A public policy analyst believes Joe Biden is demonstrating more and more every day he is unfit to be President of the United States.
Biden’s history of verbal blunders confirms his reputation as a “gaff machine.” He even admitted so before becoming the Democratic Party’s nominee for the 2020 presidential election.
But in recent days, even Democrats and liberal media outlets are beginning to admit he has serious cognitive problems and could be a serious liability to Democrats in the midterms. One of the more recent examples was when Biden sought out deceased Republican Congresswoman Jackie Walorski during remarks at a hunger conference. The danger of Biden’s gaffs provoked radio host and Townhall columnist Derek Hunter to suggest recently that Democrats “at least look into” invoking the 25th Amendment – “even if only privately.”
Jameson Taylor, director of policy and legislative affairs at AFA Action, says Biden clearly “does not know what he’s doing” and is no longer mentally fit to be president.
“[According to a poll this week] 64% of American voters … are concerned about Biden’s mental competence – and this includes 52% of Democrat voters,” he says, pointing out the latter reflects a 13-point jump since August. “[Now more than half] of Democrat voters are worried that the president is not fit to rule.”
In the I&I/TIPP Poll cited, only one demographic didn’t reach a majority that was concerned about Biden’s mental health: “self-described liberals” came in at 45%, up 13 points from just two months ago.
Taylor argues it’s also clear Biden is not really in charge.
“The Democrats … pretended that Biden was a moderate and they made a deal behind closed doors that Hey, let’s just put Biden up there as a figurehead, but we are going to let the most radical people run the country behind the scenes. And that is exactly what is happening,” the policy analyst laments.
Taylor says any hope of halting the Democrats’ radical agenda rests with Republicans getting to the polls next month (Tuesday, November 8) and flipping both the House and the Senate.
Editor’s Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates AFN.net.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
The treasonous socialist Democrat Party knew that Joe Biden was unfit for office before they manipulated him into the White House.
Joe Biden was never meant to be anything but a puppet, obediently doing what he is told to do and say by his treasonous masters.
Joe Biden was always meant to take the blame for his masters orders, who would remain secret, behind the curtain.
Ever wonder why a numerous of the tinkerbell Barrack Obama’s destructive policies began to be again forced upon our citizens right after puppet Biden took office? From his disastrous foreign policies, to the Green New Deal, to Open borders and supporting illegal immigrants, to the Woke agendas, to the protection and advancement of every form of sexual perversions?
AND until we find and hopefully PUNISH That one behind the curtain, our nation will SUFFER for it.
The Democrats have a serious problem which they created for themselves. First, they elevated a person who was beginning dottering around to the candidacy for President from a slate of not very popular or inspiring politicians. The hope being he would be the liberal mouthpiece? Unfortunately he doesn’t stick to the script! Next they allowed him to choose a running mate, or was chosen for him of someone who didn’t make it through (or even to) the primaries, perhaps to show the inclusiveness of the Democrat Party. Accomplishment: made common the use of the term, ‘word salad’!
Neither was actually ready to assume the duries of their respective offices nor have they grown into them. Will replacing one with the other make for a significant change? That is the Democrat Party dilemma!
That is the Democrat Party dilemma!??
It was an intentional and deliberate orchestrate and fabricated dilemma!
IT was intentional.. JUST look at how they went after TRUMPS “Mental faculties” and literally made fun of him for it..
BUT WHEN anyone asked about Biden’s mind? they covered for him…
Need to test Kamala, Pelosi, and the rest of the order to succession. A lot of bad nuts to go through if we want our country back.
Last i checked, EVERYONE of the 15 folks, in the presidental line of succession, WAS A DEMON-rat.
After we win the Senate and the House impeach biden and harris. The new speaker of the House becomes the President.
That’s a small glimmer of hope but remember we might be able to impeach them in the House but it takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate to actually remove them. We won’t have it.
I won’t hold my breath, TILL I SEE THE ARTICLES being voted on.. Assuming we even DO take back control.
I’ve been asking the same question?? Is Joe fit ?? If we go to war with russia, Joe is the Commander in chief ?? That’s Scary !!
Harris is dumb as a rock. We will need leadership, real leadership.
Until WE THE PEOPLE actually find out EXACTLY WHO IS BARELY THERE BIDEN’S PUPPET MASTER, the demonrats will continue to play the “deniability” card. Better yet, the demonrats will continue EVERY ATTEMPT TO KEEP THE SHEEPLE DUMB, SPOONFED AND DOWN ON THE PROVERBIAL FARM………
>”Poll & Analyst Agree: Biden’s Mental Fitness Must Be Addressed”<
Should've been addressed 30 years ago.
The country would be much better off.