Independence Day was one of those times where everyone could come together, united in celebration of the American ideals of freedom and liberty. Not any more. Now, Independence Day is an opportunity for the radical left to blast America — to attack the country, disparage the flag, and shun the national anthem.
The woke left and cancel culture mob were out in force over the 4th of July weekend, telling Americans just how bad America is. If they are so “unproud” to be an American, why don’t they just leave?
Former President Trump makes a call for patriotism at his Florida rally. Plus, is it time for Joe Biden to take a cognitive test?
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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To those who have an issue with the country—who is making you stay here? You people want to showcase your ignorance and hatred because you know you can get away with it here. Unlike in Communist countries such as North Korea where you may be placed in front of a firing squad—or China, where you may be re-educated—or Russia, where you may be placed in a labor camp—over here you’re protected under free speech.
So you moan and groan and complain about everything that you can construe as negative. You are not being compelled to stay here. And have you considered why so many people are migrating here from other countries if it is such a bad place? Anyway, if you want to get out of this wretched place, get you a passport and a one-way ticket and move on to Happy Land, wherever that may be.
They stay because they are hypocrites, and their minds have become so dark and evil they can’t control themselves! There’s no other country they want to go to because America’s the last country that Satan has been foaming at the mouth to tear down, all in preparation for the arrival of the Antichrist. Broad is the road to Hell… and it looks like a whole bunch of people are going to have no trouble finding it!
THEY stay, cause
A) They know in most other nations, they would be SHOT or locked up, if they had THIS MUCH HATRED TOWARDS their host nation.
B) They won’t get the govt handouts anywhere else
C) they are lying cowards, who REFUSE to go anywhere else.
How many of these whiney hateful millennial snowflakes do you think have ever served their country?
Or have ever done anything to serve others??
I am now at a point to where I saw this on Facebook:
If I’ve offended you (whiney hateful millennial snowflakes) , just know that from the bottom of my heart,
I really don’t give a sheeit.
Not a single damn one..
Hand them a ticket to China and say goodby enjoy your new home.
Simple-LEAVE the US with a one way ticket. We don’t want you any of you here that hate this country and what are symbols stand for.
AND when they are forced to leave, HAND IN THEIR US Citizenship/passport when they go!
Yes, and hopefully the door will smack their butts hard to give them an extra boost, then slam shut permanently.
There’s days i really would love to NOT EVEN GIVE THEM THE CHOICE OF ‘should they leave or not’ WE SHOULD Use force, to EXPEL them. Permanently!
Plenty of non white people would risk all to come to this white supremacits country.
Things must not be so bad, they are all coming in, don’t see those so oppreaed maxines leaving.
The race card is anti America BS.
Exactly. IF THIS NATION IS so racist. So bigoted. So hateful, THEN WHY ARE literally MILLIONS OF Foreigners, flooding across our southern border!?!?
There is the problem Son of Thunder, don’t ask, throw her sorry butt out. Middle of the Pacific Ocean would be my choice.
Be careful what is wished for, because it may end up being Harris or Pelosi…
It’s as if George Orwell had a crystal ball and knew exactly how we’d be “newspeaking” in the 21st century.
Nostradamus had nothing on this guy.
Get ready, folks. The end is near. The empire of Oceania is upon us. The Rise of Big Brother.
ALL hail our new alien overlords!! 🙂
Independence Day is an opportunity for the radical left to blast America — to attack the country, disparage the flag, and shun the national anthem.
We really, really need to re-institute the Draft. These weed-heads can then either serve their country and get straightened out or offed, or they can try fleeing to Canada like their honorable, brave grandpas did during Vietnam war.
WITH how scrhinking the left’s doing to our military, i’d think they wouldn’t CARE about being “Drafted”..
Propagandized and brainwashed puppets of globalist elitists seeking to to divisively undermine and destroy the sovereignty and freedoms of this great Republic using every means possible. The NWO psychopaths have gone all out using a created and manipulated pandemic to justify using deadly injections to achieve their end game of complete control of the masses while achieving their depopulation agenda. They control all branches of government, the Fed Reserve and largest commercial banks, while buying up farmlands and entire neighborhoods of homes and commercial real estate nationwide. They are the enemy and domestic terrorists within.
just get the hell gone i am so tired of these candy *** sissys crying 24/7 about something hateful about my country.
just leave go away and take mommy and daddy with you to the nearest socialist utopia where climate change is the only threat to existence.
Asking? Begging? Who’s the sissy?
This country is divided because of the commie left. The NEA hasn’t any business telling parents what their children will be taught As a Union their job is to represent teachers on pay and benefits on contracts NOT It’s curriculum . Want to break a union ? Nail these commie jerks ! I thought that when women were “Given the Vote” in 1920 it would be beneficial to the Country. These young women that were asked simple questions, had that “Deer in the Headlights” look about them ! Makes me rethink their voting rights. Even if their
Parents are still democrat bet they were proud of their answers on “Proud to be American” ! Personally they made me want to puke, I think we’re at a point in this country that military should be mandatory after graduating High School. They sure as hell aren’t learning anything to do with Patriotism in there or at home. As far as the commies here go, that’s IT, they MUST GO !
We haven’t a place for them here.
WE need to BREAK every damn union, STARTING with the teachers union..
Gonna suck if these unpatriotic imbeciles watch the Olympics and have to hear the National Anthem a dozen times a day. They will probably be cheering for china anyway.
Should have had groups of people at those hate America July 4 events with bullhorns & signs shouting we love America & we love Old Glory & Marxist Dem Party & liberal left tyrants can go to hell.
We can organize local groups to out shout, disrupt & interrupt their public America bashing rants wherever they are, which would also make it very hard for news propagandists to show just them without showing & hearing us.
If the USA is so evil and vile, why don’t these ungrateful rats move to China? They certainly could not insult the country if they lived there!
NOR would china pay them to stay at home like leeches…