The hive media is buzzing about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s statement that Ukraine is not a top policy priority of the U.S. and any U.S. aid to it must be accounted for properly.
It’s all so … controversial, even though it’s pretty much a mainstream view of the voters.
It got them excited, though, and that’s how he’s dominating their headlines.
But there was actually a more important news item, surely one that is being watched closely by America’s adversaries.
According to The Federalist:
The state of Florida is revoking the Hyatt Regency Miami’s liquor license after the hotel’s event center hosted a drag queen-themed Christmas show back in December in the presence of minors.
Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation filed a 17-page complaint against the Hyatt Tuesday for violating a state statute that prohibits lewd or lascivious exhibition in front of those 16 years and younger.
It was pretty gross and graphic in detail if you read the story.
Florida knew about it and let Hyatt know what state law was:
Before the show debuted, the department issued a warning to the Hyatt that it must not admit minors or else risk losing its alcohol license. But the venue still admitted minors as long as they were accompanied by an adult.
“Although Respondent [the Hyatt] updated its advertising to include a disclaimer that the Show was ‘[r]ecommended for audiences 18+,’ Respondent’s admission policies specifically allowed for minor children to attend if ‘accompanied by an adult,'” the complaint reads. “As a result, minors attended and were knowingly admitted into the Show by Respondent, including children appearing less than 16 years of age.”
And so, Hyatt just blithely ignored it, even though it seemed rather insane to do that.
Next thing they knew, they lost their liquor license, a high price for any Miami hotel to pay as Spring Break approaches, all to show a few kids what drag shows are and serve their parents drinks.
Well, that was expensive.
It’s kind of a minor event in the larger scheme of things, one expects that Hyatt will eventually find a way to get their liquor license back in time and all will be hunky dory.
But the incident wasn’t about Hyatt.
It was about creating a society where rule of law means something. Hyatt has now learned the hard way that while it might break laws in some states with impunity, perhaps because of its large corporate presence, it can’t do that in Florida. When the notice goes out to follow the law on what to expose to minors, they’ve now learned that DeSantis-led Florida is dead serious, and no amount of campaign contributions or sweet talking, or too-big-to-fail talk is going to change that. The law is the law and the law means what it says because it’s enforced.
You’d think Hyatt would have heeded that from the letter, or if not the letter, the hard hammer that came down on Disney when it decided to criticize Florida’s anti-grooming laws, vowed to unseat Florida’s officials behind it, and falsely characterizes the law as “don’t say gay.” They lost their tax-exempt status for that stupid bit of defiance and for all their talk of pulling out, they are still there.
Hyatt’s violation was even worse as it knowingly exposed kids to grotesque drag shows. It got its liquor license pulled quickly for that and it had to have been surprised.
Well, turns out DeSantis’s Florida is dead serious: Break the law, pay the consequences, up to them to decide what they want.
You can bet America’s enemies are taking note, too,and adjusting their calculations accordingly.
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There are still some places where woke corporations are not above the law!
The truth be known, Ukrainian is being used by the democrat/RINO party to fleece the citizens of the USA, they send the taxpayers money to Ukraine , and a percentage is returned into their bank accounts! The Ukrainian conflict is Europes problem not ours! Our problem is the 100,000 citizens being poisoned with fentanyl, while the southern border is wide open!
Good. Never thought of staying at a hyatt.. TOO DAMN PRICEY.