One hundred Republicans are signing a letter that demands either the Republican Party breaks away from former President Donald Trump, or they will leave and may form a third party, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.
In the “A Call for American Renewal” letter, the party members representing federal and state levels ask the leadership to chart a course away from Trump and develop a new direction, according to the Daily Mail’s report.
“The Republican Party is broken. It’s time for a resistance of the ‘rationals’ against the ‘radicals,” said Miles Taylor, one of the organizers, in the article.
– Read more at NewsMax
‘A call for American renewal’: A manifesto from 150 Republican Party reformers
These United States, born of noble convictions and aspiring to high purpose, have been an exemplar of self-government to humankind. Thus, when in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice. We, therefore, declare our intent to catalyze an American renewal, and to either reimagine a party dedicated to our founding ideals or else hasten the creation of such an alternative. We call for a rebirth of the American cause and do so in partnership and loyal competition with others committed to the preservation of our Union. With abiding belief in the value and potential of every soul and with goodwill for all, we hereby dedicate ourselves to these principles and make common cause in the flourishing of this great nation and its diverse states, communities, and citizens.
Read the rest, see the signatures at
Related Story: Evan McMullin and 149 other conservatives threaten to leave GOP without reform
Lots of pictures of the RINOs here. I don’t think there are any elected officials. They are has beens, never beens and wishful thinkers.
From the Desk of Donald Trump
A guy named Miles Taylor, who I have no idea who he is, don’t remember ever meeting him or having a conversation with, gets more publicity pretending he was in the inner circle of our Administration when he was definitely not. Some people refer to him as “absolutely nothing.” I hear he is on CNN and MSDNC all the time, but he had nothing to do with any of my decisions, and I wouldn’t even know what he looks like. He is the guy who fraudulently wrote a make-believe book and statement to the failing New York Times calling himself “Anonymous.” That’s right, he, a lowlife that I didn’t know, was Anonymous. Now he’s putting together a group of RINOs and Losers who are coming out to protest President Trump despite our creating the greatest economy ever, getting us out of endless wars, rebuilding our Great Military, reducing taxes and regulations by historic levels, creating Space Force, appointing almost 300 Judges, and much, much more! He is a phony who will probably be sued over his fake book and fake “Anonymous” editorial, which caused so much treasonous stir. Miles Taylor and his fellow RINO losers like Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, and Crazy Barbara Comstock voted for Biden, and now look what they have—a socialist regime with collapsing borders, massive tax and regulation hikes, unrest in the Middle East, and long gas lines. He is even giving us men setting new records playing women’s sports. What a disaster for our Country it has been!
– Source
A member of the disgraced Lincoln Project explains why forming a breakaway party may not be as easy as some people think.
Let Miles Taylor and the rest of the RINOS form their own party of New World Order open borders communists. Take people like Liz Cheney, Ben Sasse, Cindy McCain and the Bushes with you. Good riddance to Republicans In Name Only.
YUP. They can thank themselves, for OUSTING THEMSELVES AS commucrat light rinos… Luckily not one of them are from my home state of Ohio..
AND i urge everyone, to check out the list of names on this group, AND BOYCOTT THE HELL OUT OF THEM.. Not just voting wise, but find out what businesses they are party to, AND BOYCOTT THEM TOO.
This is a gift; go, get out take your spineless RINO mindset with you. Wait, we’ll send you a list. Go.
Maybe Liz, Mitt, and Cindy McCain can get together and form the Pity Party.
Great idea. The only Rhino’s i like are the four legged wild ones. These RINO’s are traitors and back stabbing creeps.
Pity we can’t stick these hacks IN A large field with TRUE Rhinos, ALL without any armed security.. AND let the four legged ones, go to town on the two legged RINOS.
They voted for Biden and still attack Trump rather than Biden, indistinguishable from Democrats. There’s no point to a new party of doormats for Dems.
Haha, that might catch on!
Catch on with whom?? The professional victim crowd?
…and they can be reached at 1-800-WAAAHHH
Call the law service of Rhee, Rheee and RHEEE!
What took them so long. Good riddance. They were/are worthless anyway. They were an anchor dragging us down.
If Liz Cheney’s ouster was the straw that broke the camel’s back, it was Dick and Liz Cheney’s corrupt Middle East oil baron buddies and their money who turned them and America into broke and brokeback camels. they trained to carry their water. Let them break away and just wander in the desert in the no-man’s land where they belong, never finding their tird party Oasis they dream of, along with their lost wasted opportunities for American greatness. The only union they seek to preserve is that with their fellow Democrat establishment team members whom only they and they alone are allowed to reap the tax spoils of fleeced American taxpayers whose wealth they redistribute as rapidly as the sheepskins they distribute and use, to pull the wool over our eyes and cover their own intellectual and political dishonesty.
“Party Split: Was The Ouster Of Liz Cheney The Final Straw For RINOs?”
“One hundred (RINO) Republicans are signing a letter that demands either the Republican Party breaks away from former President Donald Trump, or they (RINO) will leave and may form a third party, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.”
“After Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was ousted from GOP House leadership Wednesday, more than 150 prominent conservatives (RINOs) signed a letter threatening to leave the party if it did not reform and return to “founding American principles.””
To honorable Republicans, the clear message of those 74 million plus votes in the 2020 presidential election is that Trump is simply the most popular Republican in at least a generation.
But to these dishonorable Democrat/Republican RINOs, it does NOT MATTER the Will of the U.S. citizens.
All that matters to Democrats is what is beneficial for the Socialist Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party objective is to access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
You nailed it with saying the democrats are out only for themselves and the power they hold. It’s a mystery why the citizens of this country can’t see that liberalism is destroying this nation. It makes me angry to see what the democrats are doing to our country that I proudly served for 26 years.
Thnk you for your service. [Ex-GI 06/’59-06/’62] The oath I took has no “Sunset Clause”, nor would I honor one if so ordered.
AND everyone of those 74+ million voters, WHO SUPPORTED Trump, need to MAKE their voices heard, LOUD AND CLEAR, to everyone of these scumbags…
We’re ‘Workin’ on it” – One “Box” at a time: “There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: Soap, Ballot, Jury and Ammo. Please use in that order.”, from THE AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY IN CONVENTION By Jonathan H. Alter , September 27, 1976
Well, the soap box is out.. The left controls most social media where that ‘soap’ box is used..
The ballot box is out with their fraud
The jury box seems out, due to the hacks we have in the Scotus
Let the clowns form their own party. They can call it the zero vote do nothing party.
The irrational ones that think they’re rational – in reality they’re all losers, and now they want to form a party to essentially be the Washington Generals to the Democrat’s Harlem Globetrotters, ie. the team that always loses.
I hope they do leave, we need to clean out all the useless RINOs and let the Republican Party give America a clear alternative to socialism/communism that the Democrats are pushing.
Let’s just hope, when they DO leave, we can get their seats replaced, by TRUE RED BLOODED patriotic conservatives..
You just gave me a great idea; why not make the Harlem Globetrotters our national olympic basketball team and be done with it? I’d love to see the NBA embarrass itself by trying to beat them in the qualification rounds to represent us, US.
150 -vs- 74+ million. Count me with the 74+ million.
May all turn to Christ so they can be saved and so they can receive discernment. Too many folks are being duped by the News Media and the Scum-o-crats along with a hand full of RINO”s.
Wow! Would someone please hold the door open for them to leave? Wouldn’t want it to hit them in the butt on their way out.
I think we have come to a time when this split has to happen. It likely won’t result in a third party. Why would they go to all the work of forming a third party when they all voted for Biden anyway?
Or maybe they are looking for their own vehicle so Lizzie can run for president as she assured us she is going to do. ROFLMAO!
GO. You all can’t go away quickly enough. 74 million American voters can take it from here, buhbye.
Please leave, it will be the quickest way to remove you from our government.
Pity we can’t eject them from the NATION< not just the party.
I suppose it depends on the caliber “Ticket Punch” one uses to speed them on their way.
Yes, please. You will be stupefied to find out how little we care and how grateful we will be for you to leave. Narcissists, every last one of you!
RINO doesn’t even cover it anymore . They’re DEINs – Democrat Except In Name, traitors to the Republic who deep sixed the President who did the most Republic-saving things since Reagan. They are worse than Democrat who are at least honest about backing their garbage policies.
Nail. Head. Hit. Perfectly. You did.
Very true.. At LEAST the dems are honest about being HATERS of this nation.. THESE scumb sucking rinos are not even that. They are LOWER than the dems.
Hey, If dumping Liz helps clean out the GOP of 150 RINOs, it will be the best thing that happened to the party since Trump was elected. All they did for four years was back-stab both the GOP and Trump every chance they got. Let them form their own party, they can call it the ‘Fredo’ party – their animal mascot can be the Weasel.
demands either the Republican Party breaks away from former President Donald Trump, or they will leave and may form a third party
It’s time for a resistance of the ‘rationals’ against the ‘radicals,”
Their hatred for conservatives is more evident than ever. They now refer to us as Radicals. No, not the Radical Left but conservatives in their own party.
If you riot, burn precincts, take over cities, you’re fine. But if you love God and Country you’re a radical !
This has been a battle that has been brewing for a while, and needs to be fought now. Bring it on RINOs.
150 persons demand the SUBMISSION OF 80 MILLION PLUS VOTERS?
let me know how well that works out for them.
And with all the info we are getting in how machine after machine, SWITCHED thousand upon thousands of votes, FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN. Who knows, maybe that 80 mil, was closer to 85 mil!
If they break away, they do not need to form a new party, just join the Fascist Democrat Party that they already support. There are always people to take their places, and in easy reach.
These dumbasses making demands of the Republican Party if it doesn’t split from Trump supporters show they care little for Republican voters. By leaving the party they are handing control of the federal government to the radical left and no conservative will ever be elected again. We WILL become a socialist and naybe even a communist nation. Gone will be everything our Fire and Founding Fathers envisioned and cherished. Look at what the left is doing/attempting to do now and their control is somewhat restricted. Give then unadulterated control and watch out.
Have you thought that this is the intent of thee fake Republicans to hand over control of the federal government to the radical left (of which they are actually a part of), aka, communists? Could it be that the Republican Party is now dividing into those that are true patriots and freedom loving fighters and the fake Republicans who in reality are communist Democrat politicians and have been in hiding for some time? I believe this is the case. It’s the time of separating the tares from the wheat, and We the People must now decide which path we will follow. Will it be freedom, liberty, prosperity, unlimited opportunity or dictatorship, abject poverty, no liberty and absolutely no opportunity – an abused slave life. I believe that We the People did choose the way of freedom, etc., but the fallen/evil ones took it from us. The second American Revolution is here and we must rise up to this challenge and win! We can win! We are winning on many fronts but the battles most likely will be greater as we go higher and our opposition goes lower. If we observe world scene, they are not winning as they planned and that’s all due to the American spirit of God and our freedom. Remember: With God, all things are possible and we were winning from the beginning. America, turn back to your God and your higher self and claim your victory!
IT certainly LOOKS that way, that these cowardly traitorous bit sheds, are FIRMLY ok, handing all the power to the commucrats…
Amen to all these great comments!
On there way out they should think about not letting the door hit them in the A–
Personally, i would LOVE TO SEE it hit them.. AND NOT just gently!
I can only give you 1 TU, but wish it could be 100
Wheres a list of these 150 so we know who to vote out.
IT was in the article.
There’s too many names to put them all up…
Miles Taylor has one thing right. The Republican Party is broken, has been broken for a long time. With the ouster of Liz Chaney and the departure of the RINO’s the healing process can begin.
Why does any RINO need to form another party – all they have to do is take off the “wolf in sheep clothing” and show that they are democrats who fooled some of the people into voting them in so they could try to destroy the Republican party from within. Draining of the swamp exposed them.
BUT will doing that, give the dems an even LARGER majority in the house, than they already do, if those traitors DO WIND UP joining their ranks?
The names include many “faux” Republicans — actually, Democrats in disguise. It’s a case of wolves in sheep’s clothing….GOP, beware! These are NOT your friends!
Are socialists bad for conspiring or are conservatives worse for pointing it out?
The RINOs’ manifesto is just a bunch of nice sounding platitudes with nothing behind them. Typical of the establishment types. They make great sounding promises but after the elections everything returns to the status quo.
What really bothers them is that Pres. Trump accomplished more in terms of fulfilling promises and the conservative agenda after four years of fighting both the Democrats and the RINOs than the establishment did in the preceding 25 years. He exposed the establishment as ineffective political posers who’s only real interest is in maintaining their own power and control. My message to these slackers would be, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
Every body makes Somebody Happy some times, Some by Staying, others by going” ….
Let the 150 RINOs leave and form their own party. Can’t wait to see what their convention will be like… 500 people there at best.