Judge Bruce Schroeder has announced Thursday that staff from MSNBC will no longer be allowed inside the Kenosha County Courthouse following the incident in which a person was observed following a bus that the jury uses to get to and from the building.
“I have instructed that no one from MSNBC news will be permitted in this building for the duration of this trial. This is a very serious matter and I don’t know what the ultimate truth of it is, but absolutely it would go without much thinking that someone who is following the jury bus – that is an extremely serious matter and will be referred to the proper authorities for further action.”
Rittenhouse judge bans MSNBC from courthouse as jury continues deliberations pic.twitter.com/r4NTRKEqjZ
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 18, 2021
The man spotted following the bus identified himself as James J. Morrison – and told investigators he was instructed to follow the vehicle, Schroeder added.
– Source is Fox News
In a different incident 2 people were arrested yesterday outside the courthouse.
PMSNBC needs to be excluded from all airwaves as well.
That’s what THEY want to do, eliminate all opposition online and on the airwaves. Let them show their stupidity and dislike for decency as much as they please. Only the truly stupid will believe them.
How’s about criminally charge him with ATTEMPTED Jury intimidation/tampering.
Good! Apparently they were going after the jury. Despicable network should be taken off the air along with a few others.
Trying to act all innocent. They KNOW the jury has been and is being threatened if they vote for Kyle to be actually innocent. But, they are trying to make it easier to to destroy their lives by releasing the jurors name and addresses. This is TERRIBLE!!!
IIRC on the 2nd day of jury selection, one reporter had to have his camera CONFISCATED< because he was attempting to get the names of EVERY JUROR, "so he could post it online, to ensure any activist who wanted to, could GO to their home address, to make their voice heard"…
The suky part is that's ALL I HAVE HEARD about that incident. NOTHING on whether he was charged with any crime. NOT EVEN HIS NAME (Or what news agency he represented)..
It is amazing that this jury, or any jury in a ‘high profile’ MURDER trial, was not sequestered for the duration of the trial! Threats are and have been out there, if not directed at the jury, that there will be VIOLENCE and a price to pay if this teenager is not locked away for life. Violent demonstrators are already just outside the courthouse doors, just two arrested today. Why has not that BLM whack that was blatantly “inciting to riot” with his threats been LOCKED UP? More than a few dozen of those “Peaceful demonstrators” on January 6 is STILL in jail and many have not even been charged with a crime. There is a disease in America (Socialist/Communist/Marxist people in and out of that Democrat party) and like deadly cancer, America is being eaten alive! What questions about this case of “self-defense” have not been answered at trial? WHY are these jurors having ANY issues, those of us having watched the entire show, including several high-level lawyer types, already know that ONLY an acquittal is the lawful outcome and that this show should never have started!
What makes you feel that there will be a lawful outcome for this show? The radical left wing criminals of the blm have already said that there will be blood in the streets if the kid isn’t found guilty. Now if we had a real legal judicial system that thug from blm would be rounded up and thrown in jail until such time as a court time has be set. This country has allowed that 13% to control just what we can say, act, and even think. It’s way past time that the majority take back our country while we still have one.
“Blood in the streets” works both ways. It’s only a matter of time till this country will have to use it’s own self defence declaration.
I hope to god we have a JUST outcome. BUT fear that the fix is in to shank kyle over like crazy…
Wow and just when you thought the MSM couldn’t get any worse, or any lower, here they go again. Do they even understand the danger they are putting these innocent people and their Families in? Or do they even care? Between the MSM, BLM,and ANTIFIA there is no Judge, Jury, or person found innocent are safe if they feel that the person is guilty, no matter what the evidence shows. The Democratic Parties Brown shirts ( All named above ) should be listed as Terrorist groups. Rounded up and treated as such, one way trips to Gitmo, no bail. No Trial, no release EVER .
If only it were that easy to get rid of them. It’s most likely the only way we will get rid of them is when the next civil/race war happens, and thanks to groups like them it’s getting closer and closer to happening. The majority just better be ready to defend themselves and their families by any means necessary, or you will be eliminated by the radicals.
AND if that day ever occurs, we need to NOT SHOW A SINGLE DAMN BIT OF MERCY To a single one of them..
Enough of this travesty! Declare a mistrial already and end this!
Discharge it with PREJUDICE, so he Can’t be retried.
I agree… the this kid should hire Lin Wood and sue the living hell out of the drive by lame stream media scum… they have a built in set precedent case law of Nick Sandman. Then go after Quid Pro Joe **** your pants Biden for saying on the record and video that Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. I know you can’t sue a sitting president but it will make great news just to file it.
Didn’t the LEFT try to sue trump, WHILE HE WAS still in office??
Shouldn’t MSNBC (and the rest of the “drive-by” media) be charged with inciting RIOTS when (not IF) the Radical Leftists riot over the likely acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse?
How is what MSNBC ACTUALLY did any different than what they FALSELY accused President Trump of doing (re: January 6th invasion of the Capitol)?
THEY are FANNING THE FLAMES of Racism (after setting the blaze, themselves)!
They damn well should be charged. AND I WOULD INCLUDE charges of jury tampering!
Exclude violent protesters afterwards. Or give them express lane justice.
I still cannot figure out how an incident involving white parties is somehow a racist struggle? What race? Beige?
Appears the mob has decided it’s time to do some pre-Christmas looting earlier than in past years’ riots.
ITS “Racist” because he was a WHITE TRUMP Supporting conservative, who shot WHITE LIBERAL RIOTERS..
Good the U.S. justice system seems to be working somewhat in Kenosha.
Now the prosecutor should be arrested for reckless endangerment. He pointed a rifle at the jury.
AND ritten house should start MAJOR Civil suits, for slander and defamation, on EVERY LEFTIST news outlet out there.