Conservative radio host Dan Bongino threatened his employer with an on-air ultimatum Monday, saying he would quit his popular radio show if the company did not do away with an imposed COVID vaccine mandate.
‘You can have me, or you can have the mandate. But you can’t have both of us,’ Bongino told Cumulus Media during an October 18 airing of The Dan Bongino Show.
Cumulus, which owns the network that airs The Dan Bongino Show, announced to employees in August that it would require them to be vaccinated by the end of September in an effort to return to the office on October 11.
– Read more at the Daily Mail
WLS midday host Dan Bongino threatens to quit over Cumulus Media vaccine mandate
Cumulus Media, owner of news/talk WLS 890-AM and more than 400 other radio stations nationwide, is on a collision course with some of its biggest personalities over the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all employees.
Dan Bongino, who took over Rush Limbaugh’s coveted midday slot (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays) in May, is threatening to quit — even though he already was vaccinated on the advice of his doctors because he has Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
“I’m not really happy with the company I work with right here,” Bongino told listeners last week. “I believe these vaccine mandates are unethical. I believe they’re immoral. I believe they don’t take into account the science of natural immunity due to a prior infection. I believe they’re broad-based and don’t take into account an individual circumstances of why they may or may not want to take a vaccine. And they’re antithetical to everything I believe in.
_ Read more at the Daily Herald
Dan Bongino is a “real man”, in that he stands up for what is right. The “fake males” are the ones that stand for moral depravity and communism.
That he is!
The “fake males” also stand for the all mighty dollar above all.. above integrity, morals, ethics and honesty. Mr. Bongino is a shining example of all the things the “fake males’ are lacking. God bless him
I appreciate Dan’s stand; however, we desperately need his voice.
Cumulus Media—WAKE UP !!!
THEY ARE WOKE.. That is the problem.
Unfortunately this has become a matter of pride (ego if you prefer). Cumulus execs are probably more concerned with the “shame” of having an “employee” back them down and dictate what direction the company should take than their actual belief in the effectiveness of a company mandate for vaccinations. Figure out how to get it done idiots because the impact on Cumulus from cancellation of Bongino’s show will be a helluva lot more damaging to their company than compromising.
You go, Dan! In Chicago Dan is on WLS 890, 11 AM to 2 PM. Right now they are airing recorded shows from just before his ultimatum. There is another Conservative talk-radio station in Chicago, WIND 560 The Answer, part of the Salem network. I emailed them and advised them to pick up Bongino if he becomes available, keep him in that time slot, and move Shaun Thompson up to the 2-5 time slot. WIND will crush WLS with that lineup. BTW, check out Thompson (4-7 Chicago time) on
Every American should join together and sue every company that mandates a vaccination for employment or airing their program. This is illegal, but they will continue to get by with it as long as people give in to save their jobs. Sad, because 20 million saying no would close most of these businesses until they changed their “policy”. And OSHA mandates are a farce because they are trying to make you take a drug that has hurt millions of people–violates the basic purpose of OSHA. SUE PEOPLE SUE NOW!!!
AND that’s the problem. WHEN these jabs came out, TOO MANY people were just lemmings, and going along to get along.. NOT ENOUGH STOOD UP and said “hell no”.
The stupid part of all this is that so many companies are caving to a “mandate” that hasn’t yet been issued. Probably because President Biden knows as soon as he makes it official courts will declare it unconstitutional.
AND that is what many of us said would happen. THE GOVT won’t have to mandate it, BIG BUSINESS will…
underhanded and sneaky these libtards are.
Take a look at San fran, where they are forcing BUSINESSES to validate folks ‘vaccine id cards’.. HOW CAN A GOVT literally force YOU TO do something THEY SHOULD be doing?
Would they be ok with businesses validating you are a US CITIZEN BEFORE serving customers?
All these businesses see are $ signs just like big pharma. Good for Dan, who needs any employer to force unproven vaccines on employees just to please the satanists who live and die for money and power.