To all 300,000 or so New Yorkers who left the city last March when COVID struck, plenty of whom are still biding time in the Hamptons and Connecticut and New Jersey or parts unknown, this is a pointed and personal appeal: Come back home.
Your city, and all the people still here, those who couldn’t leave, need your help. You still love New York, don’t you? You proudly lived here, even as you groused as we all do about the craziness, the smells, the traffic, the noise?
We need you. The wider city needs you. Your neighborhood needs you.
In the zip codes where you used to spend your days, and your money, lower-income and middle-class jobs have evaporated, with employment rates dropping 16.4% for low-income jobs and 17.8% for middle-income jobs since last January.
Remember the faces you used to see every day, and said a kind word to? The waiter at your usual place, the guy or gal who sold you the paper, the florist, the cleaner, your hairdresser, the dog walker, the tailors, the janitor, the barista, the cop and the schoolteacher?
They’re pieces of the big, beautiful puzzle that makes up New York, and you’re a puzzle piece too. That’s the thing about puzzles: They’re not complete without all the pieces.
Aren’t you sick of cooking? Does the takeout wherever you went hold a candle to what you’d get back home? Don’t you miss walking? Don’t you pine for the energy of the street? Aren’t you lonely out there?
Don’t listen to the cynics who say this place is dying. Crime and virus rates are still low, especially relative to the rest of the country.
Don’t let the decline and fall of New York City become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We’re here. We’re doing fine. Come back.
(c)2020 New York Daily News
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New York, come back to what? A dictator for a Governor and a dictator mayor, in New York city, defunding the police, high crime, people urinating on sidewalks, people exposing themselves to women and children, no law and order, high taxes, looting and burning buildings, keeping Churches shut down, keeping businesses shut down. Yep, New Yorkers come back to what I stated above.
The New York indoctrinated people of dependency voted for Biden with their ballots,,,,,the self-governing people of production voted for Trump, then when their ballots were stolen they voted with their feet. Those left will soon be reflecting life depicted in the movie “Escape From New York.” when they lock down the city and close the Bridges and tunnels out of town to keep the criminals left in the city locked in and locked down that are left only to feed upon one another, with no Snake Plisskin (Curt Russel) to rescue the good who remain.
I agree 100%. But the one thing I would change in your description of the governor and mayor? I’d remove “tator”.
I don’t care if they ever go back. BUT I DO CARE That these folks fleeing, DO NOT BRING THEIR LIBERAL ideology with them, TO ROT what ever city they move to…
There is no reason to even go to New York other than transit through the airport. Otherwise there is no reason to go there.
I left New York City years ago and would never move back………..William
You couldn’t PAY ME enough to move there… LET ALONE visit.
Please go back! Florida does not need your politics or your complaints!
We don’t have Chinese restaurants that can compare to NY… our backwoods po-dunk towns don’t have stylists who can color hair the way that they can in NY… but we like our state. If NY was soooo amazing, go back they want you back. If you choose to stay, accept us warts and all and do NOT force your liberal viewpoints down our throats – we don’t have a state income tax for a reason and we were thriving.
My thoughts exactly. Move if you want to, but don’t come to Florida or any other Republican State.
California, Oregon and Washington State would love to have you and your Liberal insanity.
That’s why i would LOVE TO see it where states could VET, anyone wishing to move to them.. TO WEED OUT THESE LIBERAL rejects..
I am not so sure Washington state wants that garbage. There has not been an honest fraud free “election” here in at least a decade, likely more. If you look at an election map of the state, there are two, maybe 3 tiny patches of blue on a sea of red.
WHY Do you think the dems are WANTING to do away with the electoral college. SO THEY CAN DO TO the rest of the nation, what they do in CA, Wa, OR and Co.. Have just the BIG LIBERAL Cities, rule, and the rest of the nation, and go swivel.
On the other hand, the rat population has exploded. Of course, they love sewers.
SO do politicians!
Last gasps of a dying Sanctuary City. Goodbye…