Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave one of the worst interviews in the history of interviews. While criticizing others for not knowing the definition of capitalism, AOC managed to completely botch the meaning of the word during an interview with Yahoo! Finance.
AOC also gave her opinions on student loan debt, the Supreme Court, voting rights, and more. Every single response to the softball questions makes one wonder if AOC has a grasp of any issue at all.
Mitt Romney and other establishment Republicans blast the RNC’s censure of Liz Cheney. Plus, Democrat Stacey Abrams poses maskless with a group of masked children.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Did the interviewer really expect an intelligible answer from someone whose only real work experience is working in a bar? You can dress them up teach them how to walk but you can’t fix stupid but you sure can fool people with it. Go NY you made a wise choice! LMAO
I dunno bout that Timeup…. Stupid CAN be fixed. Just beat it out of them.
Not for her.. Her stupid is too ingrained into her, to ever get ‘beaten out of her’,
IF i was her parents, i’d be DEMANDING A REFUND On her college education, CAUSE IT certainly seems like she didn’t learn anything!
Eesponse to Ituser
Yiu Commented , ” If I were Her Parents, I’d Be Demanding A REfund On Her College Education, … ‘ What College Educated her and Gave Her their Certificate of Approval. ‘??
Rumor has it, she has a degree in Economics (isn’t that a joke) from Boston College. I’ve also heard that Boston offered to return every penny of the cost of her degree (all four years) if she promises not to tell anyone it was Boston where she got her degree. Talk about a waste of money.
HEE HAW! HEE HAW! HEE HAW! The bug eyed donkey face talks again.
Did anyone Expect an Intellectual interpertation Of Capitalism From The Likes of Alexander Ocasio Cortez Or For That Matter, Any Member Of The ” Squad , ” or the democrat President Joe Biden Adaministration, ” Come On Man. !! Replies
Basement Joe .!!
Correction of the Above Comments By sotheseedsofliberty2 ( Intellectual (Interpretation ) Of Capitalism ……i
Not just no. BUT hell no.. IMO IT would be a Miracle, to ever see ANYTHING intellectual, coming from any of those hags.
Every time she comments on any subject it ends up being more moronic than her previous ‘comments’ and opinions.
About what you’d expect from a 2-ounce brained imbecile. No surprise here.
That is insulting to 2-ounce brained imbeciles everywhere, she is not that smart. AOC is nothing but an moronic Commie Sandinista who is attempting to destroy the USA.
” Every single response to the softball questions makes one wonder if AOC has a grasp of any issue at all”. Since when do communist airheads / liberals have a “grasp of any issue at all”? Answer: Never!!!!!
You look at someone like this and you wonder—is this the best we can come up with to fill a Congressional seat—but then, she is there because of voter turnout—then, you start to wonder about the voters. And this is one of the biggest drawbacks to the illegal alien crisis—they are not informed on the issues, yet there are those who want to grant them voting privileges. We have got to get back on track because we have an overabundance of idiot voters voting for idiot politicians—and the country pays a dear price for that.
AND IT also shows, we need to REIGN IN allowing every damn person, to vote.. STOP trying to expand the voting pool, especially to the younger generation.
Demanding A Photp I. D. Be Shown in order to Cast A Vote Would Stop A lot Of Voter Fraud ,The Solution to Voter Fraud is easy, Even democrats can Understand that voter Photo I. D. Would put A Stop to Voter Fraud And They Want No Part In demanding It.
THe other day, while out shoveling my drive way, i got into a convo with a neighbor on gun-laws and voting laws, and i asked him
THE dude looked dumbfounded at that, and couldn’t answer..
She is Proof, higher education is now a joke.How did she even get into college ??
“is NOW a joke”??
I have 2 cousins that graduated from Harvard in the 70’s, and both are as dumb as a pile of rocks. Neither one could find his way home from his backyard without explicit directions.
She is definitely educated way beyond her brain’s ability to process the information, let alone retain it and put it to good use. She is the perfect example of what you get when you spend government funds educate people designed to be the arm pits of the body politic, to be and act as if they are designed by nature to be the brains.
John, its BEEN A JOKE FOR YEARS.. Its not now becoming one.
Don’t need college when your expertise is sleeping your way to the top!
Surprised she and Hunter have not yet hooked up? She could have been Veep.
EEWWWWWWWWWW.. I need bleech now, to wash my eyes out, after imagining that pairing.
Response to Timesup2022
Did You say In Your Response, ” Sleeping Your Way To The Top.?, I once Saw A Movie Where A Former Boy Friend of the Female Boss was questioned if she was trying to “Sleep Her Way In the Company, To the Top… Her Reply to Her Former Boyfriend was , ” I’d Be Prety Dumb If I Was Trying To Sleep My Way To The Bottom … “
AOCnoevilontheleft provides the necessary completion to the word “commie” which is just a half word without what describes her.
Put her in a dark room with cutouts of biden and another of castro and tell her she has to vote for two of the three herself included of the best 2 help the country she would vote for biden and castro hands down.
Why would anyone pay any attention to a bar tending bimbo? She knows nothing about economics except that now that she is part of the government she’s making more money that she ever has, and for so little effort or knowledge required.