Joe Biden continues to sink in the minds of American voters. Biden’s approval ratings are dismal, especially when it comes to the issue of the economy. Now, even CNN is making comparisons between Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter. Who is worse?
Biden has brought on high gas prices, rising inflation, a border crisis, covid mismanagement, and more. Yet, Biden and Jen Psaki either blame Trump or covid for the problems. What is Jimmy Carter thinking about all of this?
The media are having a meltdown over Joe Manchin, but loved it when John McCain was a maverick. Plus, we’ll take a closer look at the rechargeable batteries for electric cars.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Joe and Jill who visited Jimmy and Rosalyn. I never saw a mask on any of these communists during this visitation. I guess the communists do not have to “follow the science”, like they say they do! Maybe during this visit, the Bidens and Carters discussed how to destroy the United States economy!
Their masks are not physical ones—they are the sinister covers they hide behind to camouflage their deceitfulness from the public.
OF course not. The Hoipoi politicians, always NEVER PRACTICE what they preach.. ITS always been rules for THEE, but not me.
God knows exactly who lives by his word and who live by their own words. People can and are being deceived but praise God that The Almighty is in charge of judgement.
‘Ol Jimmy is celebrating tonight !!
All of Georgia is celebrating, Thanks Joe for getting my boy Jimmy off the dumbazz seat.
PITY Georgia is one of the MAIN states, to BLAME FOR putting biden in office!!
Hold up Ituser, let’s look closer at America’s real problems. I don’t know this state anymore. Lived here all my life but it’s becoming a third world trashed out hell hole full of non- American, non-english speaking & non-Christian, racist (against white folk) haters. The people I know and grew up with are all conservative freedom lovers and communist haters. Any difference in your state Ituser? Give it another year and the rest of the country will look like N.Y, Calif., and Chicago. Let’s not bicker amongst ourselves friend (we’re on the same side) but let’s join & fight together against our common enemy – satan & his.
MAYBE that’s because too many ‘so0called conservative states’, have been too WILLING TO SAY “WElcome to all who want to move here”, and NOT caring about if those who DO move in, are libtard plants, designed to RUIN YOUR STATES from the inside out, for too damn long….
You didn’t answer – any difference in your state? The same is happening all over the country. No need to single out Georgia, it’s the government that is the culprit. Let’s make sure we funnel our anger in the right direction & not at each other.
OHIO though didn’t screw up the election laws, JUST TO FAVOR THE DEMS, like Georgia did
I get you Ohio – If you wont stand with me, expect the same stranger. Divided we will fall, see ya at the bottom fool.
When Carter was in office, nobody asked who the president was. Many knew Carter was president and that he was awful at the job. Even Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, a Democrat, said “F— Carter.” Now PinocchiJoe China Biden has many asking, “Who is president?” Carter’s brother, Billy, used the president’s car to shake down KhaDaffy Duck of Libya for money and sold Billy Beer. That does not hold a candle to what BlowHunter Biden does.
That’s because SOROS Was not controling things back then!
LOL!!! You know it’s bad when the main dummycrat propaganda machine says stupid wet pants senile Joe is worse than Carter. I thought Oboob held that title until the escapee from a Delaware nursing home stole the election. I also thought Billy Clinton was the biggest liar, but wet pants senile Joe even holds that title now.
I figured if would take longer, if at all, for there to be a worse president than carter, but there can be no doubt that being the worst president title goes to biden. Relax jimmy, you slipped into #2 spot before you died.
I am shocked, he’s worse than OBAMA!
Barackk H. Obama once was suspised to have said, ” If you have a Business, you Didn’t Build That , ” The Squad and Obama Never Gave Some of the Credit To the fact that You Were Lucky to Live In America, The Land Of Opportunity .
So true.. WHICH is strange, that even AFTER saying that, he got Re-elected.
From The Washington Free Beacon – ” Politics. . ” Obama tried To Warn Us : Don’t UnderEstimate Joe’s Ability To F- Things Up
. “