They’ve been covering for his incompetence for years now; you don’t think they would actually require truth or substance from him now do you?
On the other hand, when President Trump gave them truth and substance, they attacked him with a vile hatred. Kinda shows us their true colors.
The TRUTH has always been offensive to liars.
Sinners stoned God’s prophets in order to shut them up.
The first century insiders demanded the execution of Jesus.
Thus it is only to be expected that Trump is hated intensely
because of his candor.
Today, lies are exulted and liars are worshiped while truth tellers
are banned from social media for “hate speech.”
Read the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. They are far
fresher than today’s newspaper…and extremely more reliable.
Evil always seems to have an edge. They have a better dialog that always affects the lemmings. Their lies resonate. They frame their attacks to make themselves look like the ones that care. They really do a better job of beguiling the masses.
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on 3:23 pm June 1, 2021 at 3:23 pm
AND it shows why the press, are respected LESS than even the critters in congress are.. HELL i’d rather trust and respect a used car salesman, than i would the press.
inluminatuo on Harris Campaign Website Adds Policy Platform Page: “The great debate Tuesday will be between the Democrat smiling beguiler who consumes, taxes, then comes to our American table…” Sep 9, 09:02
inluminatuo on The Constitution Stands in Their Way, So …: ““making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”,,,,more madness…” Sep 9, 08:57
Actually, I’m a bit Tooty-Fruity and I’m going to take this country down a Rocky Road.
They’ve been covering for his incompetence for years now; you don’t think they would actually require truth or substance from him now do you?
On the other hand, when President Trump gave them truth and substance, they attacked him with a vile hatred. Kinda shows us their true colors.
The TRUTH has always been offensive to liars.
Sinners stoned God’s prophets in order to shut them up.
The first century insiders demanded the execution of Jesus.
Thus it is only to be expected that Trump is hated intensely
because of his candor.
Today, lies are exulted and liars are worshiped while truth tellers
are banned from social media for “hate speech.”
Read the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. They are far
fresher than today’s newspaper…and extremely more reliable.
Evil always seems to have an edge. They have a better dialog that always affects the lemmings. Their lies resonate. They frame their attacks to make themselves look like the ones that care. They really do a better job of beguiling the masses.
AND it shows why the press, are respected LESS than even the critters in congress are.. HELL i’d rather trust and respect a used car salesman, than i would the press.