Gov. Ron DeSantis lashed out at President Joe Biden a day after Biden told the Republican governor to “get out of the way” of mask mandates.
During a stop in Panama City on Wednesday, DeSantis accused Biden of “helping facilitate” COVID-19 by not securing the border with Mexico. He said immigrants crossing the border are spreading all sorts of variants of the virus.
“You have hundreds of thousands of people pouring across every month,” DeSantis said. “Not only are they letting them through, they’re farming them out all across the country, putting them on planes, putting them on buses. Do you think they’re worrying about COVID for that? Of course not.”
He said the immigrants are crossing the border from all over the world, and “whatever variants there are around the world, they’re coming across that southern border.”
“He’s not shutting down the virus. He’s helping facilitate it,” DeSantis said of Biden.
“Why don’t you get this border secure?” DeSantis added. “Until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you.”
DeSantis’ comments came after Biden on Tuesday criticized the governor’s opposition to mask mandates.
“Look, we need leadership from everyone. If some governors aren’t willing to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, then they should allow businesses and universities who want to do the right thing to be able to do it,” Biden said in remarks about the pandemic. “I say to these governors, please help. But if you are not going to help, at least get out of the way of the people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.”
DeSantis has attributed the state’s uptick in COVID-19 cases to seasonal factors and rejected calls to impose a mask mandate. He last week signed an executive order threatening to withhold state funds from school districts that put mask mandates in place to follow federal health guidance for areas experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases.
On Wednesday, DeSantis doubled down on his opposition to such mandates, saying that “we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state.”
“I can tell you, Florida, we’re a free state,” he said. “If you’re coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way.”
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“You have hundreds of thousands of people pouring across every month,” DeSantis said. “Not only are they letting them through, they’re farming them out all across the country, putting them on planes, putting them on buses. Do you think they’re worrying about COVID for that? Of course not.”
“Why don’t you get this border secure?” DeSantis added. “Until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you.”
You gotta like this guy—decisive, intelligent, and willing to stand his ground with whomever,
Republicans, take note—this is how you deal with Liberals. You stand up to them and you don’t back down. Being whiny and timid makes you nothing but a doormat which Libs will gladly walk on. You need to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks—particularly Dems and the Media—and explain, teach, and advance the cause of Conservatism with absolutely no apology. Do that, and you will get the support you want and we can get this country back on track.
“Not only are they letting them through, they’re farming them out all across the country,”,,,,,apparently now mostly Texas and FLorida swing states. Their government workers are few, but the COVID vote harvest is plenty. sent to discourage aged retired conservatives who vote in person because they know they cannot trust their mail-in ballots to get to a place where they can be properly counted.
IF anything, they are WILLINGLY SHIPPING THEM to states, without the KNOWLEDGE OR even consent o those IN THOSE States, for the express purpose of SPREADING COVID…
Biden promoting the death of America, through his communist and lawless acts and then there is Ron DeSantis, who is a true Patriot. Biden is the devil personified!
This corrupt, bought, puppet president Biden and his traitorous socialist Democrat Party handlers/puppeteers, have become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
Vote ALL Democrats and RINOs OUT of office EVERYWHERE, from the president to the school board.
We must remove this destructive Democrat trash from our government and our lives. 👿
Not a blip, just zip your lip Joe!,,,because someone else has used your own loose lips to sink the American Ship allowing covid to come in across our borders like a TITANIC that just hit a Biden Icebereg. You are just a socialist sock puppet whose mouth moves, but the words are not you own but the secular foreign fools whose hands are as far up your backside, as yours are in their profered chests of bribe money.
More and more, i think REAGAN SHOULD have grown a spine, and stood UP To the whiner dems, back in the 80s. AND HAD not just demanded the wall be done, but STOOD BY AND WATCHED it get constructed, and a full on MOAT DUG in front of it, before EVER considering any form of amnesty….
“I can tell you, Florida, we’re a free state,” he said. “If you’re coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way.” 🙂 🙂 🙂
We here in Florida have a Patriot Republican Governor 🙂 that loves his country and stands up to the corrupt, bought, puppet president Biden and his traitorous handlers/puppeteers. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Only a few of the reasons not to get the shot:
It was built using fetal tissue thus making it immoral to use.
It has dangerous side effects that the “medical experts” and media masters refuse to acknowledge.
It is only partially effective.
If it’s so wonderful, why all the fearmongering to sell the product?
IF covid is THE issue, why is Biden allowing innumerable immigrants to enter America while infected… then they are distributed nationwide?
Ron DeStantis is a true patriot. It should be every individual’s personal choice to get vaccinated or not.
Only the J&J virus used cells from an embryo that was collected over 50 years ago in production. None of the vaccines have any such tissue in them. Moderna and Pfizer only used the cells in testing.
All vaccines have side effects. The vast majority of side effects of the COVID-19 are temporary and easily treated. Even the heart inflammation issue.
These vaccines are among the most effective vaccines ever made. Most people, including some in health care science, don’t understand the effectiveness number. When it says that a vaccine is 80% effective, it means that a person is 80% less likely to contract the disease than an unvaccinated person. Is does not mean that 20% of the people vaccinated will get the disease.
This administration and the health care folks are certainly using fear instead of facts to try to get people vaccinated. Throughout this entire pandemic they have been guilty of fear mongering instead of using actual science to convince folks that getting the vaccine is a smart thing to do. There is plenty of evidence for getting the vaccine. The media does not report how sick vaccinated people are getting (or not getting) when they show COVID Positive results. From all that I have been able to find, when a vaccinated person does test positive for C-19, they rarely get sick, and the vast majority have no symptoms at all.
xbioman, I BEG TO DIFFER!! They ARE NOT VACCINES, they ARE EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS!! The people who got these SHOTS, make up 10 TIMES MORE OF ALL NEW CASES than those WHO HAVE NOT GOT THE SHOTS. 35 STATES ARE tracking this. 4,000 PEOPLE HAVE DIED from taking these SHOTS. Around 10,000 HAVE BEEN INJURED!
THEY ARE NOT vaccines. A true vaccine, would STOP YOU getting the virus, it purports to protect against…
xbioman, you obviously don’t know what you are talking about. These experimental biologic agents have only been around for 9 months. They are RNA based, never used before in a vaccine. There is next to NOTHING known about their effectiveness, side effects, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING KNOWN about their long term effects. The American people are being used as the ONLY animal trial of these biologic agents. You have been successfully propagandized.
When people in your own country want you dead if you don’t take the jab, then it obviously can’t have anything to do with health. It’s a vaccine to lower the population, it has to be, because they won’t force those coming over the border to be immunized because if they die from “the Jab”, then they’ve lost another vote for the democratic party. The lamestream media will never let the American people know how many have died from this quick fix to lower the population. I’d rather die instantly from lead poisoning than miserable for toxic chemicals that have dozens of miserable side effects. Just watch the population slowly decline over the next 12 to 18 months.
I fear that decline, won’t be so SLOW.. I FEAR IT WILL be a swift massive drop…
Good for him for standing up to the bully in the White House who is so quick to attack others when he is doing worse.
We NEED EVERY GOVERNOR to stand up AGAINST “CHINA JOE.” I have some DUCKTAPE for Ly’n China Joe. The “POLICIES he’s been PUSHING are certainly NOT his. SO WHOSE running The OVAL OFFICE? Obama IS getting his “biggest wish” A FRONT MAN sitting in the Oval office. And OBAMA ACTING AS PRESIDENT. Everything has OBAMA’S FINGERPRINTS on it.
Unfortunate, MY governor, mike Dewhiner, the rino, is TOO BUSY KISSING UP to biden, to ever stand up to him…
My concern…
We have such traitors the White House that the current administration might be setting up areas of the country for covert biological warfare. A covert tactic perfected by China, or Russia, or even traitors within. That when certain governors expectantly refuse to wear masks, those areas will be targeted to infect people on an unnatural and concentrated level.
Besides….. Florida is the retirement capital of America. Higher number of the elderly will become infected as always with any flu. In the past the government did not test to see who was infected without having symptoms. Now we are finding out who has the virus but not feeling ill.
This is a propaganda masterpiece we are being victimized by. Would not be surprised to learn that some perverse genius Hollywood writers gave a helping hand in creating the horror movie effect using the media that we are being forced to become part of as extras.
Thank you Governor DeSantis, you are a true American.
Let’s hope he can KEEP IT UP, and resist the left’s Insurrection against him, unlike how they were successful with RE Trump.
Biden is just a cardboard cutout prop that was used in 2020 election to fool all the stupid fools in the public that they were voting for goofy but lovable old Uncle Joe & not the cabal of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao type tyrants who makeup the schizophrenic Marxist / Fascist / Globalist Dem Party.
Even stupid fools in US public should realize the Dem Party with help of Corp media, tech & business globalist profiteers is rapidly creating a political hegemony to dictate the constitutional rights, freedoms, speech, education, physical / mental health decisions, energy usage & livelihoods they will permit US citizens to have.
Prime example is Dem Party govt led vaccine / mask mandates for everyone everywhere, whether they are unhealthy, emotionally distressing, or effective, whereby the govt & private entities are now dictating our constitutional rights to the point of political persecution / oppression.
I love it! Some Governors are starting to see the light! Too bad the tyrannical Marxist in Santa Fe isn’t one of them!
This raises the interesting question of whether the cross-border invasion was part of the original plan along with the release of the virus and the explotation of the plandemic. Xi Jinping is well on his way to conquering the United States without firing a shot. Taking a page from the book of his Mongol ancestors who catapulted plague corpses into besieged cities and then sent invaders over the walls, the Chicoms first launched a virological attack and then arranged for the opening of the borders and a transformative migration that will swamp European-Americans within a year and exterminate them within a decade, For the moment the drooling booger-eating pedophile rapist will rule (or be allowed to think he does), but soon enough Ocrazio-Cortez, Mogadishu Mandy, Talib the Jew-baiter and, arguably the most loathsome of them all, Bushwoman, will come to the fore and be the first politburo of the Chinese satellite that will take the place of the First American Republic.
IT certainly sounds like something they’d orgistrate, just to shank us over.