Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Robert Manfred said the league was relocating its 2021 All-Star Game and MLB Draft from Atlanta, following outcry over Georgia’s new voting restrictions.
“I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft,” Manfred said in a written statement.
“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box.”
Previous Story — Punishing Georgia: Biden ‘Strongly Supports’ Moving MLB All-Star Game Over New Voting Law
Georgia last week strengthened identification requirements for absentee ballots, shortened early voting periods for runoffs and made it a crime to offer food and water to voters waiting in line.
– Read more at NewsMax</a>
Trump calls for MLB boycott, warns ‘woke’ corporations after All-Star Game pullout
Former President Donald Trump fired a high, hard fastball at Major League Baseball on Friday night, urging fans to boycott the “national pastime” over its decision to pull this year’s All-Star Game from the Atlanta area.
Trump asserted MLB’s leadership was “afraid of the Radical Left Democrats,” claiming the party pressured MLB to relocate its mid-summer game because of Georgia’s new election law, recently signed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.
“Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans,” Trump wrote, “and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they are afraid of the Radical Left Democrats who do not want voter I.D., which is desperately needed, to have anything to do with our elections.
“Boycott baseball and all of the woke companies that are interfering with Free and Fair Elections. Are you listening Coke, Delta, and all!” – Former President Donald Trump
– Read more at Fox News
Gov. Kemp talks to Tucker Carlson about Delta Airlines, Coca Cola following Biden to interfere with state voting laws.
Thanks MLB for setting up the Democrats to lose the next 4 Georgian elections. If Delta was really woke they would move their home offices from Atlanta to New York City and see just how many employees follow them, not to mention their customers, Stacy Abrams was the Liberal imediate gratification of a 2020 election steal, but the long term pain of social dishonestly and destruction that always follows failed democrat radical social experiments where humans are used as guinea pigs, and the true believers end up just drooling like Pavlov’ salivating dogs when the Democrat party media driven bell rings, and the fooled companies just fall in line for a well earned self-destruction.
I’ve never ever been a fan of baseball.. IT just is too boring of a sport.. YEA i loved watching certain films about it such as field of dreams, major league 1 and 2, and even angels in the outfield.. BUT That was it. SO i say simple solution. KICK ALL MLB TEAMS OUT OF AMERICA< and send their rotten commie loving behinds to china.. PERMANENTLY.
Then add in the NBA and NFL to that list.
No don’t then add the nba and the nfl. FIRST add the nba and the ndl then kick them all out en masse. Ungrateful multimillionaires.
Covid proved that we don’t need baseball, basketball, or specifically the radical overpaid prima donnas who play or run the game. Do we also really need the sugar water(coke). If you don’t drink it you might even lose weight. Screw delta and fly another airlines. Any other company that are that ignorant and stupid, punish them where it hurts , in the wallet. Teach them a lesson.
I watch MLB only when I can’t fall asleep. It’s better than a sleeping pill. Actually, that goes for professional sports in general.
““I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft,” Manfred said in a written statement”. Yep, Commissioner Robert Manfred, your “values” are for voter fraud, so Commissioner, you are a fraud and you are an enabler / advocate of crimes committed by the people perpetrating the voter fraud.
When sports become a tool of the political establishment, It is time to stop having anything to do with the sport.
If these Dishonorable, Dishonest, unethical Democrats can manipulate elections, it sure as hell can manipulate sporting events, teams, players and scores. So what good are politically corrupt sports? 🙄
And I am tired of hearing sports ‘stars’ bleat about how they are discriminated against because of their skin color, when they are paid millions of dollars to play games that many players would gladly play on weekends, unpaid. Who was the old time baseball player who said something like “They pay me all this money to play a game I would pay for free.” ? And they disrespect the flag, the country and their fellow citizens by denigrating everything and “taking a knee”. This country is far from perfect, but still better than all the rest. Otherwise, why would millions of people be trying so hard to get here?
Don’t forget their support of GENOCIDE against Uighers, and other minorities in china.. As well as their support of CHILD SLAVE labor via sweat shops, making their OVER PRICED merchandise.
IF that’s the “Values” they support, they can go SHOVE their whining where the sun doesn’t shine.
Show your displeasure – not just m\by posting here but write the jerks at MLB and let them know exactly how you feel and why you won’t be watching this year!
Thank You Prez Trump! Everyone needs to push back. Let them go to a high tax state, obviously Blue, and not get attendance, partially because those states are still in lock-down. Absolutely everyone needs to push back by the next time they are asked for ID- buying liquor, cigarettes, rent or buy a car, apartment, or home, cash a check, get the COVID vaccine, go to the ER or a doctor’s office, buy will call tickets, or fly, or attend a corporation’s annual meeting, go to any government office, and protest that that is RACIST to ask for ID, maybe we can win this.
There is a simple reason why people don’t want to show ID to vote : They want to be able to vote more times than they can legally. And there is not a problem with showing ID at the other times, because unlike voting, dead people rarely try to buy alcohol, fly or show up at any office.
Exactly. ONLY A CORRUPT hack who WANTS voter fraud, is against Voter ID…
No more Pro Baseball, No more Pro Basketball, No more Pro Football, No more Pro Soccer – all a bunch of racist/communist/socialist/liberal/democrats trying to destroy America.
None of my money or time will ever got to watch/support Pro Sports ever again. Former Fan!
Keep Sports out of Politics and Politics out of Sports!
Plus NO Males allowed in women’s sports! Ever!
AND that’s going to wind up including the WOKE LIMIPICS..
Most Americans have said farewell to the rigged spectacles of pornography and violence that characterize professional football and basketball. It is now time to do the same with the former national pastime, which is as much a component of the party of Marx, Mohammed and Mexico as the teachers’ unions, Stonewall and Burn Loot Murder. Baseball has been exported to Latin America and Japan, and now it is time to deport it to Africa. Down with the dictatorship! Biden (and election-stealers) delenda est!
Again, it’s not voter suppression if You ask for an I’D . !!! I guess liberals aren’t smart enough to know that.
Anybody still watching those liberal carney-freak show extravaganzas? Oscars . . Emmies .. . Grammies . .. Golden Globe . . .SWA . . . me neither. Baseball. America’s past time. Thanks democrats. You commie low lifes saw this game of individuality/team work as a threat to your marxist ideology and made it a tool to further divide the country. Why do liberals think black people are stupid and inferior and cannot vote like everyone else does legally?
The last oscars i watched, was in the early 2000s.. never really cared about golden globes, emmies or grammies..
They should move it to Portland.
Move it to beijing for all i bloody well care.. No skin of my back.
“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box.” Manfred said in a written statement. So Mr Manfred can write, why can’t he read! If he could, he would know that voting rights are not restricted.
BECAUSE to communists like him, TRYING TO STOP voter fraud, IS restricting voting.
Will the choice of a new location for the game I probably won’t watch include investigating the voting laws of the state wherein the city lies. If not, this is just blatant hypocrisy, mollifying the radicals of the Democrat Party who want everybody to vote including ILLEGALS who they are ramming across the border in record numbers. Actually they don’t really care about the voting laws thay care about the publicity which in this instance might backfire since most of the country approves of voter ID in spite of what Joe Biden says!
NOT just the owners, but the OVER PAID HACKS Who play the bloody game.
It doesn’t matter which blue state they move it to- it wil be a bust thanks to the shutdown restrictions they imposed. Just boycott the broadcast (and all MLB games) and you will also be boycotting their sponsors such as (hopefully) Coka Cola and Delta. I’m not a big fan of Pepsi either but if I have to choose either, it will be Pepsi. Better yet, choose the store brand if possible. Perhaps they could move the game to China. They seem to fit in well with their philosophy. That also applies to the NBA and NFL.
Robert Manfred you are a jerk and no one should respect your decision
to leave Georgia. So you have done baseball a very lousy service and
should be removed as baseball commissioner as you are a political
scab and should move to China where you would be welcomed. I for
one would revoke your citizenship so go to China, drink a Coke and
fly Delta thus taking other rats with you…………..William
I do wonder if Robby even read the bill? It’s only 98 pages. If he didn’t he’s an ***. I wonder if Georgia could pass a law banning broadcasts of MLB games in Georgia? I also wonder how fans the Braves shall lose?
Doubtful. He’s probably just reacting to the woke mob’s demands..
Trump doesn’t have to tell me to boycott MLB. I’ve boycotted pro sports ever since the kneeling boy started his **** several years ago and the NFL refused to punish that washed up no good bench warmer. Then the NBA and MLB joined in with the NFL. Yawn! I have no time for pro sports and I won’t make the time.
My father-in-law was Traveling Secretary for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He loved the Dodgers, and he loved the game. This is the end of baseball for me.
Since the nineteenth century, baseball was known as a factor in unifying communities and the nation. Baseball helped assimilate immigrants and migrants. The stands were filled with fans of various backgrounds rooting for and against the same teams. Now, baseball and other sports are divisive factors coopted by politics and hatred. That will cost them. Baseball should finally lose its antitrust exemption.
ALL Sports should lose
A) Tax free status
B) their TAX bennies, for building new stadiums etc
and C) THEIR RIGHT to dictate to WE THE FANS, what happens.
What kind of loser doesn’t have an ID they can use to vote? And where does Obama get off using Hank Aarons name.
Baseball is no longer as American as apple pie. Along with all sport leagues that are “woke”. Is apple pie to be next in line on their “woke” hit list?
Woke, another word that the liberals have hijacked to make their evil appear to be a good thing and the “woke” crowd is more than happy to be used by them.
I would rather watch something more exciting like golf or chess.
Hell, darts or snooker..
Due to the dark and corrupt political influences shadowing professional sports, I will never watch another MLB Baseball game, NFL Football game, Professional Soccer game, or NBA Basketball game again. As far as I am concerned, they hopefully will all go bankrupt.
Voter suppression? Shouldn’t that be a voter fraud suppression? They are then moving out of state in protest to voter fraud suppression. Go find a place close by where the Sun don’t shine and stick your head there.
TO THEM, voter fraud suppression, IS voter suppression. AS the left IMO couldn’t WIN a fair and honest election…
You got that right!
I mean ,just look at how many elections we’ve had, where we seem to see the SAME city, the Same voter district/precinct, have 120% or MORE votes counted, FOR ONE CANDIDATE (always the dem), than there are even registered voters…
YET things like that are “NEVER Proof” of voter fraud.