From a postal service truck driver in Pennsylvania to an IT worker in Detroit, the American public is witnessing fellow Americans say they witnessed election officials brazenly, and illegally, help Joe Biden defeat President Trump.
In a Dec. 1 story, One News Now recounted the claims of USPS truck driver Jesse Morgan, who described a tractor-trailer full of ballots that went missing after he dropped it off in Lancaster, Penn. Morgan and two other eyewitnesses appeared Tuesday at a press conference sponsored by Thomas More Society, the religious liberty law firm, as part of its voter fraud investigation known as The Amistad Project which began in 2019.
Reacting to Morgan’s allegations, Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania says the truck driver’s allegations make the U.S. sound like a “banana republic” instead of a republic.
“And if we don’t take the election back,” she warns, “and have the rightful winner of the Nov. 3 election declared and sworn into office in January, we’ve lost the republic.”
In a separate incident, election worker Melissa Carone told a GOP-led hearing she worked as an IT specialist and witnessed “complete fraud” over a 27-hour period in the TCF Center where absentee ballots were counted.
“I know what I saw,” Carone told a Democrat lawmaker who challenged her. “I know what I saw, and I signed something saying that if I’m wrong, I can go to prison. Did you?”
A circuit judge dismissed fraud accusations about the TCF Center in a mid-November ruling that called their complaints “generalized” and “not credible.”
Judge Timothy Kenny said the Republican plaintiffs did not understand the vote tabulating they were complaining about because they did not participate in a pre-election “walk-through” sponsored by election officials. He also refused their request for an audit.
Reacting to state legislators allowing witnesses to tell their stories, longtime Republican leader Ken Blackwell tells One News Now those state lawmakers could prove to be key in coming days if they find the testimonies credible.
“Look, this is not going to go away,” Blackwell, Ohio’s former secretary of state, predicts. “I predict that there will be some brave hearts in the legislatures, in the three Midwestern states and [in] Arizona.”
Rep. Brooks: I will challenge Electoral College vote
“This election was stolen by the socialists engaging in extraordinary voter fraud and election theft measures,” Rep. Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican, told news website Politico this week.
According to the Politico story, the news website learned Brooks was telling GOP colleagues he plans to challenge the Electoral College votes in January when Congress is scheduled to certify Joe Biden as the winner. If the lawmaker goes through with that threat, Politico explained, it is significant because a single challenge from one lawmaker in the House, and one in the Senate, can force a deliberation.
The conservative lawmaker apparently didn’t back down when asked by Politico to confirm his plan, which is unwelcomed by some in his own party, including fellow lawmakers and “Never Trump” Republicans.
“In my judgment,” Brooks contended, “if only lawful votes by eligible American citizens were cast, Donald Trump won the Electoral College by a significant margin, and Congress’s certification should reflect that.”
The Politico story described Brooks’ threat as a plan to create “mischief” on Capitol Hill.
In a Dec. 3 phone interview on American Family Radio, Brooks told the “Today’s Issues” program that “massive voter fraud” can be traced to illegal aliens and non-citizens voting for Biden, who had publicly promised them amnesty if he is elected.
The talk show hosts seemed stunned by Brooks’ claim that “millions upon millions” illegally cast a ballot but the lawmaker went on to explain Democrats have loosened voting laws to the extent that illegal aliens are not asked about citizenship before casting a ballot. Biden’s promise of amnesty gave them an incentive to support him, he said.
Asked if there is support for Trump’s post-election legal challenge, Brooks said there is “significant” support among the “conservative wing” of Republicans in the U.S. House. But there are also two other wings, liberals and moderates, among the Republicans, he said, implying that those Republicans are not supporting him.
Brooks’ claim that some Republicans are refusing to back Trump’s election fight has been documented in recent weeks by news websites, which have quoted some lawmakers demanding Trump prove fraud in court or else allow the transition to a Biden administration.
Mirroring his comments to Politico, Brooks said the U.S. Constitution requires that Congress certify the election results. That action, he said, can be stopped with one objection in the House and in the Senate.
“I’m willing to be that member in the House of Representatives,” he told the radio program.
Cruz to SCOTUS: Review Penn. appeal
In another example of a lawmaker aiding the Trump campaign, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz has publicly called for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an emergency appeal that is challenging Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting law.
Pennsylvania’s state legislature passed a pandemic-related law in 2019 that allows mail-in voting but the state constitution requires in-person voting.
The legal argument made by Cruz does not allege vote fraud but focuses instead on the proper procedures setting up a fair and honest election, since the lawsuit alleges the State of Pennsylvania can’t change election law “in the middle of the game” and overrule its own constitution, Cruz wrote.
The U.S. senator, known for his legal prowess, also pointed out that three U.S. Supreme Court justices have already criticized recent election rulings by Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Cruz called the state court biased.
“Ordinarily, the U.S. Supreme Court would stay out of election disputes, especially concerning state law,” Cruz wrote. “But these are not ordinary times.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
At least we have some Republicans standing up for Trump and the fraud that was perpetrated on him.
Pity it TOOK THIS BLOODY LONG, for some to grow a spine.
The fraud was committed primarilly against “We The People”, who no longer have any msm watchdogs to keep the people informed and govt in check, as they alledge is their purpose. If the US won’t allow the Communist rag “Pravda” to be part of the US’s msm, why should CNN, NBC, ABC and the other communist/socialist/leftist and social(ist) media be allowed to contaminate the minds of the people and **** all over their rights? The Amendments to the Constitution were written for the benefit of and to protect the people, not the govt, not corrupt corporations, and certainly not foreigners or illegal aliens. So, why not shut down those corrupt sources and fine those traitors a few billion dollars before incarcerating them. They owe the people restitution. Not just for their election scam, but also for their part in the China Flu scam and related murder for money grab.
Unfortunately, MOST OF THose in government, are IN BED with the pravda that is our msm..
The Democrat stuffed ballot box argument is as valid as the voluptuous woman claiming to be an innocent virgin caught by her husband on their wedding night with a bra full of tissue paper,,,,,,it won’t hold water, and is grounds for a legal reversal. Deceptively Stuffing a “Cross your heart” bra can destroy a marriage, stuffing a ballot box can destroy a Republic by double crossing the law and the Constitution.
Sad day that only 1 is willing to publicly take a stand on voter fraud. Voter fraud is criminal and these so called lawyer politicians allow crime against we the people is rampant.
All they do is talk about how awful things are but do nothing
Me thinks, they all need to get hung, drawn, quartered, shot, poisoned, burned at the stake, then shot into space….
“All they do is talk about how awful things are but do nothing”
Not true
The major problem is still the same one used against us in the election
They first took out some, many of our sources of information and communication
That is a classic tactic of warfare cut information and communication
So a lot of people are stuck with only sources they know are lying to them but do not have sources to give other information
It is one of the main things which have to be restored. A few comments below have provided some links
It is imperative we start building these information and communication lines
Two of which were used in colonial times are also being shutdown because of the virus, taverns and churches
Along with good old fashioned, LETTERS between families.
In spite of the Democrats’ vicious campaign of intimidation against anyone who questions the validity of the 2020 presidential election and the dishonest, left-wing mainstream and social media’s attempt to censor individuals who have the courage to go public with what appear to be extremely credible allegations of election and/or voter fraud, I believe enough evidence of widespread voting irregularities exists that Attorney General William Barr should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the highly suspect manner in which the 2020 presidential election was conducted. Unless legitimate voters can be certain that the nation’s election process will ensure the integrity of their votes by guaranteeing free and fair elections, the future of the representative democracy that preserves our Constitutional Republic will be at serious risk.
Barr right now, has SHOWN HE IS TOO much of a ‘shank trump as much as possible’ swamp dwelling HACK< to ever trust, he will do a DAMN THING with all this fraud evidence.
“Barr right now, has SHOWN …. ”
If you are not critical of the evidence you will do more damage to your case than any amount of election fraud
You become your own worst enemy
I am reminded of Thomas Edison ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
If you have ever put together a jigsaw puzzle it is a lot of trial and error
You want to keep the 10,000 ways it was not done from as much of the public view as possible, not put it on parade
And because Edison did find the ONE way shows the truth of things is hidden and takes a lot of trial and error to find
It is the irregularities, anomalies, the statistical impossibilities which are showing the way to where the truth will be found
If Giuliani had been critical of evidence, Melissa Carone would not have made her appearance, which hurt us rather than help us
I agree Jota_ but there are exceptions …how do you explain Adam lying sack of Schiff…. that’s ALL this scum does and fully excepted.
There is excellent, overwhelming and abundant evidence of election rigging and the means for how it could easily be done
The video of boxes of ballots being pulled from under desks which had been covered from view and then being counted after all everyone had been sent home
Testimony of ballots which had been sealed after being counted being brought back for a recount with no seal
At 4:03
To the demonstration of how easy it is to rig a vote counting machine and this is not the only evidence, Democrats after 2016 uncovered many more. Of course, after having descovered exploitable holes they never took advantage of them in 2020 lol
This site is aggregating the evidence collected
There are a lot more links to good evidence, very good evidence
But the testimony by Melissa Carone appears, at best, to be a joke and only serves to discredit the entire investigation
It is possible the video clips of her are selectively edited or she just has an inability to make a good presentation but it does come off looking like a clown show
SO why then, do SO MANY judges, keep tossing cases out for “LACK OF evidence”?
Everyone that cries “There Is No Fraud” needs to be made to watch the videos in that last entry. EYEOPENING!
That includes those BETTER THAN THOU judges