONFIDENCE VOTE IN all of you on the board!”
“I don’t have to be nice to you; nobody behind me has to be nice to you,” the parent continued. “If you don’t like living in the United States of America, then you go move to Russia, Cuba, or China.”
If only our elected officials had this much courage.
Maybe we can get him to RUN, for office, and REPLACE those spineless hacks in congress!
The first amendment applies to everyone, and in all situations. This even includes Marxists, but they must understand that there can be consequences to their comments.
He just gave us all a complete course on how to rip a constipated school board a new one. Get Constitutionally in line or resign.
Pity it also applies to illegal invaders in our nation!
“The Pennsbury (Pennsylvania) School Board is considering putting restraints on what parents and students can say to them during the comment period at board meetings. The district’s director of equity, diversity and education was trying to censor negative comments questioning those “woke” priorities.”
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started. You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
This traitorous Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY and must be destroyed!
Go, Mr. Campbell!! We need about another 9 or 10 million like you, scattered around this ailing country. Ironic, how sometimes foreign-born citizens see the value and worth of America more clearly than many of her native sons and daughters.
We imo need a HELL of a lot more than just 9-10 million more like him. EVERY PARENT OUT THERE, needs to be like him….
You sir are speaking to an esteemed member of the school board. How dare you speak with such insolence. Your behavior will be modified during the self confession periods in one of our reeducation camps.
You will then learn to be a good little servant of the state.
Yes, yes, yes! Simon Campbell came prepared. Outstanding. I loved it when Benito Mussolini tried to shut down our God given right to speak and Simon then shut Mussolini down with the no back down threat of a law suit. Are you watching Republicans and especially, you pathetic RINOS?
Frankly, unless The “woke” Left (Socialists/Marxists/Communists) relinquish their tyrannical grasp of (and desires for) OUR country (which I don’t expect them to do without a fight), I see nothing short of a New Civil War coming.
Democrats (Socialists/Marxists/Communists) want total and complete CONTROL over WE, THE PEOPLE (in their view, “the little people”) – JUST as they wanted total and complete control over Blacks in the Democrat controlled South.
Republicans (Conservatives/Patriots) want total and complete EQUITY of opportunity and application of LAW, and for “Big Brother” to get (and STAY) out of our lives!
There has been a gradual and un-ending erosion of OUR RIGHTS, and FREEDOMS (upon which this nation was founded). This has to STOP!
WE, THE PEOPLE (and I’m not referring to the Antifa and BLM people, who should be condemned, totally) need to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY and our SOCIETY (including Education, the Government [including the Courts])!
One of the most AWE inspiring speeches of all time.American Patriots are beginning to fight back. When we catch our stride, WATCH OUT. We are coming for you communist once and for all. Might I suggest leaving this country, just as this individual has said?
His comment were inspiring!! I wish we had at least one of him at every school board meeting where the member believe they are above the constitution.
I remember back around 1970 when bussing got started in America’s large cities and there was a massive parental boycott of the schools. Time to consider doing this again to fight CRT. Biden’s wimpy feds won’t be able to arrest every single parent. But it takes massive involvement from the parents. Just a few parents trying the boycott will get them arrested for sure and make laughing stocks out of them.
I remember back around 1970 when bussing got started in America’s large cities and there was a massive parental boycott of the schools.
Did it stop busing in any of those cities?
We were rural and already had busing because of distance. I was bused as a child for that reason and my children were bused so I don’t remember all the details of racial busing as well as I would have had I lived in a big city.
Busing looks different when it’s done to get your kids to the nearest school which was too far away for them to walk.
Though i wasn’t even in the states when that occured, i remember seeing the news footage of it.
IMO WE need to get back, to where CONSERVATIVES HAD that much moxie.
How DOES one become a official “thought policeman”? Is there a course? A test? By birth? I always wondered if all these liberal totalitarians are anointed or are self appointed.
Self appointed to me…
NOW can you imagine how much worse it would be, if Telepathy ACTUALLY existed!