The Biden administration rolled out plans Monday for incentivizing construction of offshore wind farms across a swath of ocean in New York and New Jersey as part of an aggressive effort to overhaul U.S. energy production and fight climate change.
The stretch of shallow ocean known as the New York Bight, which spans from Long Island’s South Shore to the New Jersey coastline, will be designated as a “wind energy area” by the Interior Department, the White House said in a statement.
The designation, combined with $3 billion that the administration is freeing up in guaranteed loans for wind projects, will create upward of 25,000 development and construction jobs from 2022 to 2030, as well as an additional 7,000 jobs in nearby communities, according to the White House.
It is a part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to deploy 30,000 megawatts in offshore wind across the U.S. by 2030, generating electricity for more than 10 million homes nationwide. In total, the White House predicted the sweeping wind effort will create 75,000 new jobs and offset 78 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
“President Biden has declared very clearly that when he thinks of climate, he thinks of people and jobs — good-paying, union jobs,” said Gina McCarthy, Biden’s national climate advisor, a new position within the White House. “We have an enormous opportunity in front of us.”
Shortly after taking office, Biden announced plans to wean the U.S. economy completely off of fossil fuel energy production by 2030 in hopes of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The ambitious goal will require a complex restructuring of nearly all aspects of American life, especially energy consumption and production.
Expanding wind energy, which is already widely used in Europe and other parts of the world, is tantamount in achieving Biden’s goal, said Jennifer Granholm, the president’s energy secretary.
“This offshore wind goal is proof of our commitment to using American ingenuity and might to invest in our nation, advance our own energy security, and combat the climate crisis,” Granholm said.
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Gee, what could possibly go wrong with this? (Hmmmmmm………..Hurricane Sandi me thinks)
Yea, i wonder hw well those farms would hold up to even just a cat 3 hurricain.. LET ALONE a cat 5!
You stole the words right out of my mouth.More billions down the toilet. That is if all the $$$ isn’t stolen before the project even gets off. the ground .Salt water and electrical ,what could go wrong?
Building desalination plants on the west coast would be a better use of money. At least the California farmers would have water to grow crops for the USA. California can’t do it because they waste all their funds on bullet trains to no where then cause them all to go bankrupt.
WASTING Money is one of the BIGGEST things the dems are good at doing…
all this will do is make his rich donors like general electric more billions.
” wean the U.S. economy completely off of fossil fuel energy production by 2030″. Yep Joe, batteries are made of plastic and plastic comes from oil and natural gas, but of course you liberals would not know that. Also, many of the metals (lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese and cobalt, lithium cadmium) that go into the batteries are mined in communist China, so the United States will be dependent on communist China for these materials, for these batteries for electric vehicles and windmills. Where are all of the environmentalists screaming about mining. Also, what would be done about airplanes and ships? Ships and airplanes will not be a means of transportation, with “battery power”. It is amazing how dumb politicians are.
And of course this will have no environmental impact. Just ask Biden and his cronies
well you see…. it takes more BTU energy to create a windmill than what it can produce in it’s life cycle… so… using the communist occupier democrat logic (really non logic) they’ll just make it up in volume…. mean while all the tax dollars that we don’t have being spent on this negative energy producer will launder it’s way into the communist occupier democrats coffer where they’ll over pay family members millions after increasing the debt that our great great great grandchildren will have to pay for after the communist occupier democrat cesspool swamp scum are all long dead. EVIL…just plain EVIL! one option left
Don’t forget the THOUSANDS of child slave labor used to mine the materials to MAKE Those batteries…
It actually gets very cold there every year – what will be used for heat when the windmills shut down like they did a couple of months ago in Texas? This time it will be the commie left Biden voters freezing their butts off instead of patriotic conservatives, so does it still sound like a Plan??
I SAY FINE. LET the entire north east FREEZE! ESPECIALLY SINCE practically all of it, are DEM STRONGHOLDS.
Yes it does sound like a good plan. Teach those New York idiots a lesson, especially AOC! Instead of pulling up their big boy pants and dealing with the situation, I’m willing to bet they all cry.
When there is high pressure in like during heat waves or very cold periods when there is no wind, what then ?
Solar and wind need 100% backup, available 100% of the time. Why build both? If it really is necessary to eliminate CO2 emissions, the only way to do it is with nuclear power — which doesn’t need backup.
Germany has the highest electricity rates in the world. What happens when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine — which happens in Europe routinely, sometimes for weeks? They buy electricity from Poland (coal) and France (nuclear), and import gas from Russia.
I often thing, AL THESE GOVT fools who love ‘green energy so damn much’ Should be FORCED TO SPEND one year living off the grid, ONLY WITH WIND/Solar power to run things by.. NO CAR to travel with, just a horse and cart, or a mountain bike.. AND IF THEY NEED TO Travel anywhere, they have to PAY OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET for a flight, COACH CLASS ONLY!
The amount of energy to produce the massive amount of concrete and steel to construct each of these windmills, is greater than the
lifetime output. We are wasting resources while China is building thousands of coal fired electric plants..”Watch your enemy make mistakes”.
AND How often will those Concrete POSTS used to hold those windmills, need to get replaced, from wear and tear!
I sure am looking forward in years to come to see this debacle making the episode of “Mysteries of the Abandoned”. If you watched the show, you get the teaser .. .. “What WERE these projects . . WHO made them . . WHAT were they thinking . .. and WHY were they abandoned . . .?
We visited a National Park on the Maryland Eastern Shore last summer. They had a poster showing how the view was going to be ruined by proposed offshore wind farms!
Personally I think it a great idea. I think they should make New York City completely “green” with offshore windmills providing all the city’s power needs. That would not only make Deblasio happy but freeze a lot of democrats in the process.
This is what happens when you get your advice from a former bartender.
Long Island’s South Shore to the New Jersey coastline
Maybe I have my geography wrong, but don’t a boatload of wealthy Democrats have beachfront homes along that stretch of coastline?
I guess the ocean location is ok. The land based wind mill units should be able to fill the quota of millions of raptors, birds, and bats exterminated each year by this “environmentally endorsed” energy. I still have a few questions about this self-inflicted energy limitation of electric cars and left-wing profiting . In the winter time, especially after dark , there is NO wind. And the days grow shorter and the solar charging goes down. In the winter, these “Lionel Train” cars will be less efficient, limited in range because the power is also feeding the heating system, and the pesky law of physics with respect to efficiency and temperature change. Want to make a cross country trip? Right. Drive 2 hours , “fill up your tank” for 2 hours. Ever wonder how much electrical rates will be to charge your battery, especially when limited to tinker-toy solar and wind supplied grids? And I recall those wild fires in California where panicked residents had to evacuate, coincidentally when the power lines were down. Better budget your money to ensure you have a full charge on your golf carts liberal weenies. You ain’t going anywhere otherwise.
And can you imagine how theyd then demand “GIVE US HELOS to fly out of there..”
How has the REAL economics of the current windfarms worked out when you actually include ALL the lifetime costs of production, transportation, installation, maintenance, destruction transportation and disposal worked out vs. actual energy production?
I don’t have that answer, but I bet someone does.
I BET facts like that, have been destroyed, so NO ONE can question it.
A lot if of influential people own shore front property and I’m sure they will not appreciate spoiling their view of the ocean, didn’t this happen of the coast Hyannis? Then there are all resort areas, I assume Deleaware would be exempt!
SINCE they never bother ASKING the folks who LIVE THERE, before they do any OTHER STUPID idea, what makes you think they care about asking them Now???
Political donors to the Democrats will!
Hmmm? The only water shallow enough is near New York and New Jersey? Doesn’t it get a little shallow up near the Hamptons as well? Just asking for a friend with a second and third home up there…