Radical Democrat Maxine Waters has a history of confrontational rhetoric. On Saturday, Waters crossed state lines to incite violence by saying that protestors in Brooklyn Center, MN should “get more confrontational.” There has been a week of ongoing rioting and looting. Isn’t this inciting violence? Shouldn’t she be thrown out of Congress?
Former President Trump told people to “peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard.” Look at what happened to him. Maxine Waters actually told rioters and looters to “get more confrontational.” Does that “free speech” come with consequences too?
The covid vaccine appears to be wildly effective, but Dr. Fauci still says to wear a mask. Plus, the arrest levels of illegal aliens are not quite what they were under President Trump.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Maxine Waters is inciting violence and did one notice that the gutless Republicans In Name Only are silent????? Hey Mitt Romney, why are you silent? Why is big mouth Lynn Cheney silent?
NOT just the rinos, but even the true patriot conservatives in the GOP are silent, along with the dept of injustice…
Romney and Cheney are the hypocrites of the GOP!
THERE IS unfortunately, a HELL of a lot more of them, than just those 2.
Everybody know that Mitt Romney should have been the president instead of that Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, never forgave Donald Trump for stealing the presidency from him….so Mitt Romney thinks….
WHEN the hell will UTAH wake up and vote him out!?!?!
impeach her racist behind.
More and more, i wonder, are there ANY Women or blacks in office, who are not totally and utterly racist/sexist thugs in disguise???
I wrote to my congressman to do something about her. Remember the democrats said ,words have meaning and Consequences. She needs to be kicked out of Congress. Everyone should write their senator to kick her out of Congress,too
IMO< we could dump a TON of letters on their desks.. THEY ARE TOO cowardly of the race/sex card being played, to do a damn thing…
It’s not even about race/sex card… it’s about the money for themselves…. They’re not going to upset the gravy train of money they forged with the communist occupier democrats. These pieces of excrement are only there to line their own pockets… everyone else be damned…. all the worlds a stage / show.
Hence why to me, the GOP itself is just as BAD as the commucrats are..
You cannot stop Maxine Waters. She is a BLACK WOMAN OF POWER,
one of the cult of untouchables who can do anything she damn pleases with
impunity. The color of her skin guarantees it. It’s called black supremacy.
If you want to know who’s really in charge, just take a look at who you’re not allowed to criticize..
More and more it certainly SEEMS that blacks have all the power.. YET WE whites still are supposed to have “privilege”…
YEA RIGHT. Pull the other leg.
If … I’ve said it once … I’ve said it a million times… white people …. ARE … the minority of the world.
Trump was impeached for saying far, far less.
HE was a WHITE MALE conservative.. SO OF course the rules apply to him, but NOT TO mad maxine…
This woman has serious psychological issues—as does a good percentage of Congress, particularly on the Democrat side. And Nancy Pelosi remarks that Waters should absolutely not apologize for her comments.
To put a spin on the word “apologize” one can be sorry in a different way without apologizing. And Maxine and Nancy, you both illustrate that point quite well. Unapologetically sorry. Just plain sorry. What a disgrace to our Congress.
to … humanity!
I’m not at all surprised that the leftist mainstream media is completely silent on this outrageous behavior that is inciting violence far beyond what they considered ‘violence inciting rhetoric’ when it was Pres. Trump saying something. ALL Congress persons need to speak out about this. It is NOT acceptable behavior by anyone and certainly not by an elected official.
Just why did Ms. Waters even come to MN? Clearly to incite violence and foment more rioting and hatred. If I were a citizen of MN and have ANY damage to my self, property, or livelihood because of riots I would make a point of initiating a civil suit against Ms. Waters. Actions have consequences and she is reckless at best.
Actions only have consequences if you are white, male or conservative.. Apparently.
You know, Trump really exposed many of the swap creatures and some went into hiding. Now, we can really see what’s wrong with our Gov. It’s people like her that just need to be removed from office. But, they protect each other with law and lies. Biden is putting our country in danger each and everyday he forgets his name. So, is Harris – seriously, clueless what America is all about. Even voting is totally rigged and if we do not change the voting system then we’re toast.
Credit Card / Bank Accounts (we insist they are perfect to the last penny)
Someone deposit 1.5 mil by mistake, you don’t get to keep it (unless you really pinpoint the words) when suing someone as things can be dismissed just cause someone sued with the wrong wording.
Waters is great at what she does, she should coach a hockey team and get out of politics, we don’t need her on our payroll.
WITH how much is infested, it may be easier to say what ISN’T wrong…. That would be one HELL of a short list though.
She comes in as an outside agitator telling protestors to be more confrontational and Pelosi sings praises about her. Trump tells his followers to peacefully let your voice be heard and Pelosi impeaches him. Welcome to Double Standard Land.
Nancy Pelosi says to the Republican conservatives, Smell me !
AND like some of us predicted, The dems VOTED LOCK STEP to not censure her.. PROVING THAT DEMS ARE above the law..
The media wants to present George Floyd as an outstanding citizen, that he was singled out because of the color of his skin by the police. Didn’t George Floyd just pay for his purchase at a local store with a phony $20.00 bill? what upstanding citizen pays for their purchases with phony $20.00 bills. This brings into question the character of George Floyd but this In no way means that George Floyd should pay for that transaction at a local store with his life the next time the police attempt to arrest him. Didn’t Maxine Walters demand Police men to Provide her protection when she went out of her way, into another state, to protect her and her actions of those” Peaceful “citizens gathering around the court House where the trial was being held.
George Floyd, if he didn’t use drugs, hadn’t passed a phony $20.00 dollar bill he probably wouldn’t have drawn the attention of the police in the first place and he would be alive today and this policeman wouldn’t be faced with prison time, but as I stated earlier George Floyd shouldn’t have paid with the loss of his life.
George Floyd was not only a counterfeiter & a drug addict, he was also a thief. Typical leftist hero! shame, shame
Both Maxine and Nancy should be removed from Congress for inciting violence. If it was good enough to impeach President Trump, it is good enough for them. What a double standard. Did you ever notice when the Dems are confronted with the truth, they use the race card, or hatred card to deflect from the issue at hand. It is right out of the Saul Alinsky handbook.
THE ENTIRE DNC needs to be removed, not just from congress, but this nation as a whole.
The Politicians in Washington say to the others,” YOU Don’t LIE ABOUT ME AND I Won’t TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU. ” Author Unknown. All politicians, ” They must think I’m a mushroom, they keep me in the dark and keep throwing Sh#T on me”
Maxine Walters, it would seem, has her hands fill mindingher own district, much lessgoingout of her state tomind their busine