U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger delivered an emotion-laden speech as a House select committee opened its investigation of the Jan. 6 insurrection Tuesday, praising law enforcement’s defense of the U.S. Capitol and criticizing fellow Republicans who tried to block the probe and cast it as a partisan attack.
After four members of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department and the Capitol Police testified about battling insurrectionists that day, Kinzinger choked back tears and said, “You guys may individually feel a little broken. You guys all talk about the effects you have to deal with and, you know, you talk about the impact of that day. But you guys won. You guys held.
“Democracies are not defined by our bad days,” Kinzinger added. “We’re defined by how we come back from bad days. How we take accountability for that. And for all the overheated rhetoric surrounding this committee, our mission is very simple: Let’s define the truth. And, it’s to ensure accountability.”
Kinzinger wasn’t alone. Adam Schiff managed to produce a few tears, as well.
Related Story: Teary Capitol Police Officer Who Testified About January 6 Previously Defended Violent George Floyd Riots In Kenosha
Kinzinger, of Channahon, is one of two Republican members on the select panel chosen by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. An outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump and his followers in the GOP, he was selected after Pelosi vetoed two of House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s choices for the committee, prompting McCarthy to withdraw all five of his selections.
Pelosi created the committee after Senate Republicans and most House GOP members opposed the formation of an independent outside commission to look into the deadly insurrection, which was aimed at blocking the Electoral College vote count that certified Democrat Joe Biden’s victory over Trump.
Related Story: Rep. Jordan accuses Pelosi of kicking him off Jan. 6 Capitol commission for raising ‘fundamental’ questions
Kinzinger said he was “frustrated” that several months have passed since a violent mob infiltrated the Capitol and so many questions remain unanswered.
“We still don’t know exactly what happened. Why? Because many in my party have treated this as just another partisan fight,” he said. “It’s toxic and it’s a disservice to the officers and their families, to the staff and the employees of the Capitol complex, to the American people who deserve the truth.”
Kinzinger has attacked Trump for continuing to falsely promote the belief that the November 2020 election was stolen, while also criticizing McCarthy and other House Republicans for promoting Trump as the GOP’s leader.
Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, like Kinzinger one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump over his role in promoting the insurrection, is the other GOP member of the select panel.
McCarthy has called them “Pelosi Republicans,” and the House Republican caucus is considering moves to strip them of their committee assignments. Cheney was already removed from the House GOP leadership team.
“I think that reflects more on people than it does on the situation at hand,” Kinzinger said of McCarthy’s threatened moves against him and Cheney.
“This is a historic moment and this is a democracy-defining moment, and no matter the consequences, me, and I know, Liz, will stand and defend democracy,” Kinzinger said.
During the hearing, Kinzinger said he wanted the public to trust the committee’s work despite the Republican leadership criticism, and said it was important to “get the facts out there, free of conspiracy.”
“This cannot continue to be a partisan fight. I’m a Republican. I’m a conservative. But in order to heal from the damage caused that day we need to call out the facts. It’s time to stop the outrage and the conspiracies that fueled the violence and division in this country, and most importantly, we need to reject those that promote it,” Kinzinger said.
“I’m here to investigate Jan. 6 not in spite of my membership in the Republican Party, but because of it. Not to win a political fight but to learn the facts and defend our democracy,” he said.
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The four officers who testified, Capitol Police Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and Metropolitan Police Officers Michael Fanone and Daniel Hodges, were praised as heroes by Kinzinger and other panel members.
“We are only here now because you guys were here,” Kinzinger said, adding that it was fitting for the panel to begin its work “with these four men who made sure that the attack did not succeed, with those who helped to ensure that democracy held.”
Noting that critics of the committee’s work contend it’s time to move on from Jan. 6, Kinzinger asked the officers if the insurrection feels like “old history.” Each responded “No,” with Hodges adding, “There can be no moving on without accountability. There can be no healing until we make sure this can’t happen again.”
In his earlier testimony, Dunn, who is Black, recalled not only the violence he witnessed that day but also being verbally assaulted with racial slurs. He recounted an encounter with Illinois Republican U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis in the Capitol rotunda after the building had been cleared.
“Rep. Rodney Davis was there offering support to officers. And when he and I saw each other, he came over and he gave me a big hug,” Dunn said.
Davis, of Taylorville, had been one of McCarthy’s five choices to be on the panel that the House Republican leader later yanked. Davis, who has been pondering a potential bid for the GOP governor nomination, then labeled the select committee a partisan “sham.”
While the select committee was meeting, Davis joined McCarthy and members of the House GOP leadership to denounce the panel’s work and attempt to blame Pelosi for failing to enact changes in the structure of the Capitol Police that they contend would have better dealt with countering the insurrection.
“It’s with great disappointment today that I don’t get to question my friend Harry Dunn,” Davis said. “Harry is a friend. Harry and I hugged each other when we saw each other in the Capitol after what happened on Jan. 6. Harry’s been to my office to talk about these issues. He knows that all of us here want to address the institutional problems with the structure that is set up to fail.”
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Just more crocodile tears from a room full of Lizards. Get ready for the truth getting rolled like a Gater in a victim death spin. Pelosi imagines herself to be the American Eva Peron Madonna, dressed to the nines singing “Don’t cry for me Capitol members, the truth is I never protected you, all through the wild days, our sad existence, I broke my promise, now keep your distance.”,,,,,from the TRUTH !
“The truth is what WE say it is.. “
If you are going to watch any of this clown show, make sure you have an emesis basin handy.
“Kinzinger choked back tears and said, “You guys may individually feel a little broken.”
“Adam Schiff managed to produce a few tears, as well.”
OH NO, Boo Hoo.
Dang, Now the Democrat Party is trying to be like the soap operas “THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES, ONE LIFE TO LIVE, AS THE WORLD TURNS.
OH No, such Drama, betrayal, and lies.
And the sad part is that FOOLS will believe this soap opera just as they did the other soap operas. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Jan 6 was a staged/planned event. As I understand it, Pres Trump offered the National Guard and they were used to guard traffic while 1/4 of the “palace” guards were used. The number of protestors/supporters were known ahead of time and there were not enough guards. In addition, they were not trained to handle eruptive crowds and the National Guard is. Then there were the conspirators, mixed in with the patriots who, it seems may have initiated the violence so the conservatives would get blamed and some of the prominent demonstrators have been identified at non-conservative rallies. Pelosi and her husband have gotten rich over her. She is reportedly the 6th richest member of Congress. Her husband is a venture capitalist and real estate investor. Don’t suppose he’s benefited from her inside info. She reigns.
“I’m a Republican. I’m a conservative.”. Adam Kinzinger, you are a Conservative communist, you are not a Conservative Republican. Adam Never Trumper, go to your safe space with your tinker toys and Barbie Dolls. Adam, in your safe space, you can give us your Pravda truth.
I wouldn’t even call him a conservative communist. JUST A COMMUNIST!
our own government is destroying the country.
where are the repubikins?
like shan connery said in the untouchables.
if they bring a knife you bring a gun.
if they put one of yours in the hospital you send one of there’s to the morgue.
someone needs to fight back.
These days they might as well change their names to “Republi-CANTS’
This whole thing is sick and evil. The only reason January 6th is a big deal is because it came to these marxist, elitists, tyrannical, satanic, politicians house. They could care less about all the crime going on in our towns and cities. They don’t care if you get raped, murdered, robbed, assaulted. In fact, they want to take away any protection or ability to defend yourself and your family away from you. They want to take your guns so you have no ability to defend yourself against this tyrannical government. This sickest and most evil part of this is they use our money to do all this. All of these “politicians” have sold their souls to the devil. Hope they find out it was worth it in the next life.
The ony pity to ME, is that those who stormed the capital, did NOT GO FURTHER, and drug each and everyone of these traitors out, to face PROPER JUSTICE..
Kinzinger choked back tears ….
Where was this Drama Queen when Leftists stormed the Trump White House May 30, 2020 throwing Molotov cocktails ??
Where was this Drama Queen when Leftists Rioted, Looted and Burned cities across this nation ?
Not just that, but what about WHEN BLM AND ANTIFA actually OCCUPIED SEVERAL federal buildings all over the nation, INCLUDING TWO COURT HOUSES IN PORTLAND AND SEATTLE! Why was he not outraged back then!?
Yes, patriot, & where were the local, state & federal elected officials, especially Repubs, during all the violent rioting, burning, looting of both private & public properties, including the Capitol, police stations & college campuses & the armed assaults on law enforcement & civilians that occurred over last few years?
Didn’t hear that any of those 4 officers went on TV then to angrily scream “it was a DISGRACE” that elected Dems & Repubs not only did nothing to stop it but all the elected Dems, including VP Harris, actually supported, incited & facilitated the rampant criminal violence & destruction.
Nobody can trust cops who stupidly support the Dem Party that supports & defends the Marxist antifa / BLM cop hating “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” anarchists.
Elected officials did zero to stop or hold accountable the activists who have caused multi billion $ damages & killed / injured thousands of cops in cities across nation in last few years but they have the nerve to be surprised, outraged & boo-hoo that now everyone feels they should have right to get away with doing same.
The riots that occured at thee Washington D. C. Capital on Janurary 6Th, 2021 and the mock Hearing by Democrat Marxist, Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi, brouught out ,until the Hearings, some of the Capital police members along with some democrat career poloticians like Adam Sheffie along with some Republican ( ” Rinos ” )like Liz Cheny. I witnessed tje preformance of these charters befre the committee , it left those watching these charters on their T. V. , if they wern’t all members of ” TheActors Guild . “
Hell, in many cases, those congress critters, HELPED PONY UP MONEY TO BAIL OUT those rioters who DID get arrested…
Yeah, let’s pour on the emotion—on cue, let’s zoom in on the tears and the heart-wrenching pain. We have our TV time now and the Media is ready to proceed with unrestrained sensationalism. Let’s chalk up yet another Dem spectacle.
“Democracies are not defined by our bad days,” Kinzinger added. “We’re defined by how we come back from bad days. How we take accountability for that. And for all the overheated rhetoric surrounding this committee, our mission is very simple: Let’s define the truth. And, it’s to ensure accountability.” For once, make your words mean something.
Let’ start with the obvious lack of security. Where the hell was it? I hear conflicting reports that Pelosi is in charge of that—surely SOMEBODY is. Security at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should be of the highest level. How do you just nonchalantly stroll onto the Capitol grounds, leisurely walk through the main door, and ramble around? It isn’t Walmart. Pointing fingers at all the people who got inside makes for a good show, but this has “staged” written all over it.
So, Mr Kinzinger if you’re all about truth and accountability, I would certainly examine that bungled security issue really close. And don’t fall on your go-to crutch of blaming Trump for any part of it—that does not get to the truth nor does it explain the glaring lack of accountability where security is concerned.
If he’s all ‘about accountability’, HOWS ABOUT STARTING with calling for impeachment hearings for PELOSI!
When I was 10 years old, my family vacationed in washington dc. We “strolled” into the capital building, and leisurely walked around. No metal detectors, no visible police presence, congressmen walking around, going about their business, house and senate chambers public galleries open, office doors open, public welcome. Also, toured the White House, with no metal detectors, no personal searches. That was 1961, when “the people’s house” really was the peoples house. This is no longer America. We are now a third world “s**t hole, just like the communist party wants.
With tyrants running the show…
All that show needs are three rings and a clown car.
Make no mistake, this is ONLY about arresting President Trump!
AND punishing all of us voters to supported trump…
I saw better acting in a crying scene in an old Bette Davis picture than I saw in clips from the hearing, even crocodiles would find the emotion humorous. Then they tried to wrap themselves in some sort of patriotism which throughout the past five years they have eschewed as really white racism. On top that was ‘testamony’ riddled with misinformation (lies) of events seen over and over again in replays that cannot be rebuffed. Topping that was the admission of one that he had voted for Joe Biden which in no way influeneced ? his opinion of the rally attendees and the events following!
I think I am going to puke. Who could possibly buy this ****? Is the public really that stupid?
YES, at least 40 %
Unfortunately, YES THERE ARE plenty of brainless drones, who buy this insanity..
What a bunch of pathetic phonies.
And to think this P- O- S was in my Navy, he is no patriot (because demonrats hate those), even his own family rejects him. This idiot is a communist thru and thru.
I wonder what his rate was, and where was he deployed (assuming he WAS deployed).. OR WAS he one of the ‘select few’, who ALWAYS seemed to get cushy stay at home jobs….
Kinzinger is just another communist democrat who “infiltrated” the republican party to obstruct the conservative Christian values of the republican party, to divide the republican party, and to destroy the republican party. This is what communists do….they infiltrate to destroy. They want to be a one party rule, so that they can establish a communist dictatorship.
Democrats who run as republicans and are elected into the republican party by their deceitfulness, are called RINOCRATS. And, they continue their deceitfulness their entire political career.
TERM LIMITS are in order, because term limits are the ONLY thing that will end their careers of corruption.
The republican party needs to vet their candidates, to make sure that they are not being infiltrated with these communists, we cannot allow the republican party to become communists, too. They are the only lifeline that we have against the communist democrat party mafia.
It’s up to us (Voters) to primary out RINOs before final elections. Lazy uninformed voters simply voting “R” in final elections is not good enough anymore.
Exactly. Voting for a DO-nothing rino, is JUST THE SAME AS voting for a demonrat..
I’m surprised to hear you say that, with a handle like you have. The answer is in that very name. We’re finding out the hard way that only GOD himself can be our KING. I say “DEFUND THE GOVERNMENT” and beg forgiveness from HIM. Return to GOD ALMIGHTY America, HE alone is our only hope. HE himself will blot out the democrat & republican so-called politicians to the point that they wont even be remembered. And good riddance to them all. Embrace the KING of Kings!!!
Any idea how long this Pelosi ******** will go on – when is Summer Break?
As an update, I was listening to Dan Bongino on talk radio and he was reviewing the BLM attack on the White House in June of last year when Trump had to be moved to a secure underground bunker. Dan and his wife were there at the time and had to walk about three miles to get to their hotel while being followed and threatened by BLM activists. So, where was the investigation for truth and accountability then? It wasn’t even a daily news story as the Jan 6th incident was.
Mrs Pelosi and Mr Kinzinger—where is your concern and search for truth when members of the Republican Party are threatened? Where is the outrage? Why the double standard? Why don’t you talk to the police officers and soldiers who were present at that incident? May your lack of genuine concern and your total indifference to truth come back to haunt you down the road—the sooner, the better. You should be granted the privilege of wallowing in your own corruption. Just know—you can choose to dance with The Devil, which you have—but you do not get to choose to leave the party. As The Eagles sang in Hotel California: “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”
AHH.. BUT that sort of ‘riot’ was not just ok, but its to be celebrated’, for attacking the Oppressors’…
So much of the GOP has moved far left, I could not possibly vote for them, never mind support in fund-raising. There are only a handful that I believe (usually tell the truth) and take seriously. This party has lost it’s way, it’s infested with spineless RINO cowards…it’s imploding and dying. USA is becoming China with guns (for now).
Kinzinger is a RINO POS.
Kinzinger is a RINO P-O-S.
grayesun & porterv1, y’all are being to kind to the traitors of the republican party. They’re benedict arnolds and should be shot onsite. Voting is obsolete. In the next election, I’ll vote the write-in choice of GOD ALMIGHTY! Laugh if you will, accuse me of throwing away my vote, but my creator will know where I stand and HE will bless me with not only safety but prosperity as well, even while the country burns. Trust in HIM, what do you have to lose? Wash., D.C.? Now I’ll do the laughing….
Wash., D.C.? Now it’s my turn to laugh….
The ONE person most resposible is the person in charge of the Capitol Police….the ones who let people into the building.
That would be the person demanding this pony show.
Miss Grease-pit 1955 herself, Nancy Pelosi.
The Capitol Police (thru no fault of their own) got a taste of what people who live in Washington, D.C go thru everyday. The difference is many of them don’t live to see the next day. As far as the show of tears, I guarantee none of these politicians every cried when an innocent citizen, Policeman or women died in the line of duty. They all need to move to Hollywood.
This made for TV drama features worse actors than a grade school play.
YOU get better acting, Watching the WWE!
WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH! Those protesters scared me so much I almost had to borrow a pair of depends from senile Joe because I thought the protesters were going to beat my democrat/RINO butt. WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH! What a bunch of vaginas!
PITY THEY didn’t see that come to reality!
Tears? What spineless drones they are!