The mayor of Silverton suspended recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at town meetings Monday, saying the pledge has led to threats and community divisiveness.
“Due to direct and indirect threats, inappropriate comments in and out of public meetings, and the general divisiveness this is creating in our community, we will not be doing the Pledge of Allegiance during town of Silverton board of trustee meetings,” said Mayor Shane Fuhrman during Monday’s town board meeting. “And it’s removed from agendas and our protocols until such time that we can discuss this at a board retreat or workshop.”
Fuhrman did not respond to requests seeking comment, including what issues led to his action. Trustee Molly Barela objected to the mayor’s decision, which led to a testy exchange.
“Any other unilateral decisions we need to know about?” Barela asked upon hearing the mayor’s announcement.
Fuhrman responded: “If you’d like to find somewhere in the code that does not permit me to do this, I welcome that discussion at our next meeting.”
Barela responded: “It’s just been done for a long time. We all took an oath. And we, as the board, collectively decided it would be done.”
The mayor moved on, and opened the meeting to public comment. Near the end of the public comment period, an individual said she wanted to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
About nine attendees and two board members, Barela and Trustee, Jim Harper stood and joined in reciting the pledge.
After they were done, Fuhrman said the individuals were out of order and warned they would have to leave if there were any other disruptions.
Multiple town trustees, including Barela, did not respond to requests for comment Thursday.
It is not the first time the Pledge of Allegiance has caused division in Silverton, a town of about 550 people in the San Juan Mountains.
In 2018, a Silverton resident nearly faced charges of harassment and menacing for verbally attacking a former trustee member who did not stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Since May 3, Fuhrman and another board member have remained seated during the Pledge of Allegiance, according to meeting videos posted online.
Silverton, CO’s Mayor unilaterally banned the Pledge of Allegiance at city meetings.
It’s hard to put into words what kind of anti-American disgrace this is.
Mayor Fuhrman should resign and purchase a one-way ticket to China where he won’t have worry about hearing the pledge!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 18, 2021
Monday night’s meeting was the first for Silverton’s newest town administrator, Gloria Kaasch-Buerger, who has worked as an association coordinator for the Colorado City and County Managers Association. Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years resigned in February.
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The Mayor and whomever else has a grievance with the Pledge of Allegiance, obtain a passport and a one-way ticket out and be gone.
These people refuse to recognize the US and outwardly pledge allegiance to our country, but they are more than happy to enjoy the privileges afforded to them by those of us who have served and pledged our allegiance to this great country.
I would be more than happy to contribute to the one-way tickets for all who would permanently leave this United States of America, and then let someone in from another country to take their place.
You are so right, anyone that has no allegiance to this country has no business being here.
THIS is why, since this nonsense against our pledge started, i was saying “IF FOLKS ARE unwilling to say the pledge, fine, STRIP THEM OF THEIR US Citizenship, and do it Publicly!”
Well folks, push to recall this Mayor or at the next election for Mayor , YOU KNOW who NOT to vote for.
I would LOVE to see it, that if you are unwilling to say the pledge, you CANNOT HOLD politicial office, let alone run for it.
What a very small man, who obviously will pledge alligiance only to himself. These kind of creatures always put their own self-interest before the interests of THE PEOPLE whom they view as agents to serve THEMSELVES, not agents to be served. When in doubt, throw them out. Those who will stand for nothing will fall for anything. Just another fallen American Angel of lost potential for good, now self-empowered with full potential for evil, soon to be running another Democrat town without pity, where it isn’t very pretty.
Democrat’s feel comfortable enough to openly expose their hatred for America. It is now more imperative for The People to get rid of them and never vote for them again. From Biden to the local dog catcher – Dem’s are ‘in your face’ We need to return the favor.
To me, they’ve been openly exposing their RABID hate for our nation, since the mid 60s, when all this flag burning/raising a fist while the anthem played etc, STARTED..
Mayor Shane Fuhrman, you are creating “divisiveness” by not wanting to say the “Pledge Of Allegiance”. For the traitors in our Country, who do not want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, they can get the you know what out of our Country and never come back. If one hates our Country, we do not need you! Good riddance!
Durango, Colorado is another Democrat Party controlled city and with the same character as the
Disgraceful, dishonorable, dishonest, destructive, unethical, immoral Democrat Party.
Democrat has been the party of treason since its inception. Just look up Nathanial Grigsby and you will see. He noted it 150 years ago.
Nathaniel Grigsby curses Democrats from 120-year-old grave. Inscribed on his tombstone is:
“Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party. I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation have come to it through this so called party. Therefore, beware of this party of treason.”
The Democrat Party’s treason has been from the beginning. Since its founding the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party’s traitorous and treason character was apparent and is very apparent today.
The Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY.
The ENEMY from within. 🙁 🙁 🙁
PITY facts like what Grigsby said, ARE NO LONGER taught.
Joe’s , CHuck’s and and Nacy’s Epitaph:
““Here lies an Atheist; all dressed up and no place to go!”
They certainly have a place to go, and its HOT!
these people and i use the term loosely because they are not people they are satans demons and they are in power everywhere.
and they will never stop trying to erase GOD AND CHRIST from the earth.
sad that most folks can not see the forest from the trees when it comes to good and evil.
I am sure this town council can find many oaths throughout history that they can identify with as substitutes. Nazis , communists, anarchists, satanists . . .all have appropriate pledges that Democrats will find more to their sense of values.
Maybe the mayor should take his thumb out of.his butt & just announce exactly whose flag &:what country he has sworn his allegiance to since it is obviously not to Old Glory & the USA.
If elected officials can’t bring themselves to pledge their allegiance to this nation & it’s flag that represents freedom around the world then they deserve to be publicly disgraced, verbally tormented & harassed right out of office.
We citizens must refuse to tolerate such brazen disloyalty & contempt from politicians & we should come together en masse to force them out of office if they won’t resign.
SINCE swearing an oath to OUR FLAG, and our constitution is PART OF THE DUTY of them taking office, IF THEY ARE UNWILLING TO swear it, then it means they LIED WHEN THEY TOOK office. WHICH TO ME should be a crime.
I am quite sure his oath of office included things like supporting and defending The Constitution to which pledging allegiance is an outward sign of that which he promised. The Pledge can only be divisive to those who do not or cannot uphold those simple words therefore their public service is a sham.
since when do these demoncrats care about an oath of office.
That is why it should, at a BARE MINIIMUM be seen as PERJURY for any sitting mayor or senator, to NOT WANT TO say our pledge.. BECAUSE THEY LIED about wanting to uphold our laws, when they swore into office..
I guess Colorado has become the eastern counties of California? Hoping I never have to live in a place with a Commie mayor or city council!
Unfortunately this is what happens, when you ALLOW UNFETTERED IMMIGRATION FROM states like commiefornia, into your own.. YOU ALLOW IN THE LIBERALISM!
Recall his sorry arse, remove him and never let him hold public office again, I would have him barred from the community.
Sounds like it’s time for a recall effort to remove this CLOWN!!!
Why is it every time I read this story, NO one says exactly where Silverton is located. So am I to assume that Silverton is a suburb of Denver or Boulder populated with California and New York transplants? It sure seems like it.