Eyewitnesses continue to come forward with examples of massive voter fraud during the 2020 election in key battleground states. During a press conference organized by the Amistad Project, truck driver Jesse Morgan described how his trailer of 200,000 ballots just disappeared over night. Ethan Pease told of plans to take 100,000 illegal votes and backdate them to make them legal. How many more eyewitnesses will be ignored?
President Trump has claimed the 2020 election has been filled with fraud. To date, hundreds of witnesses have come forward in sworn affidavits to provide the proof. Will states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan take action?
Joe Biden’s pick for the Office of Management and Budget is going on an epic Twitter purge. Plus, leftwing columnist Paul Krugman fears Joe Biden might be considered illegitimate.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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The Department of No Justice and the criminal., upper echelon of the FBI. The deep state at it’s finest and those of us that love our Country, get spit on.
Its to the point, someone could LITERALLY ON LIVE TV< sit there, burning 1000s of trump ballots, and then wipe his butt with the constitution, and the leftists media hacks, and barr * co, would STILL CLAIM "there is no evidence"..
BLIND IS THE MAN WHO refuses to see with both eyes.
DOJ, FBI, CIA all missing in action. I think we have a lot fewer “friends” than we think.
Many republicans are either silent or in bed with the demos. Rudy, Sidney and Lin plus “we the people”
will turn this mess around!
WHO neeeds enemies like CHina and russia, WHEN OUR OWN ******* GOVERNMENT Is the worst enemy around.
I agree Ituser.. so far the “official” word from Barr is “he see no evidence of wide spread fraud” … I guess just some is OK. So with this morons thinking.. If I rob a bank… there’s sufficient evidence…BUT… it doesn’t really change the outcome of the way the bank operates then it’s not worth investigating or prosecuting.
He’s mimicing the three monkeys. SEE no fraud, hear no fraud, speak no fraud… the useless overweight cretin..
The reality so far is that BLM and ANTIFA have gotten away with burning down cities. People are observing the ridiculous COVID demands by idiot politicians. Media and Tech companies still censor traditional American opinions and people still use, thereby support, Google, Face Book and Twitter to communicate. The kid, Rittenour (spelling?) is in jail for murder because he defended himself against ANTIFA. Indoctrination does have us believing Harris/Biden are our new leaders. Unfortunately, I wish I were as optimistic as others. Like Russian’s, Cuban’s and Venezuelan’s will Americans suffer socialism for many years to come? We see our finest ‘Men In Blue’ arresting peaceful store owners for defying COVID mandates and there’s no mass civil disobedience yet!
IT certainly doesn’t look good does it.
And yet, Bill Barr says there’s evidence of election fraud..
Barr is just another gutless wonder. When they made Trump, they broke the mold. There are too few “good men” (or women) willing to take on the screaming leftist mob.
Don’t you mean “And yet barr still claims there is NO evidence of fraud”>..
These “good guys” do not matter to the media and the dumbocrats, as they are not for them, but against them. So that means they are liars, and confused.
Hey Mr. Krugman, Biden’s presidency (if he takes the oath of office) WILL be illegitimate, as being elected with FRAUDULENT votes (you know, those of dead people, and scanning/counting the SAME ballots repeatedly, and have software that flips votes from Trump to Biden) does NOT constitute legitimacy!
This election is as PHONEY as the Trump/Russia collusion hoax!
WORSE, cause the russia gate nonsense, was BASED ON A LIE. HIS presidency would be based on a THEFT.
The Republican Establishment must be held accountable. Their silence and inaction speaks volumes as to their involvement in this crime against the American people. They may steal the White House from us, but they will not walk away from this unscathed. The very future of our country is at stake, they must pay the price for their treason.
BUT to kick all the rinos out, will ensure the DEMS CONTROL everything.
Not if you Primary them.
‘We’ are ultimitely responsible since ‘we’ are voting the Romneys in. If ‘we’ stop voting for RINOs and start voting only for Conservatives the problem goes away.
Sadly in a lot of ways we are our own worst enemy. Stop voting for them and they go away. It’s really as simple as that.
WE NEED proper conservative challengers do Primary them out though.. SOMETHING THE CHICKENS IN THE GOP keep stopping from happening.
and nearly a month after our election, we find out that Dominion was bought by a Chinese Communist holding company and the CCCP gov’t a month before the election?
and they interfered with our election- digitally, as did Venezuela and Iran? Why?
Truckloads of ballots delivered over state lines- Why?
stacks of ballots scanned multiple times, Why?
Cheating in every way imaginable. Why?
-And they hacked the code to count a portion of Trumps votes as for Biden? Why?
-Because they hate Trump, because he’s going to send them all to prison,for the crimes they have committed for the past few years, but now they have been caught and their crime sprees will end!
Will their crime spree end?? NOT from where i sit.
The one imaginary “whitleblower” was enough to start months of corrupt House hearings ending in an impeachment trial based on zero evidence. However, when many hundreds of election workers and observers sign documents under oath detailing gross election fraud, the lawsuits are summarily dismissed “for lack of evidence.” And we are told to “just accept that Trump has lost” and embrace our new president, sleepy creepy senile old Joe Biden.
NO. Biden has NOT won. He will NEVER be president. The recent election is a pathetic fraud.
AND everyone of those judges, ‘refusing to see the evidence, or dismissing it swiftly, just ’cause’, NEEDS TO GET publicly flogged, then defrocked.
There’s plenty of evidence of fraud and these judges that are dismissing it have no testicular fortitude and are completely intimidated by the BLM/Antifa thugs that they know will cause wanton destruction if they issue a ruling favorable to President Trump. So in their minds its easier to dismiss it altogether and pass the buck so to speak, Question is when it makes it up to the Supreme Court, the SC will not be looking at the issue of whether their was fraud or not but looking at the constitutional issues of whether there were violations of the Equal Protection Clause between people who voted in person and had to provide identification and the mail in ballots which were a total sham with no verifiable security features. Issues of fraud can and should be investigated either by local law enfortcement/FBI/ or DOJ and it seems as if all three levels of law enforcement seem to have no interest in doing so. These judges at the state level are all parroting the same line about not wanting to throw out ballots, even ones that they know are fraudulent because they dont want to disenfranchise perhaps 200,000 imaginary/fraudulent/ dead voters but seem to be totally ok with disenfranchising the 75 million plus voters that voted for Pres. Trump. The real totals should be something like 90 million plus for Trump and maybe 60 million for Biden.
The courts are the last resort for any of these issues involving fraud, The state legislatures need to stand up and do their job and refuse to certify the electors, Once the first one falls, the rest will follow. Someone has to show some leadership and courage in the face of tyranny. Otherwise republicans/conservatives are going to be viewed as second class citizens by these illegitimate Bolshevik malcontents staging a takeover of our government.
ANY judge, who is ‘passing the buck’, cause they are TO SCARED of what antifa/blm may do, NEEDS TO BE KICKED PERMANENTLY off the bench… RIGHT INTO the nearest jail cell.