CNN’s biggest narcissist, Jim Acosta, wants the world to know he got his Covid shot. Apparently that makes him a big shot or something.
We all know in Acosta’s world he is always the center of every story and it was no different at the Covid clinic.
Just the shot in the arm I needed. The latest studies show the Covid-19 vaccines are highly effective. Please do your part to end this pandemic. Get your shot!
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) March 30, 2021
You know you're a narcissist when…
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) March 30, 2021
This is the most Jim Acosta thing Jim Acosta has ever done, even more Jim Acosta than Jim Acosta making his Twitter header a picture of Jim Acosta pointing at Jim Acosta's Twitter avatar of Jim Acosta
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 30, 2021
Next shirt should say "I'm the jackass who pushed a White House intern because press briefings need to be all about me & then I can write 'dear diary' posts about my experiences & get made fun of on Twitter & think I'm the shit."
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) March 30, 2021
If you ever wondered what ego incarnate would look like, here you go
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) March 30, 2021
Nice shirt, Jim Acosta. There is one thing you forgot, Jim Acosta, you work for the Fake News Network CNN, so you are a fraud and fake news just like the shirt you are wearing.
Well, “Whoop-De-DooDoo!
Jim Accost Ya, is a sadomasochistic narcissist of the first magnitude, who assaults his own character and integrity with every spoken word. The obvious pleasure he gets from accosting and degrading himself in public deceptions, prevarications and beguilements is prima facie evident of the usual Liberal pathology where 15 minutes of fame is always more important that 15 seconds of truth.
WHO gives a flying rats keister.
And… this means what to me? … or anybody else? I must have missed the thank you from acosta to President Trump… you know the guy who made it happen for acosta to get the shot.