Kamala Harris won’t say if Joe Biden is running, but Harris said that she’s ready to run for vice president again. Harris was recently unable to answer what the vice president role is, and she consistently polls worse than Joe Biden. Will Biden keep Harris on the ticket?
Joe Biden’s pick for vice president has clearly shown that she can’t handle the job. From “board czar” to supply chain guru to climate envoy, Harris has failed at every task.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg fires back on House GOP members. Plus, criticism pours in over Joe Biden’s first presidential veto.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Run Kamala run! All the way to North Korea! And take Bite-Me Biden with you!
AND stay there!
Run to the nearest hen house where you can cackle all you want
Demo hoped she would become the goose that laid the golden eggs, now they can;’t stand the rotton smell whenever she drops and breaks one.. Next time don’t feed your pet politic’s crocks of manure.
Would the hens be willing to have her??
Since having no qualifications for the office to be held, is the first requirement of a woke Democrat Candidate to win the party vote these days, she definitely by those standards is best qualified to run as Vice President, where Vice above all is to be respected and submitted to, preserved within the Democrat crime family’ codes of conduct. Lack of intelligence is the second requirement which may put Hunter, “The Smartest guy Joe Knows” as a shoo-in to replace her. Democrats who are so good at stealing things like Taxes, project funding, laundered money and most of all votes, will not let a small thing like bad polling stand in their way to run the worst of their socialist sausage making wurst, knowing full well that another stolen election is already in the bag. If they can get walking brain-dead puppet candidates like Biden and Fetterman elected to the highest offices in the land,,,the sky is the limit, and there are plenty of chicken little Democrat media promoters to frighten THE PEOPLE into thinking the sky is falling, that allows their Foxy Loxy American henhouse raiders to continue to feed off the fat of the land.
That’s what they seem to be like. BUT MAYBE some are starting to wise up..
She is making perfectly cleare that she is telling the whole country she is ready and able to be VP since she gained so much from first time. So here she is saying she got where she is by letting the whole country know so thus begins her spreading it again
The short answer is “NO”.She is totally ineffective and a burden for the US and the world.
Lord knows she’s done such an outstanding job so far…..
A mannequin would’ve been a better choice than this laughing hyena.