Mitch McConnell has had not one but two complete freeze ups in just the span of weeks. Despite just staring off into space, McConnell says he will stay Senate Republican Leader and not retire early. Is it time for McConnell to go?
Whether it’s McConnell, Dianne Feinstein, or Joe Biden, age is definitely an issue being debated. How old is too old? Should there be age limits on members of Congress?
The assault on free speech continues. Plus, Joe Biden’s dealings with Hunter continue to expose the Biden crime family.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Should There Be An Age Limit?
There should be a Liberal/RINO Limit .
Politicians ” They Came to do Good and Stayed To do WELL.”
Autho of quote, Unknown.
Not only does there need to be age limits, BUT TERM LIMITS.
NO ONE should be able to serve 25+ years in govt.
The congress members become so powerful that they control “We the People” We serve those old powerful congress members.
So YES these should be term limits and age limits. Drain the swamp every 12 years!
AND its not just congress. BUT EVERY FACET OF govt..
Especially gumint workers, who seem to be IMMUNE TO EVER being fired or held to account no matter WHAT EVILS THEY DO!
Politics are the least of Dianna Feinstien”s worrys, Wow to those who Call Good, Bad and Bad, Oood…”
In democrat President, JOE Biden’s and NancyPelosi’s CASE, ” Age andWisdom usually walk Hand-In- Hand,Sometimes, Age
Comes ALONG.”
Something to have a conversation about.
There should be a cognition limit. 99.9% of Congress would be gone on that metric.
Good.. Time to clean out the trash.
When thinking about The Leaders in Washington.President Joe Biden- and other elite politicians, ” Lord Give us the Gift to see ourselves as others see us.” Robert Burns
To paraphrase Robert Burns.
Sadly, we elect politicians like we follow movie stars. We know absolutely nothing about them other than they look good on the camera.
A test to see if politicians should retite or not, Is to see how well they react to stairways.Or world events.
I care NOT HOW they look.. Most i know are the same. MOST LEFTISTS i will agree, vote on WHO LOOKS good…