Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell voted to acquit former President Trump during the Senate impeachment trial on Saturday, but that didn’t stop McConnell from laying into Trump in a Senate floor speech following the vote. Considering the vast majority of Republicans support Trump, what was McConnell trying to accomplish?
The Senate vote was 57-43 in favor of convicting former President Trump, but 67 votes are needed. Seven Republicans joined all fifty Democrats in voting for conviction.
Trump fires back, calling McConnell a “political hack.” Plus, Biden communications staffer TJ Ducklo resigns after threatening a female reporter.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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McConnell outs himself as a RINO and moneymen’s tool by smearing the Republican President who has done the most conservative things since Reagan. He should have been Trump’s greatest defender but instead marshaled RINO Senators against him and directed funds to get more RINOs elected.
Most of us, considered him a rino, YEARS Ago.. BUT voted for him anyway, rather than let a sinkin dem in office..
Are you saying that Kentucky has been doing the same thing as Arizona did with McCain and never gave another republican a chance? I’d hate to see the turtle stay in office any longer. Turtles can live 200 years.
IMO yes, they have been.. They’re just as guilty (to me) as AZ was with RINO Mccain.
Yep, Mitch is for party unification, by supporting the Democrat communists, in the House and Senate. Mitch was against Trump putting tariffs on the communist Chinese, because of his father in laws shipping business, with communist China. When the Republicans had the House and Senate, Trumps first two years in office, you and Paul Ryan gave Trump no money for the border wall. Just admit it Mitch, you are with the New World Order, open borders Bushes or in other words, you are a Democrat. How does it feel to be in sheep’s clothing, Mitch?
The Very first thing our Republican voters need to do is vote OUT all of the RINOs like Mitch McConnell swamp turtles and the Mitt Romney RINO snakes. We cannot win a political war with Enemies from within stabbing us in the back.
The U.S. Congressional cesspool swamp members only look out for their own power and wealth
and now with their puppet president Beijing Biden we have turned into the “Socialist Democrat Party State”.
If we want to continue to prosper and live free. #1. We have to get rid of our Enemies from within.
In BOTH political parties.
Nancy P, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell are ALL out for their own power and wealth and the U.S. Citizens and illegal immigrants are just pawns to use and discard in order for them to gain more power over us and more wealth.
Slight correction scruffy. WE need to oust all the traitors in the GOP. AND OUST the entire bloody DNC, as there’s imo not a SINGLE ONE Of those scum sucking wastes of oxygen, that is NOT a rabid traitor to this nation….
Just curious, Mitch… IF you thought that President Trump was RESPONSIBLE for the events at the Capitol (as opposed to YOU and Nancy Pelosi REFUSING to allow National Guard troops to assist the Capitol Police), then WHY did you vote to acquit?
Frankly, I don’t know how YOU (or anyone) could assert that Donald Trump was RESPONSIBLE for the actions at the Capitol, when the FBI reports that there were plans in place DAYS (or WEEKS) before Donald Trump even spoke!
Then, there’s Trump’s own words: “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.
AND, of course, there’s YOUR (and other feckless Senators and Judges who REFUSED to even HEAR the EVIDENCE of Election Fraud) disenfranchising the votes of 74,000,000 Trump supporters!
Personally, I place MORE BLAME on YOU, and NONE on Donald Trump!
Swamp Creature Extraordinaire – Senate RINO Leader – disloyal, traitorous POS. It’s Mitch McConnell, folks! Are the citizens of KY proud of their boy who has been owned by…wait for it…the Chinese who will end up putting all Kentuckians, except their politicians, on the welfare rolls? That RINO Benedict Arnold **** put me on the verge of vomiting. My God, what’s a mother to do??
[ Fuel to the fire? McConnell rips Trump following impeachment acquittal vote ] ==============================================
And this individual (M. McConnel), GOP, is part of why you’ll never get 1 dime off of me! If you can’t keep those in office in line, why should We The People support your sorry group? You’re no different than the CCP controlled Dems. MAGA/KAG!