This past Saturday, as Americans paused to remember those lost during the attacks of September 11, 2001, former President George W. Bush gave a speech in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The speech was supposed to focus on the heroes of United Airlines Flight 93. However, in a most unseemly manner, Bush targeted part of the speech on Trump supporters.
Without mentioning former President Trump, Bush clearly tried to make a comparison between the 9/11 terrorists and the January 6th rioters. The comparison was inaccurate, inappropriate, and diminished what should have been a solemn occasion.
A Washington state high school cancels its 9/11 tribute, because it could be seen as “insensitive.” Plus, the attacks on Larry Elder in the California recall election continue.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Well… it looks like Bush is in league with the communist occupier stanching up the oval office… he must love the Islamic terrorist… all the deplorable people he has condemned voted for him. This elitist scum can go straight to hell…do NOT pass go… do NOT collect $200.
Jeb’s brother just won’t let it go.
Yes, he’s a communist muslim new world order elite globalists who wants to turn us citizens, our country, our sovereignty, and our wealth over to the communist muslim globalists to make us human oxen yoked to their communist plows.
Just to think. HE was so good for our nation, right after the 9.11 attacks. NOW HE is just as traitorous as the rancid demon-rats in office are..
Silly…9/11 was an inside job…an excuse to go to war. Don’t believe me…you might consider watching this documentary:
Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick
You got that right Michel… take a good look who has major stock in Halliburton… an oil company with subsidiary companies that provide battlefield supplies like food rations, blankets, fuel ect. to the US government at astronomical prices… why.. it’s none other than the Bush, Cheney and Biden crime families. I know… I know … I’m just …another… conspiracy theory nut. Just cause I’m paranoid… don’t mean it ain’t happenin’
Hell, iirc there was a report in 2008 or so, where THREE of the joint chiefs at the time, supposedly had stock options in halburton…. SUPPOSEDLY….
BUT with all the other stuff we know, i can certainly believe it.
I at first thought , these people who never liked nor voted for a Bush diidn’t like the Bushes and voted against the Bushes whenever they had a chance but theres a book who’s Author titled this Book, ” The Bush Crime Family , ” Maybe the Bushes weren’t who they Claimed to be .
The good for nothing open borders Bushes, who gave us David Souter and John Roberts. The RINO Bushes, good riddance! Just remember Jeb loves illegal aliens.
All along, just like Paul Ryan, he is a communist muslim demonRAT who infiltrated the republican party to obstruct and destroy the republican party and OUR country.
The communist democrat party of America have , with their plans to destroy and ” Bring America down ” as George Soros said once have suseededed beyond their fondest dreams, but ” the ” Rino Republicans Helped the democrats do this to the Country , the democrats couldn’t have done it without the ” Rino ” Republicans ….
I wonder. WAS he always this much of a backstabbing RINO one worlder, or did he SHIFT and become one?
Also, George H. W. Bush, was Dir. of the filthy CIA, and a Skull & Bones member, and conspired with others to have President John F. Kennedy assassinated.
Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick
He has Trump Derangement Syndrome, too. He is chummy with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama—what is to be expected?
He has swung further and further Left since he left office.
None of the Bush family have ever been pro-America…they’ve always been about $$$. CORRUPT for DECADES.
Without mentioning former President Trump, Bush clearly tried to make a comparison between the 9/11 terrorists and the January 6th rioters. The comparison was inaccurate, inappropriate, and diminished what should have been a solemn occasion. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Former President George W. Bush, You are a disgrace to our country.
The hijackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly financed by the al Qaeda terrorist organization of Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden, they were allegedly acting in retaliation for America’s support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued military presence in the Middle East. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
And this fool compares January 6th riot to 9/11. On 1/6/21 only one person was killed and that was a murder BY a White House policeman.
Bush is a RINOCRAT. A RINOCRAT is a communist muslim demonRAT who ran as a republican and won as a republican. This is how the communists work. They infiltrate, indoctrinate and divide to obstruct and destroy the republican party “from within”, the most affected way to destroy. To destroy our culture, our way of life, destroy our freedoms and to destroy our Constitution, I was told that George Bush was a RINOCRAT for years, but didn’t believe it until he started siding with the liberal communist demonRATs. He’s even using their same language and calling our citizens terrorists.He KNOWs who and what he is.
He has come out of “HIS” communist muslim closet, right along with the communist muslim demonRAT party mafia. He’s one of them, the elite, and so was his daddy who was preaching the new world order to us back in the 1990s when they revealed their Agenda 2021. Guess what, it’s 2021!
He calls Jan 6 terrorists, but it was another infiltration of BLM and Antifa to FRAME Trump supporters. Yet, he is silent about all the months of Antifa & BLM terrorizing us with looting, burning down businesses, murdering, even kids, threatening us, then the dems paying their bails to get out and finish their terror on us. Speaks loudly about who and what he is, just another conmmunist muslim taking down our country. He’s scum!
More and more, i am regretting ever voting for this scumbag..
Simply stated Jorge Booosh is and always was a pile of krap. He was the lesser of two compared to Dr GlobalWarming and Lurch. Other than that he was one of this nations worst presidents right along with Jug Ears, Klinton, Carter, et al.
Much like his protege’s daughter Lez Chaney he is nothing more than a whinny RINO Liberal.
I agree with all the comments so far. Right on point.
That’s okay, “W”…
I liken YOU to the women pulling boxes of ballots out from under the table (after kicking observers out of the building)!
YOUR comments and actions (or should I say LACK of action) on preserving Election Integrity is astounding (especially given YOUR [valid] fight to stop AlGore from stealing YOUR election victory)!
Perhaps you didn’t see the Election Results, but (even WITH the Democrats’ CHEATING), Donald Trump received MORE VOTES than you did (or ANY previous president running for re-election)!
THAT, sir, means that WE, THE PEOPLE are behind President Trump!
The 2022 mid-terms and 2024 elections can’t come soon enough (to RIGHT the WRONG that has been perpetrated against our nation by the Democrats [and RINOs like YOU, “W”])!
IT does make one wonder, HOW HE shifted so much, from LOVING election integrity, after that whole Debacle of the hanging chads, with Al bore the gore, to now days, where he’s SO ANTI ANYTHING to ‘secure our elections’?
Then WHY will you not stand with us, GEORGE, the Left is pushing its terror of open borders on us?? Of Socialism! Of violations of Free Speech against us??? WHY?? We can defeat them!
THe reason he isn’t standing with us, is HE IS JUST LIKE the commucrats, in he WANTS US TO FALL..
I’m not necessarily defending Bush, and definitely feel that this was not the time to make this memorial speech into something political, but it seems to me that his description could just have easily been about Antifa and BLM. The part about having no regards to human life and the willingness to destroy national treasures more aptly describes the actions of those two terrorist groups rather than of any of President Trump’s supporters.
I have been disappointed with many of Bush’s recent comments about things in this country, especially his views on illegal immigration and If we could definitely prove that Bush was referring to Trump supporters, then I will also condemn him for his words, but until then I prefer to think that he was referring to Antifa and BLM.
You giv him way too much credit.. IN NO WAY was this hasbeen speaking about antifa or blm
“W” was a great governor of Texas but when he moved to the cesspool of DC, he became “one of them;” corrupt, say-anything politicians in support of Big Government.
ANY president who adds a new federal bureaucracy is an enemy of We, the People.
What we need, is a president with the BALLS< to start ELIMINATING A lot of these unelected bureaucratic federal depts.. STARTING with OSHA, The FBI, and the like..
little george still has a hard on for anything associated with Trump because his little brother was made fun of.
George W. Bush was not that bright when he was in the White House. His current comments prove that his mental capacity is now a match with the drooling fool that currently inhabits the White House.