It seems there’s no sanctuary from draconian mask and vaccine mandates. You can’t get on a plane, go to school, work at a hospital, perform onstage, compete in sports, exercise at a gym, worship in church or walk outside without the long shadows of Big Pharma and the COVID-19 control freaks looming over every aspect of your lives. Every breath, every movement, every tweet, every Facebook post, every Instagram meme is being monitored for compliance.
There is one escape hatch, however. If you’re an illegal alien, congratulations! Privileged border trespassers have been handed special “Get out of COVID Tyranny” cards, while the Biden administration is poised to send vaccine squads door to door to harass law-abiding citizens. Immigration rules don’t apply to illegals, and neither do the invasive pandemic rules imposed on our citizenry.
Related Story: Tom Homan – Biden warning Americans about COVID while border ‘wide open’ for COVID-positive migrants
Fox News reporter Bill Melugin reported on Tuesday that “after an incident at a Whataburger, police in La Joya, (Texas,) say they’ve learned illegal immigrants who test positive for COVID-19 are being released from federal custody to a local Catholic charity in the (Rio Grande Valley,) which then places them in local hotels without notice.”
Border Report, a publication of Nexstar Media Group, also discovered that Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, or CCRGV, had placed illegal aliens at a local hotel that “reportedly did not contain them inside their rooms. The La Joya Police Department issued a public health warning citing reports that visibly sick migrants had been at a burger joint not wearing masks.” Border Report spoke to CCRGV executive director Sister Norma Pimentel, who told the outlet that the situation “has been corrected” and “a security guard was hired at the hotel to keep the migrants inside.”
It is unknown how many COVID-19-positive illegals have been housed at hotels in Texas, but the federal government’s outsourcing arrangement with Catholic Charities has been in place in the Rio Grande Valley since at least May 2014. I interviewed former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent Victor Avila in April about illegal alien-coddling activities at the CCRGV he observed, including routing untold numbers of border trespassers onto buses or planes without IDs (try doing that, my fellow Americans!). Avila also told me he saw envelopes being handed to the illegal aliens at the Catholic Charities facility, which he believed to be cash.
Catholic Charities certainly has money to burn. As I reported in my 2019 book, “Open Borders, Inc.,” Catholic Charities raked in an annual revenue of nearly $4 billion in 2016, $1.2 billion of which came from government sources. Taxpayer funding is the largest single source of funding for Catholic Charities, comprising more than one-third of its total funding.
Operating under the umbrella of the illegal alien amnesty-promoting U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities employs an estimated 65,000 employees engaged in affordable housing, health, welfare, employment, and immigration and refugee resettlement. In 2016 alone, Catholic Charities’ members served 413,050 immigrant and refugee clients. Immigrants (no distinction is made between legal and illegal) received help with “Dreamer” applications, detention and removal hearings, visa applications and citizenship services. Refugees received “interpreter services, job placement, employment training, outreach, counseling, legal services, and matched savings programs.”
As I warned in my book, what every Catholic who believes in a sovereign America needs to understand is that the radicalized leaders of Catholic Charities are using your collection-plate contributions to implement Marxist-inspired liberation theology principles; think of it as faith-based socialism for a borderless planet. What every taxpayer needs to know is how much of this Catholic largesse for open borders has actually been subsidized by you.
By one Washington Times estimate, some 57 government agencies now contract with the Catholic Church. From the federal Corporation for National and Community Service in 2016, for example, Catholic Charities agencies scooped up $14 million. That year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provided the largest infusion of tax dollars, followed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture and other major agencies. The federal funding includes both direct government grants as well as “pass-through” money funneled through to Catholic agencies from federal grants to other state and local entities or nonprofit groups (including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops).
Catholic Charities has also reaped unknown financial and in-kind contributions from governmental and intergovernmental agencies ranging from the European Union to the United Nations to the governments of Austria, Australia, Canada, Columbia, El Salvador, Germany, Honduras, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K. and the World Bank.
It’s bad enough the multibillion-dollar illegal alien racket run by Catholic Charities puts “welcoming the (border-jumping) stranger” above America’s own homeless, jobless, veterans, Native Americans and poor. But for federally funded Catholic Charities and Biden officials to work together to undermine our borders and open our doors to hordes of maskless COVID-19-carrying trespassers flouting our laws — as we citizens suffer under unceasing pandemic oppression — is unholy treachery.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Michelle Malkin, As always, great commentary. “Control freaks” is right. The politicians are communist “control freaks”, when it comes to the American citizen and the American citizen comes in last place to the illegal aliens. The “Catholic Charities” when it comes to illegal aliens are “money talks Catholic Charities”. The “charity” of housing illegal aliens in our Country and the “charity” of taking money from our government / taking money from the taxpayer.
Tyrannical powerloving freaks, more like.
Joe Biden accused Facebook of being killers, all the while he himself is guilty of mass murder and assaults on WE THE PEOPLE with a deadly weapon,,,,,,,Called incoming, unvetted foreign born COVID. He just seems determined to out do Cuomo for well-planned pandemic malfeasance in office, and roll up the casualty list to secure his legacy of being the most incompetent actor and creator of failure since Jimmy Carter tried to solve the Iranian hostage situation.
HIM and everyone else in the DNC< flat out ENCOURAGING this open borders, needs to be CHARGED WITH MASS Murder…
Biden is the one who is importing Covid-19 across the border. Thank God we have some governors and senators who are not a bunch of whimps and will stop al of this Covid import!
They return to masks only because they are willing. Wish I could hit the lottery so I could buy a million burqas to hand out to all the morons who are willing keep bending over to this government. This country is toast…..
I’d love to PERMANENTLY SUPERGLUE thos masks to their faces!
treason is the only word for the demoncrat party of satan.
It appears that our corrupt, demented, parrot, puppet president Biden and his puppeteers are our country’s most dangerous ENEMY!
And the Nasty Nancy Pelosi and her Congressional Democrat Party cult are orchestrating and contributing to our destruction.
What is it going to take before the Republican Party and or WE the PEOPLE put a stop to this Democrat Party’s TREASON??
In the end what it’s going to take to end the destruction of our country is that second revolution that’s been talked about for years now. It’s getting close to time for that before it’s too late. If the democrats win in 2022 and 2024 that’s it, our constitutional government is over. Somehow we the people need to stop them, and by any means required
Like you i DO believe the only way out of this mess is a new revolution. BUT EXACTLY WHO will start it?
Treason is punishable by death. The sentence will have to be carried out by we the people, the people of GOD. Let’s go folks, we’re guaranteed victory.
That is correct! Treason and it is punishable by hanging! Can we watch?
When the Democrat party and joe start funding Catholic charities on the border, you just have to know that Joe and the Pope will soon have us all on the ropes., and the Catholic church getting socially set up for a fall, having eaten of the forbidden Biden fruit. Just how much is a 10% kickback on 4 billion dollars? Will Hunter be proclaiming his chastity and become a priest? Better our people controlling government expenses start performing a financial and border exorcism, while joe in his bed rises, and his head spins 360 degrees spewing unintelligable speeches like Regan spewed pea soup.
I can’t see HOW ANY of those orgs, literally helping SHOVELING OF ILLEGAL INVADERS through out our nation, can EVER CLAIM TO be ‘Catholic charities’!
When catholic versions of Biden are involved, Charity begins at home, and 10% ends in his Crime Family bank accounts, as Hunter plays the part of the chior boy who tries to light a candle, and ends up burning down the whole building.
Pity they don’t get BLUE BOLTED from heaven, every time they step INTO a church!
Unfortunately, the Catholic organization, is the biggest cult, and the biggest ” Organized Crime ” there is!
We will see the return of draconian shut down measures and mask requirements in democrap run states and cities. The rest of us will live our lives as free people.
AND note.. ALL though out the past 4+ years, we’ve heard leftists SCREAM bloody murder, at anyone suggesting VOTER IDs, saying “THAT IS RACIST”.
BUT when THEY ARE pushing vaccine passports and ids.. SILENCE.. Some how having to make folks carry photo ID with their vaccine passport is NOW NO LONGER racist…
It is now clear that this illegitimate puppet regime and the Chicoms who control it are never going to let up. It will be masks and lockdowns and being held down and jabbed for years to come, with any expression of skepticism or disagreement detected by intense surveillance and subjected to harsh and exemplary punishment. This will continue, punctuated by orchestrated riots and crime rampages hitherto unprecedented in the western world, until the existing American population is largely exterminated and replaced by an imported brown Third World lumpenproletariat. Very simply, this is the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, initially bankrolled by the Rothschilds and the Fabians and now being advanced by Gates and Schwab and Soros. Private property and individual enterprise is to be eliminated and replaced by a communal economy, which is supposed to eliminate inequality and tensions. The caucasoid peoples will be replaced by a homogeneous Afro-Asian population which will be more tractable for the elite on the one hand and immune from racial frictions on the other. As the common people are not smart or discerning enough to manage their own affairs, the world will be smoothly and efficiently run by a global oligarchy backed up by international peace-keeping and law enforcement agencies. It is likely that only a national revolution in this country can stop that plan now.
MANY OF US said last year “You can bet that now the dems KNOW WHAT they can get away with, THEY WILL NEVER EVER LET GO of this power..
AND GEE we are proven right daily!
All that sounds so inevitable medrake but let this be known: satan canNOT do one thing that we don’t allow. IF we return to GOD and pray to him GOD will heal our land & make toast out of satan. The next move is on us.
Nope, it’s going to happen. The only question is when, and the Bible tells us that we will not know.
We must continue to fight since we are fighting for our lives!
Lock down the illegal aliens and not the vaccinated AMERICAN citizens! This should be the course of the administration, the CDC, and other health agencies.
How’s about not locking down any american citizen, including the unvaccinated.
I committed no crime. Why would you have me in prison for my biology?
Because that’s how they keep control. PUNISH everyone.
EFF THAT. I’m not wearing a mask anymore.
Burn it.
I am shocked they’ve not gone so far as to deploy troops to every city, and set up checkpoints to ID EVERYONE who’s outside of their home “WHERE IS YOUR VACCINE PASSPORT”, and for those who can’t or won’t show one, lock them in their homes..
It won’t be long before us unvaccinated will be sewing yellow stars on our clothes.
Nazis do, what nazis do…
Please, don’t give them any more idea! These are very sick people!
I do not wish this but I sense the 3 percenters are about to rise once again in this country. To much under the thumb by our government and those not elected. Seems bin biden, faucci, camela, teacher unions, democratic mayors are all in bed with the CDC and NIH.
What is it going to take before the Republican Party and or WE the PEOPLE put a stop to this Democrat Party’s TREASON??
When it is one day too late Scruffy, the day after all is lost, that’ll be the day we’re ready to make that stand.
Unfortunately i fear you may be right.. TOO many ‘so-called patriots’ are just waiting for someone ELSE TO take the lead, in ousting these tyrants.. SO by the time someone DOES step up, it may already BE too late.
The Republican Party will have to keep fighting, but I do not think they have it in them to fight! They are like parents who have too many children and can’t keep fighting them, so they let them take control!
We should be up to mask layers by now since the Delta variant is so much more contagious. Are hazmat suits on the horizon?
What variant? Can’t have a variation of a thing that was never discovered in the first place.
The scam runs deeper than you think. There is no virus and never was.
Many people who died, were told they had Covid, but that was for our benefits!
Most of them died of old age, car accidents, motorcycle accidents and maybe they were helped along the way, like the Cuomo Fiasco! Maybe the Social Security wanted to spend that money on other issues !
Or full on Gas masks / Self contained breathing apparatuses..
covid aint the only disease coming into the country at the border.
ITS just the only one being REPORTED On (and only then, by the guys and gals at fox)..
Biden and the Democrats are waging biological warfare against the American people.
I will not wear A mask, and when arrested will not participate in court in fact I’ll have nothing but contempt for the judge and or court… #life-for-contempt
The “temporary” income tax enacted to finance World War One has proven unable to pay the endless “needs” of government bureaucrats…but that has not brought an end to the tax.
Social Security has been systematically robbed leaving it unable to pay back senior citizens but this Ponsi scheme rolls on and on.
Masks mandates have proven ineffective but the self appointed mindless masters keep trying this pathetic plan again and again. “Stupid is as stupid does.”
I’d love to see someone take it to court, to END INCOME TAX entirely.
How long are stupid American going to lay down for this?? We shouldn’t have done it the FIRST time. Can’t we show the world that in spite of Obozo running the dismantling of America that we can still STAND THE HELL UP!!!! Does no one understand that this will go on until we REFUSE TO COMPLY en masse??? I sorely worry about the collective mental state of the population that has flatly accepted communist tyranny.
I’ll stand with you caligal, you on the west coast / me on the east. Thats’a start, there are more in this site alone that will join us. Let the “TABA” begin (Take America Back Again).
That was the purpose of the dummycrat plan. It’s all part of the puzzle to lead this country to communism.
Time to rethink support for Catholic Charities. I have always felt that by accepting government funding, Catholic agencies were putting themselves at the mercy of government rules that conflict with Catholic doctrine… now it seems this agency is kowtowing to the government in pursuit of the almighty dollar. You can empathize with the immigrants desiring to come to the US without compromising our own sovereignty.
I save my empathy for AMERICAN CITIZENS who continually get DUMPED ON, while illegal INVADERS< get coddled..
Case and point. A good friend of mine, from back in my navy days, finally go the smart up to try and go in and get put down for disability insurance (SSDI). Went in and got told "Sorry but the appointment we gave you 4 months ago, has to be yet again pushed off, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO SEE all these undocumented immigrants first"…
The puppet Putz in Chief, sleepy Joe Biden, (with banana pudding between his ears), incompetent cackling Kamala, a politicized CDC and a useless Democrat controlled Congress can’t seem to figure out that 120,000 illegal immigrants per month entering the USA supersedes the wearing of masks! These illegal immigrants sick with COVID 19 and unvaccinated are being dispersed throughout the USA!
Somehow the Democrat puppet Putz in Chief must be convinced to close/seal the southern border!!
Good luck with that. You’d stand a better chance of convincing a school of pirannah to not eat you.