The U.S. has now reached its debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion, and the Biden administration and Democrats are calling for the limit to be raised. Republicans are willing to raise the debt limit, but are calling for corresponding spending cuts. Who will blink first?
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the department has taken “extraordinary measures” which will put off possible financial default until early June. This gives the government time to forge a solution. Can it be done?
A Connecticut Democrat wants children vaccinated without parental consent. Plus, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is in trouble… again.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Time for Congress to create the Line item funding cut program where selected, non-essential programs get no money, until revenues catch up with expensses. Tell them we will not default on the money, they just may have to wait up to two years to get it, or a sane President to get elected. Pick the least productive programs to defund run by the most radiacal cry baby wealth redistributors. WHen you deal with a clown, you just shut them down. Denying illegal aliens any social benefits is s good place to start, so only the productive get rewarded,,,only the tired, the hungry, the huddled masses yearning to Breathe free,,,,not EAT, House, get drugs or get midicated For free. When in doubt, cull them out, quckly before they can breed more social dependents , and more government funded social dependency. Our social program resources, based on good intentions cannot be infinitely funded. It’s time to separate the sheep from the goats, the weeds from the grain, the American medicine from the Mexican Drug poisons. Shutting things down temporarily will soon identify to THE PEOPLE just what they consider essential. Funding COVID research in China or rewarding foreign dictators is not any of them, nor paying people not to work. It’s high noon, and The House has all the bullets. Aim well.
2nd is cut every govt agency, ESPECIALLY ALL THOSE that the left’s weaponized, by 50%.
That’s what they SHOULD do, but based on past track history, the GOP ALWAYS caves in.. Unfortunately.