Joe Biden’s inability to lead on any issue has resulted in a host of unfavorable approval polls and a slogan — Let’s Go Brandon — that is sweeping the nation. The slogan has inspired merchandise, songs, and memes. However, a CNN analyst recently compared the slogan to ISIS.
Apparently a story of a Southwest Airlines pilot signing off by saying “Let’s Go Brandon” was too much for the CNN contributor. Asha Rangappa showed her leftwing outrage by wondering what would happen to the pilot if he tweeted something “equally” offensive like “Long Live ISIS.”
A new NBC News poll reveals bad news for Joe Biden. Plus, the American Medical Association issues new guidelines in wokeness.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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“Asha Rangappa showed her leftwing outrage by wondering what would happen to the pilot if he tweeted something “equally” offensive like “Long Live ISIS.””
I believe that we have more to fear from the corrupt, self-righteous, demented puppet president than we do from ISIS.
This puppet president and the traitorous, dishonest, destruct, immoral, socialist Democrat Party is our country’s most deadliest ENEMY!
Nathaniel Grigsby curses Democrats from 120-year-old grave. Inscribed on his tombstone is: “Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic Party. I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation have come to it through this so called Democrat Party. Therefore, beware of this party of treason.” The Democrat Party’s treason has been from its beginning. Since its founding the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party’s traitorous and treason character was apparent and is very apparent today.
The treachery of the traitorous, socialist Democrat Party know no bounds.
How’s about we air drop him in KABUL, and see how he likes ISIS then!
A popular song mentioned in the title of the song” Who’s going to fill their Shoes , ” This makes one think Who’s Going to fill President Joe Biden’s Shoes. After his term in office Will Make President Joe Biden about 84 or85, A little old in the tooth by then to run for office again.
The Clinton News Network is also The Communist News Network, so that is all one needs to know about the propaganda that spews from this fake news cable station.
Well, Biden did throw down a welcome mat for the Taliban in Afghanistan.
All no thanks to OBAMA’s loving on muslims, over americans!
Reply to Recent comments of ” Sonofthunder
We have to ask democrat , Socialist, Burnie Sanders,, ” Whst he thinks we should do .
What a bunch of WHINNING BABIES (snowflakes)!
CNN’s ratings are in the TOILET (and rightly so) – BECAUSE of “news” reports like this temper tantrum masquerading as an analyst comment!
Hey… How about an IN-DEPTH report on the Trump/Russia Collusion HOAX perpetrated by CNN (and orchestrated by Hillary and the DNC)?
That is why i would LOVE TO have the power, to YANK THEIR FCC license, to air their drivel!
ISIS states they will destroy America (which CNN is also trying to do). Let’s Go Brandon is a cry for individual independence and a denunciation of Biden’s Admin which is also trying to destroy America as we know it before 2022 elections. ERGO CNN and Biden are like ISIS, and American citizens that oppose oppression are not!!
It’s no wonder cnn- communist news network has ratings lower then a septic drain. Their ideals and propaganda equates to not even good fodder to wipe ones self with.
cnn is about as useless as fakebook and twitless. If America would stop watching and using them they would eventually go away. Why even when obami was pres he said isis was a jv team so where was the outrage then? Oh I guess we didn’t have useless brandon then. FJB!
How do these mentally deranged people come up with this stuff?
Because unfortunately, there’s JUST ENOUGH Demented TV viewers to buy INTO their balloney.
But not enough to steal the 2022 and 2024 elections with all the new safeguards for legal voting installed by states like Georgia, Texas, Florida, etc. Any honest person will admit that not checking signatures for mail-in ballots is illegal and promotes fraud and illegal ballot harvesting. Ask anyone who tries to crush state legislations to explain why this is not so, or to stop spreading lies and misinformation. KARMA struck and the Braves won the World Series. Stay tuned for more Karma in America spreading from Virginia to Maine. Forget currently beyond hope CA, DC and NY, and concentrate on the the rest of America.
Please we all must be aware that Asha and her insight of how the real world works and lives is short one olive of a martini
Evil Democrat minions like CNN always try to demonize dissenting citizens by calling them vile, hated names. But millions more are seeing the truth and ignoring CNN’s racist anti-America commentators.
What is this CNN Station that I Was Blissly Ignorent Of ??, A democrat ” Mouth- Piece ??