The National Education Association (NEA) recently held its annual meeting, and the agenda can be summed up as follows: woke and more woke. Kamala Harris gave a speech on Roe v. Wade and sexualizing children, while delegates claimed America is a racist country.
One of the agenda items was a resolution on replacing the word “mother” with “birthing person.” Shouldn’t teachers be focusing on reading, math, and science? People have had enough of the woke, leftist agenda.
The White House dodges after being asked about Hunter Biden’s Chinese business dealings and “the big guy’s” involvement. Plus, you won’t believe where Joe Biden is sending our strategic petroleum reserves.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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These idiotic mentally challenged woke women have gone from a Helen Reddy “I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman!’ to a “I am woke, I’m defeatable, “I am Birthing Person” They have morphed Helen Reddy into a Hell of the unprepared.
When today’s woke teachers Unions go all in,,,just like when woke people go all the way in same sex,,,,, nothing living worth keeping is EVER produced. Just more confusion.
Woke is the Joke, of the day and the decade. Just ask our woke President whom most people just consider to be “Sleepy Joe Biden” He should have just remained Senator Somnambulance,,,and both he and the country would be safe, who thinks he can sleep walk his way through a Presidency.
More and more, i say DO AWAY WITH every one of these bloody useless Unions. STARTING WITH EVERY TEACHERS union!
If an Educator doesn’t know the difference between a Male and Female, they shouldn’t be Educators.
We have moved from educating to brainwashing and propagandizing. We have gotten away from recognizing academic excellence to flaunting outright stupidity. Common sense has been replaced with nonsence. The more bizarre and upside down something is any more, the more acceptance it receives.
We are becoming a society that is becoming noted for its crass ignorance.
American Liberal public schools and college campuses have been making “snowflakes” out of students and turning them into emotional and over-sensitive wrecks for years. Now when these Snowflake Democrats confront any kind of opposition or difference of opinions that comes their way and try to destroy anybody or anything that they don’t agree with. This is typical Democrat’s insanity.
Democrats see everything as subjective, how they feel things should be (not as they are) their whole world is subjective. Not Objective.
To Democrats, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant, If the Democrats do not WANT to believe them or they disagree with them. Democrats will just make up their own, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time.
This sure makes the argument against using the public school system for anything. They need to be defunded. Send your children to private school or home school. The public school doesn’t even make a good baby sitter anymore.
THis is why i am GLAD I HAVE No kids…
Well, we have finally succumbed to losing our sanity! Liberals have infiltrated our government, our society, our educational systems, and our workforce to the point that everything we do, everything we love, and every sensible action conservative, normal people make is condemned. Liberals attack normalcy and try to replace common sense with illogical, irrational procedures to revise our society and condemn us all to insane, radical reactions to everything healthy and Holy. Replacing “Mother” with “Birthing Person” is insane! Replacing Mother to appease a minority of miscreants who represent everything alien to God’s law, as-well-as Nature’s law is unforgivable! Can you say “Sodom and Gomorrah”?
To fully advance the Lying, Treasonous, Demonic, Woke, Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive beliefs and agendas is to divide our citizens with hate and promote – racism, open borders, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender, same sex marriage, child indoctrination into sexual confusion and perversions, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with GOD, our Constitution, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the Disguise of “anti-discrimination.”
Hi Scruffy. I have NO problems if someone wants to be transgender, have a same sex marriage (like Heavyfart in Chicago or Butterieg), or have an LGBTQ+ lifestyle. I think it is perversion but free choice. Just keep it to yourself, don’t lecture me and force your beliefs down my throat (illusion on purpose Pete). I do have great problems with exposing children to these beliefs and practices (like talking a 5YO to a drag show), racism at any level, abortion, and of course democraps.
Please show me a father or man (that would be DNA XY) who has bathed a baby. No uterus, no pregnancy, no birth. Then we can change.
I’ve known plenty of pappas, who change diapers, bathe the baby, birp them and such..
The useless woke crowd tell us that if we don’t think their way then we are racists. Well they are right, and the more of this stupidity that they come out with the more people they drive to being racists. This powder keg that this country is sitting on it about ready to explode, and it will tear this country apart and we may well find out that we are no longer the United States of America, but a divided mass of land split into at least two, maybe more, smaller countries. What a sad ending for this once great country!
Birthing person Used to mean a surrogate person, the woman that carried the child to birth. Thru Artificial insemination. When a woman can’t carry a child ,you use a Surrogate mother .
“Birthing person” is simply another card in the “game” of turning a civilization/culture into a non-functional “soup” of malleable drones/zombies that the perverted/psychopathic creatures can “feed” on at their leisure!!!
Bring on the Zombie Apocalypse!!
What I find hard to believe is that it seems every democrat has gone “woke” which appears to be party first right or wrong. How can someone become ust a follower without even thinking for themselves. If only the birthing persons of these new woke results had taken their Roe benefit