The leftwing meltdown over Elon Musk and Twitter has been fun to watch. The media, Democrats, and woke leftists are actually complaining that free speech will be reinstated. CBS News announced that it was stepping away from Twitter due to “security concerns.”
During this boycott, CBS News continued to post on Chinese-owned TikTok, yet expressed concerns over Twitter. It turns out that the boycott only lasted two days, and CBS News was back on Twitter. Will other leftists quietly end their boycotts too?
Ilhan Omar is about to be kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Plus, an outspoken covid lockdown critic laments the death of academic freedom.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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The only security threatened by Musk is the viability of CBS as a news organization worth staying in business, They need much more of the “C as in SEE” and much less of the “BS”
When THE PEOPLE see the BS, only then when threatened do they change their stripes from Skunk to just bunk.
” Back Already? CBS News Ends Twitter Boycott After 48 Hours…”
And so, like all good leftist democrats, wanted to appear to be on whichever political party was winning at the moment and ended their boycott of twitter, play it in the middle is the leftist, CBS philosophy.!
I would have laughed, if musk said when they left ‘FINE, then i will go ahead and lock your accounts permanently!”