As the Biden administration stumbles from bad-to-worse along the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. media has concentrated its commentary on blaming one of three actors for the debacle: Congress, Biden or Trump.
But that commentary ignores the fact that in the last 20 years, only one president, Barack Obama, has had sufficient majorities in Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Obama, however, chose not to bring immigration reform up for a vote, so that he could instead pass the health care reform measures that bear his name.
“Obama’s 2008 election victory can be partly attributed to a huge turnout of reliably Democratic Hispanic voters drawn by his promise to deliver immigration reform that would allow millions of illegal immigrants a path to U.S. citizenship,” Reuters reported in 2011. “Obama broke his promise to tackle immigration reform in his first year in office, partly because it was sidelined during his long push for healthcare reform.”
For many in the coalition that elected Obama in 2008, it was a bitter blow.
“La promesa de Obama, no. President Barack Obama, he broke his promise,” said Univision anchor Jorge Ramos in 2010 on ABC’s This Week. “It’s that simple. We’ve been waiting for 18 months for change. We haven’t seen change.”
“He [Obama] has a credibility problem right now with Latinos,” Ramos told Politico in 2010. “We’ll see what the political circumstances are in a couple of years, but there is a serious credibility problem.”
Politico reported that Obama’s support among Hispanic voters plummeted, with only 43 percent of Hispanics feeling that Obama “adequately represented” the needs of the Hispanic community.
The publication cited decisions to send the National Guard to the border to turn back immigrants and Obama’s “cheap and easy rhetoric” that disguised inaction for Obama’s subsequent “lukewarm” support amongst Hispanics.
Indeed, exits polls showed that Democrats went from 67-31 percent Hispanic split between Obama and McCain in 2008 to 60-38 percent spilt between Democrats and Republicans in 2010.
“If the failure to address immigration played a role in Hispanic voting, it seems to have helped Republicans,” the Center for Immigration Studies wrote in its 2010 mid-term postmortem.
While many cite the lack of a 60 vote super-majority by Democrats in the Senate as culpable for the failure, Univision’s Ramos brushed that excuse aside.
“If [Obama] was able to get 60 votes for financial reform, if he can get 60 votes to extend unemployment benefits, how come he can’t get 60 votes for immigration reform?” Ramos asked Politico. “So many Latinos feel there is a lack of leadership, and he is not fighting for immigration reform with the same intensity that he fought for health care reform.”
Since then, no political power – not Biden, Trump or Congress – has enjoyed the authority that Obama had in 2009-2010 to implement change.
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The only President that wanted the border secure was Trump. Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals, without getting border security first ( I liked Reagan, but he was taken for a fool, when the Democrats promised Reagan that they would vote to secure the border, after Reagan gave the illegals amnesty). The Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Biden were all for open borders. As a result, we will have a one party system in America and the Bushes are complicit, with the Democrat traitors!!!!!!!
That is why i say WHILE reagan may have done good, THAT ONE CALL of his, imo REALLY SHAFTED this nation for the worse….
THEY Didn’t forget.. THEY Just never acknowledged it was his fault. CAUSE ORANGE MAN BAD/Whites are racist!!
I always knew this wasn’t Biden’s mess. Someone else made this mess for him, to paraphrase the crises designer.
You mean a politician lied??
Heaven forbid… Quick, someone call the press..
Yeah…. And I’d bet money that he voted for the Kenyan!!!! Good job….
Hussein created and signed off on more Harmful decisions for OUR Country than the Border Crisis. He and his Brothers and Sisters in Crime created the Racial Unrest in OUR Country. He and his ILK planted the seeds of the Anti-White Movement that has permeated every aspect of OUR Nation. Senile Old Joe is just going along for the ride. Hussein was and still is the Most Successful “Sleeper Cell” in The United States Of America.
AND HE and his ilk, are literally SUPPORTING THE CARTELS, in their invasion of our nation. TALK about high treason!