Gabriel Gipe and Kristin Pitzen are names you might not recognize, but they are two of a growing number of leftwing teachers who are working to indoctrinate (rather than educate) our children. Gipe said recently that he has “180 days” to turn students into revolutionaries. What can be done to stop these teachers?
Gabriel Gipe’s comments and radical beliefs were uncovered thanks to Project Veritas. Kristin Pitzen posted her own video which showed her disdain for the American flag and the pledge of allegiance. These people are pushing Antifa and BLM on our kids.
Jen Psaki plays the gender card regarding Texas’ new pro-life law. Plus, a staggering number of illegal alien children have just disappeared.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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The public education system is controlled by the dishonorable, dishonest, unethical, immoral, hateful, traitorous, socialist, Democrat Party. Either we destroy this Democrat Party’s treachery or we let the Democrat Party’s treachery destroy us all. 🙁 🙁 🙁
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican supporters as
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
Communism and its economic philosophy of socialism, are rising in popularity. Positive attitudes toward communism and socialism are at an all-time high in the United States. Forty percent of Americans now have a favorable view of both and almost half of young millennial adults say they favor socialism. This is what the traitorous, socialist Democrat Party is teaching our children. 🙁 🙁 🙁
WE’ve known for YEARS< the left has been coming for our kids…
Education has a lasting effect on Your Children since pubic Education has a lasting effect on your childs ideologies and their political psrty they belong to,, School boards have a lot to do with what is taught in the Class Rooms of America’ public Schools. Hitler recognized this fact when he said, ” W hen a opponen t declares ” I Will nit come over to your side, ” J calmly say, Your Child belongs to us already, What are you, You wjll pass on . Your descendants , however, now stand in a new camp . In a short time they will knnow nothing else but this new community. ” As Parents, you have a duty to raise youf children to becomd mofal andpatriotic adults, and not what a School board wants to tach the child, AsThis Quote says, ” Marxism has had A profound Impact on Global Academia. ”
Correctionj ” . Has a lastig effect onyour childs ideollogies adtheir political party that they belong to … Hitler Quote, ” When a opponent declares , Iwill not come over to your side… ” In a short time …..
“Give me their kids, and i will sow the roots of marism, that will never be uprooted.”
Gabriel Gipe and Kristin Pitzen, two communists (antifa and blm), who should be stripped of their citizenship and then dumped into North Korea. These low lives, who call themselves teachers, can teach communism to the kids in North Korea.
IF i had my way, I WOULDN’T GIVE them a choice in that matter.
Parents need to pull their kids out of any classroom where these two supposedly “teach”
If somebody needs to meet them behind the gym, as Biden has remarked in the past, then perhaps we can teach them a thing or two. Sometimes you have to speak the language they understand.
Parents in large number should also approach the school board and demand their resignation.
Parents need to pULL THESE “Teachers” out of the classroom, permanently!
Does the average parent take the time to attend the zSchool Boards where their kids go to a public school, if not, the teachers have Free reign to te ach whatever they wish to Indoctorinate your children with leftist ideolo gies if that is their intentions without any interference by the school bosrd or the childs parents. In a article posted on ” The Trumpet, the article Title says, ” Commuunism is Conquering Academica and we wonder why America’s youth are turning out ” Hating America.
Hell, these days, i say EVEN IF YOU DON’T have kids, GO TO THESE SCHOOL BOARD meetings!!
Such very brave actions and words aimed at children.
When an adult asks this beta what he did, and why, he and his life partner run like roaches claiming they are being harassed.
He is even more of a wuss than he appears.
People like this are abusing your children, plain and simple. Abuse can be physical or mental. If a teacher, or anyone, sexually abused your child what would you do? There is your answer.
Take your children to Sunday School and church with a conservative Bible-teaching congregation. Attend Sunday School and church yourself. Teach your children at home about “the way, the truth, and the life” and live according to His plan. Influence your grandchildren to follow this pattern. Invite children and adults in your neighborhood to go to your church.
The answer to America’s problems is not political involvement, although that IS a good idea, but is a close personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. He overcomes today’s problems with eternal solutions.
These people are evil, dangerous freaks and should be put down as mad dogs. We have ignored the communism being taught in our universites for thirty years. It has now dripped down into pre-school. What’s been discovered due to lockdowns over the last year is enough to declare what’s going on as child abuse and any parent who is willingly subjecting their child to this needs psychiatric evaluation.
AND sterilization, so they don’t continue procreating..
Thirty years, they’ve been teaching this garbage? That means that the parents, and grand parents were taught the same thing. That means that a lot of them support this indoctrination of their kids, so why should they care. It’s hard to believe that none of the members of Antifa are not parents. In the last election, an awfully lot of parents voted for this situation.
AND all those antifa thugs, HAD TO GO HOME, after their rioting, back to mommy and daddy, SO THEY KNEW (or should have known) what their whelps were up to..
Note the mention in the above article regarding the sudden disappearance of a “staggering” number of illegal alien children. Pedo Joe’s open border policy is ALL about the multi, multi billion dollar ,WORLD WIDE , child sex trafficking biz and the reason why there is no documentation as to where these alien kids are bused or flown to and delivered in the dead of night. Now, we have Afghan men and their child brides who were given priority out of the country arriving HERE. Playing the immigrant sympathy card, we will be expected by the Pedo Joe regime to accept this abomination (obamanation a more apt definition) into our culture/society and be called racists if we don’t. Making their sick, deviant agendas seem like the “new norm” is how they do it–because it works for compliant, accepting, stick your head in the sand Americans. Aaaaaah, such is life in our new POST-America world, eh? Obozo’s dream come true.
We have seen how the democrat party when they have a majority and the presenten as one of their democrat members and America always comes out on the short end of the democrats deals with its enemies. For instance when Barack H. Obama was president he sent $40 Million Dollars to America’s sworn enemy , Iran. And to show the democrat parties disdain fur America and its citizzdns, ddmkcrat President, Joe Biden left Americans to their fate when they pulled out of Afghan and left our enemies with all kinds of military weapons for the Taliband to use against us. The democrat party elite one again showed how much the democrat party loathed Americans and this country.
We have seen how tje democrat party when they have a majority and the presidency who was a democrat America always comes out on the short end of the democrats deals with foreign countries that they make with our enemies. For instance when Barack H. Obama was president, he sent $40 Million Dollars to America’s enimy Iran. And to show the democrat parties disdain for America and its citizens democrat president Joe Biden left Americans to their fate when we pulled out of Afghan and left our enemies with all kinds of military weapons to use against us. The democrat party elie once again showed how much the democrat loathed this country and its people. This is a corrected version of my comments made above.
YET there are plenty of folks, who STILL LOVE THEM.. You just can’t fix stupid!
I don’t agree with abortion but that is a definite argument for it. ‘Im sure it’s parents are proud of the it’s they produced.
And what would Margret Sanger say, ” About rooting out ‘ Human Weeds?
The scary thing is schools hire garbage like this. Make sure you go to your kids school and meet the teachers. It’s not like the when you were young and the majority of teachers were semi normal. The deviants are rampant in the schools now.
AND Take more concern about WHO IS ON the local school boards…
Without questio , a ” School board member has a political connection with the democrat Partyand possibly, with” The Teacher’s Union .Does annyone wonder at their possible connects?
When we look at these two we no longer have to wonder why there wern’t adults in the Class rooms when child-like Behavior happens in public school and Universities…