Every new day seemingly brings fresh evidence that this country’s left wing is totally unhinged.
Turn on cable news, and you will be repeatedly informed that the country has never been in a worse position than it is today. That, of course, is not how most normal Americans view the situation.
With an overreliance on “breaking news” graphics, the hyping of irrelevant or minor controversies, an obsession with palace intrigue and the deliberate coverage of salacious stories at the expense of policy debates, the national media and the Democratic Party are working hand in hand.
Consider just a few recent examples:
This week, the Commerce Department made the modest change for the 2020 national census, reinstating a question on citizenship. The response was predictable. California filed a lawsuit. Liberals screamed “racism!” and stoked fears of conspiracies against minorities and immigrants. Ask yourself this: Why would we not want to know how many citizens there in a specific city, county, district or state? Wouldn’t better data produce a better result?
Then there’s retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stephens, who argued in a New York Times op-ed that the Second Amendment should be repealed. Justice Stephens should be praised for his honesty. Most gun control advocates pretend they are only interested in “gun safety,” when the real goal is to undermine gun rights for all law-abiding citizens. The plan is to create a national gun registry, followed by a repeal of the constitutional guarantee embodied in the Second Amendment, followed by confiscation. It’s just that few are as candid as Justice Stephens.
Meanwhile, a television interview with an adult film actress — which included almost no news whatsoever — was accorded major story status, even though the allegations involved a consensual relationship more than a decade old. The wall-to-wall coverage came even though the actress had signed a nondisclosure agreement and previously released a press statement denying that the affair ever happened. Aside from questions of who would ever believe her and who is paying her legal bills, how is this legitimate news worthy of serious coverage?
For more leftist derangement, noted that California’s Democratic overlords have passed a law making it the first “sanctuary state,” meaning state law enforcement officials will sharply limit cooperation with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. Recently Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf outrageously tipped off her constituents about an impending ICE operation, allowing hundreds of targeted individuals to hide or escape. The enforcement action arrested 232 undocumented immigrants across northern California, with 115 of those having either prior felonies or “significant or multiple” misdemeanors. The Justice Department is investigating Ms. Schaaf and, in response to the new California law, has filed suit challenging the law’s constitutionality. This week, Orange County’s Board of Supervisors voted to join the lawsuit against the state government. Does the rule of law not matter in California?
In every case, we see the professional left looking to frustrate the legitimate exercise of democratic governance, pushing for a less accurate census, taking away longstanding gun ownership rights and rejecting the rule of law outright. It would not be hard to find additional examples of liberals rejecting family values and religion, supporting abortion on demand, threatening religious liberty, and outwardly opposing law enforcement.
By contrast, what kinds of things do Republicans stand for? The contrast could not be sharper.
Republicans stand for economic opportunity, personal liberty, strong families and a robust national defense. These things have been consistent for decades.
Periodically, pundits or candidates claim there is no real difference between the political parties. I have always believed that is an absurd proposition. But there is no reason to believe that the parties are converging today.
The left in this country wants to fundamentally change what America is about. They want to change the country’s essence. They envision a nation where international law trumps national interest, where the rule of law is meaningless, where citizenship is instantly available and where gun ownership is outlawed.
These are the stakes in the midterm elections, and it’s not hyperbole.
Democrats are fully owned by the hard left, which is well-organized and well-funded this year.
Republican candidates and conservative voters must soberly recognize the threat that these views pose to the future of our country and act accordingly. The stakes have never been higher.
• Matt Mackowiak is president of Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C.-based Potomac Strategy Group. He’s a Republican consultant, a Bush administration and Bush-Cheney re-election campaign veteran and former press secretary to two U.S. senators.
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