Philadelphia Police have released shocking video on Friday of a group of teens who attacked a 73-year-old man, beating him to death with a traffic cone in the middle of the street while they filmed it.
The horrific scene, caught on surveillance cameras, opens with seven teens chasing after James Lambert Jr. on June 24, in the middle of Cecil B. Moore Avenue, with one of them swinging a cone at the back of his head.
The 73-year-old topples over on the sidewalk, and as the teens surround him, a girl picks up the cone again and hurls it at him.Police said Lambert suffered several injuries to the head and was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
— Read more at the Daily Mail
More information in the video.
I am reading that this type of crime is one the rise—teenagers assaulting senior citizens. I hope, if and when, they are caught—they are put in the ring with Mike Tyson.
AND Note, what ‘skin color’ everyone of them was.. YET AGAIN…
Ya! but every democrat knows that it was the White Races Fault.!
“…Group Of Teens Beat Elderly Man to Death with A Traffic Cone as They Film It… ”
” All Things Are Subject to Interpretation Whichever interpretation Prevails at A Given Time Is a Function Of power and not truth. ” Friedrich Netzsche
Group of teens
No mention that they’re all BLACK ??? I’m sure if they were white Trump supporters that would be in BIG BOLD LETTERS.
I.A.W. U.S. Census & FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders and ~64% of all robberies in the U.S… Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
“Judge not by the color of one’s skin, but by the contents of their character.”
And if there is no character it’s simply “judge not!”.
WHAT content of character.. They all show they have none!
” Are Barack H. Obama’s Children More Discriminated Against Because Of the color of Their Skin Than a White, West
-Virginia Coalminer’s Children ?” Author Unknown
It would be interesting to know if any of these thugs end up in the same prison as the people from the Jan 6th rally at the WH.
There are good and bad people in all races. We have a serious problem in the US that must be dealt with someday. Apathy does not work forever.
You can BET they will be out on bail, within the week!
” Quote Used Above, ” ALL Things Are Subject to Interpretation…” By Friedrick Netzsch.”
They look like ordinary kids, but they acted like feral criminals. I am curious, since Joy Reid, a Philadelphia. News-caster constantly claims crime is the life blood of white supremacist, how did she show the inhumanity of these young boys and girls of color who are stalking the Streets oh Philadelphia. Mr. Lambert didn’t deserve to die at the hands of these vile teens, no one does.
Elite hate-mongers like Reid are what’s infected the media and empowered the uneducated, programmed black youths in cities to act like monsters. Hate-filled, unsupervised, idle thugs. Try that in much of Texas with a 73 year old and there might be a grave reckoning by the Senior upon the assailants….
She probably REFUSES to comment..
Don’t get me wrong, these punks should do life—but I’m waiting for the Leftists to explain why, under “Hate Crime” laws, these thugs will have lighter sentences recommended, purely because their victim was black.
Because only WHITES< or males, are 'guilty of hate crimes…
Calling these murderers “scum” would be an affront to scum everywhere. They are probably never going to jail. Who will be their next victim?
And what’s the betting, this is NOT THEIR FIRST time, assaulting someone..
Guess these li’l darlin’s never got the message that “Black Lives Matter”.
Them “yutes” was just funnin and getting ready to fill those 13 million jobs that are open.
It’s time to fix these criminals so they can’t continue to breed. Or send them back to their homeland.make sure mama loses welfare and food stamps.
IF they wanna act like rabid animals, lets put them down like we do with rabid animals.
Update 2 kids turned themselves in to police a 15 year old and a 10 year old . The 15 will be charged as a adult but the 10 year old was sent back home. At 10 he still needs to stand trial and at least be sent to Juvenile prison let mama pay child support to the state. Kill at 10 years old ,your animal that needs to be put down